
Friday, May 31, 2013

Breathe Me By Alexia Purdy Release Day Blitz


Title: Breathe Me
Author: Alexia Purdy
Genre: Contemporary Romance/New Adult
Publisher: Lyrical Lit. Press
Release Date: May 31
Sometimes the one who broke your heart, needs the most saving.
Piper Sandervale never thought she’d see Sasha Koval ever again. Not since he took her heart, ripped it out and obliterated it from existence. Now, six years have passed and she has run into him once more at the local fairgrounds in Las Vegas. He desperately wants another chance, and he’d do anything to get her back. She’s willing to give him a taste of his own medicine, if this is her chance for payback. But, will she find herself way in over her head?
Something has changed with Sasha and Piper struggles to justify the worth of past hurts to continue her quest for atonement.
Who needs saving now?


Alexia currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada–Sin City! She loves to spend every free moment writing or playing with her four rambunctious kids. Writing has always been her dream and she has been writing ever since she can remember. She loves writing paranormal fantasy and poetry and devours books daily. Alexia also enjoys watching movies, dancing, singing loudly in the car and Italian food.



“I have tickets for a comedy show. How about it?” He reached out, gripping my hand again. Glancing down at his fingers as they laced through mine, a soft flutter in my chest made me forget to breathe momentarily. He still had it, his paralyzing charm, I mean.
“Um, yeah. Sounds great.” I forced a smile as I sucked in a breath. I hoped and prayed I wasn’t making a mistake. I had to remember to be the first to run this time.
Yep, I’ll reel him in and then run out the door so fast, he won’t even know what hit him.
So my plan to break his heart was in motion as he softly tugged at my hand, pulling me towards the front doors of the Bellagio. Making it to the sidewalk, he led me to the Taxi line and hailed one. I was curious where he was taking me to, but my mouth was dry as a desert, which tasted of lemon cherry sorbet. My self-doubt was already creeping into my mind before I’d even had a chance to douse it.
“You alright?”
His voice pulled me back to the present as we slipped into the back of the Taxi cab. He scooted in after me and instructed to the cabbie our destination. Hugging my arms in the cold of the AC blasting from the vents, Sasha slipped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. Frozen, I wasn’t sure what to do. Relax, relax, I kept telling myself. The entire plan would be ruined if I didn’t loosen up. He might even see through my ruse if I wasn’t careful.
That wasn’t something I could afford to let happen.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Title: Empyreal Illusions: Book One of The Inferno Unleashed
Author: Jake Bonsignore
Genre: YA Fantasy / Thriller
Book Design: Regina Wamba of Mae I Design and Photography
Fourteen-year-old Breena Taljain’s dreary existence in the slums of Purgaire comes to a sudden end when a chance encounter with a criminal mastermind known as the Patriarch goes horridly wrong. His assault on her for refusing to pay for her mother’s addiction leaves her comatose and teetering on the edge of life and death.
Galbrecht Atalir is a washed-up doctor struggling to overcome his inner demons through alcohol and aggression. He never quite recovered from the unsolved murder of his family seven years prior. When he discovers Breena as his newest patient, he knows at once that the Patriarch is the one who eluded him for almost a decade.
The medicine Galbrecht gives Breena draws her into a heavenly paradise. When it ebbs away, though, the recurring trauma plunges her into treacherous hinterlands. There, Breena must learn to find power in courage, hope, and love to overcome fiends of hatred bent on permanently ending her existence.
With justice burning in his heart, Galbrecht begins a race against time to seek out the Patriarch in the underworld before Breena loses her struggle against the ever-darkening terrors of her mind….


Jake Bonsignore is the author of Descendant of Strife, Empyreal Illusions, and Awakening the Fire. He is a graduate of the University of South Florida with magna cum laude honors. Outside of his literary pursuits, he enjoys playing sports and is a fitness enthusiast. He is currently working on his next novel, The Lioness.

Find this wonderful Author here:

Amazon  Facebook  Twitter  Website  Goodreads

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Few Are Angels by Inger Iversen

FREE ALERT May 28th through the 30th 
After a fatal hit and run accident, Ella Monroe fears that she’s lost more than her beloved parents. Horrifying visions of a past life and a disturbing voice in her head have psychiatric professionals convinced that she’s lost her sanity as well. But when Kale--a dark and handsome stranger with a mysterious past--reveals the true meaning of her visions and the tremendous power she wields through them, Ella must come to terms with the devastating truths of her own past, while eluding an ancient Dark Prince who seeks to control not only her future, but all of mankind’s, by means of abilities that Ella is only beginning to understand.

Enter the shrouded world of an age old battle between an ancient race known as the Immortals and their bitter enemy Laurent, the so-called Dark Prince, who commands an army of half-breed vampires known as Chorý. Both sides have been desperately searching for the prophesied emergence of the Arc, a clairvoyant with unparalleled power to recall the past and a soothsayer with clear vision into the future.

The Council of Immortals has sworn to protect the Arc, whom they have identified as young Ella Monroe, a college freshman from Virginia living quietly and unaware of her powers or her past. But a renegade Chorý has other plans for the protection of a girl he has loved through the ages. Can Kale convince Ella of who she is, what she is destined to become, and what he once meant to her? Is he truly the best protector to shield the world from the devastating misuse of her powers that Laurent is bent on controlling? Or will the forbidden love they share and Kale’s cursed condition as a retched and hated Chorý be used against them both?

This paranormal romance told from the heroine’s perspective builds in intensity and intrigue to a finale you won’t see coming. Heart pounding action mixed with heartwarming friendships and heartbreaking romance will leave you breathless and begging for more.


Awakened Book2

What must he overcome to protect her?
With no clue of what to do next and the responsibility of looking after Alex and Mia as promised, Kale is up to his ears in problems and no solutions. How will Kale save Ella, keep Alex and Mia safe, control Jace as well as control the Bloodlust that creeps beneath the surface waiting to be released? Will Kale be Ella’s savior or will he convict her to a fate worse than the one Laurent has already promised her?
What truths will she learn?
Ella knows that the choices she makes affects not only her but everyone else around her, but what about the choices made to find her? Ella learns the truth about the death of her parents, learns that the ones she thought she could trust aren’t so trustworthy after all.
How will Ella handle these betrayals, and will she be able to sacrifice what is necessary to obtain eternal life?


Coming September 30, 2013

Immortal Heart
More than a century after the tragedy of Hélène's death and before Ella found Kale bruised and broken on her doorstep, Kale moved through the world in a haze of personal punishment allowing it to consume him. Until his friend, Detective Deacon, a newly infected Chorý calls on him for a favor.
In this prequel to the Few Are Angels series, Kale is thrown into a world of human blood trafficking and is introduced to a Chorý that offers him a chance at happiness— in blood.


About this author 
Inger Iversen lives in Virginia Beach with her tree-hugging boyfriend Joshua and her overweight lap cat Max. When not reading or writing she spends her time watching reruns of True Blood or killing zombies in Call Of Duty.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Mayra's Dazzling Designs

Authors ~~~~~Readers~~~~~~Bloggers

Are you in need of 
Beautiful Swag for you wonderful giveaways

My name is Mayra Arellano and I am the page owner of Mayra's Dazzling Designs. It has been quite an interesting journey that has led me here. It all started with my love for Twilight. I did not like reading before Twilight and now I have a bookshelf and lots of kindle ebooks. Being a Twi-hard got me to meet my bestie Jenny (J. M. Zuniga) at one of the DVD release parties. She is an indie author and I wanted to help her in every way I could. She's the first person I ever made anything for. Then I met the wonderful Derinda and Jodie from the YATR page and I fell in love with helping promote authors, reading reviews, and attending release parties. A little after I got to meet the fabulous Ruthi and MaryAnn from R&M Fab Book Reviews and started following their page and blog. Both the YATR and R&M pages have amazing reviews for books (hence my huge ebook collection) and they hold some of the best and fun parties. By this point I was so involved in the indie book world I knew it's the best place to belong. Indies and bloggers Rule! Eventually authors asked me to create metal bookmarks, necklaces, earrings and kept asking me to create a page or blog and that they would help me but I didn't have the courage. Cameo Renae was the one who convinced me once she started suggesting names for my page and my bestie Jenny created the page for me. The rest is history! I've worked with so many awesome authors and bloggers I am truly honored to work with them.

These are some of the popular items: bottlecap necklaces/earrings/magnets and metal bookmarks

I am here to help in any way I can. I will work with your budget. My prices aren't set in stone. I will create something you will love.


Mayra's Dazzling Designs Prices

Bottlecap magnets $1 each or 13 for $12

Bottlecap necklaces $2 each or 12 for $22

Bottlecap earrings $4.00 per pair or 12 pairs for $44

Keychains (double sided) $3.00 (plain) each or 12 for $33

Metal Bookmarks $5each or 12 for $45

Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Special Spotlight And Interview with Lady Amber Reviews/tour host

Today will be be showing great appreciation 
to the wonderful
Lady Amber 

I had the honor of being able to interview Amber
Let's see what she had to say!

Derinda: First tell us, why the name Lady Amber? (which I love)

Amber: It was originally Amber's Supernatural & YA Reviews, however, that was WAY TOO long and I wanted something different, something that would stand out so a friend of mine and I started gathering ideas on a name, she came up with Lady Amber and immediately I thought of some busty medieval witch and I loved it!! BTW said friend is the awesome Airicka Phoenix.

Derinda: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Amber: As a child I wanted to be many things; a Lawyer, model, teacher, ballerina and a dog walker. (Still to this day I have no clue why dog walker) One that stuck with me was teaching children to read and write.  Unfortunately none of those ever happened. I ended up going to college for Business Management.

Derinda: Oh My Gosh, Amber you should of been a ballerina dog walker -------->
Amber: Man! Why didn't I think of that.

Derinda: Can you tell us, who Amber really is? (On a personal level)

Amber: I am a mother of two fabulous girls and wife to an amazing husband. I take care of my grandmother who lives with me. She is battling her second round of cancer. My grandmother means the world to me, as she is the one who raised me. I am very much involved in my daughters lives whether it's sports or academics, I'm there to cheer them on. I take life one day at a time, it's too short to just let it pass you by.

Derinda: What all does Lady Amber Reviews do?
Amber:  I guess the big question is what don't I do? I do whatever I can to help anyone, author or blogger. Reviewing is my fave, however, I also host online book party's and tours, I blog, help authors find reviewers, Admin and pretty much anything else you can think of.

Derinda: I heard you recently signed on with Staccato Publishing, also being a PA for H.K Savage? 

Amber: Yes!! H.K. Savage is awesome to work with. She has an amazing sense of humor. I have also met 5 other authors through Staccato Publishing as well; CS Yelle, Jacinta Maree, Donna Milward, Jay Mims and EC Hibbs. They have all been very welcoming and kind.

Derinda: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to bloggers for encouragement?

Amber: Don't give up!! Work for what you want to achieve, it's worth the end result.

Derinda: Can you share a personal secret with me?

Amber: *looks around and whispers* I haven't read any of the Harry Potter or Hunger Games books!!! PLEASE don't tell anyone!!!!

Derinda: What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

Amber:  Being the first in my family to graduate from High School and going on to College. I don't think any one in my family thought I would be able to do it, especially after having a child while in high school. That's what really pushed me, I wanted to show my daughter that all things were possible.

Derinda: How does it make you feel, when you hear how you have impacted someone's life?

Amber: Amazing!! Any time I can help make a difference in someone's life is rewarding.

Derinda: If you could pick one author to put in a closet who would it be?  What would be the first thing you would say to them?

Amber: oooohhh.....Just one?? hhhmmm I would have to choose Michelle Zink, I would love to know where she gets her inspiration and ideas for her books.

Derinda: When you’re not helping Authors, what is your most favorite thing in the world to do?

Amber: SHOPPING!! I love to shop. Clothing and Books, I just cant seem to get enough lol

Derinda: Can you share one funny thing about yourself, with all of us ?

Amber:  I am the biggest blonde you will ever meet. I'm a total klutz and will trip on anything and nothing.

        Color?  Blue
        Food?  Cheese

        Song/Singer?  If I Die Young by The Band Perry

Find Amber at any of this places

If Lady Amber has touched your life, feel free to leave a comment below, to let her know how valuable she is YOU!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Empath Trilogy by H.K Savage New Covers Reveal

Title: Empath (The Empath Trilogy)
Author: HK Savage
Genre: Mature YA
Publisher: Staccato Publishing
Reveal Host: Lady Amber's Tours
Cover Designs made by Airicka Phoenix of
Airicka's Mystical Creations
Empath is now FREE on Smashwords
All Staccato ebooks are now available for 3.99 or less!!!

Book Description from Empath:
All she wanted was to disappear…

Claire Martin is an empath. She’s lived her entire life as a slave to a constant barrage of emotions that weren't hers. Off to college she hopes simply to blend with the crowd where she can best hide her curse. Within her first few weeks at school Claire meets Stephen Andrews, a small, fragile looking boy who changes her life forever.
Stephen, a boy with a secret of his own, instantly recognizes Claire for what she is. It is through Stephen's aid that Claire meets James, a vampire with a talent of his own. As soon as they touch, their abilities connect in a way that has not occurred in over three hundred years forming a bond that cannot be broken.


Follow the trilogy:

Be sure to check out the other books by HK Savage:
Life Blood
Blood Bound


Author Bio:
HK Savage has been a voracious reader of anything she could get her hands on going back to the second grade when she would set her alarm two hours early to read before school. Her passion for the written word has continued and flowed into writing going back nearly as far. Her books have fans in twenty countries on six continents with hopes of attracting attention on Antarctica if for no other reason than to check a box. 
Currently, HK is a mother, wife and black belt in Karate as well as an avid dressage rider. Her three dogs: a Doberman she uses for therapy dog work and two ancient Doxies keep her busy when she is not writing or working or whatever else.
In addition to editing for the past ten years in advertising, HK has been an editor for several newsletters over the years; her favorite being for Heifer International where her ideas were put into effect and complimented by those on high. Currently her skills are being focused on clients in the writing world.
Paranormal is her favorite genre and science fiction because both address the possibilities we have not yet realized and the darker things we have. Her favorite premise: “what if?”

James stood and put his right hand into the air separating our bodies. I looked at it and snapped back up in alarm. “What do you want me to do with that?” My heart started to race. We couldn’t touch. What if he could sense how he affected me? He could do whatever he wanted then and he could just tell Troy and Stephen I’d gone willingly to the slaughter. It would be easy to get me to mirror his thirst.
“I will shield you myself and take it down a little at a time as you learn to pick it up your own. But I will need to know how your ability functions to better work with it. I sense people’s talents, but need to touch you in order to do so. Each person’s is different. I cannot help you to contain or manipulate yours if I don’t know the peculiarities of it.” He held his hand out palm up and wiggled his fingers playfully at me, a grin crept back into his eyes. “You will have to trust me.”
89I stood too, wiping my now sweating palms on my pants, glad I had picked the jeans. They hid the marks so much better than khakis. I raised my right hand and held it palm down a few inches from his. Our bodies were little over a foot apart and my heart started hammering in my chest. My stomach was fluttering and I felt the sweat beading on my back and under my arms. I thought I was having an anxiety attack.
His face was calmly watching mine like this was the most normal thing. “You must learn to settle yourself, we haven’t even tried our first experiment yet.”
“Give me a moment.” I closed my eyes so that I couldn’t see him, then I concentrated on my breathing. With all of my issues I had spent a good amount of time practicing deep breathing and meditation. Taking this moment to “find my breath” as my books had instructed, I found my heart rate coming down and my body responding to my wishes. I reopened my eyes, my body firmly back under control.
James stood exactly as before with a pleased expression. “That was good, Claire. Are you ready to begin then?”
Too frightened to speak, I merely nodded and licked my suddenly dry lips.
Much like my earlier confession, I watched his hand moving toward my own except I felt like it was someone else’s. Mine was some stranger’s body and I was standing beside her, seeing this from the outside. When our palms were about an inch apart, I felt the hum begin, lower and quieter than I was used to. He was different than a human.
My eyes sought his. They quickly became my gyroscope, helping me balance here in this strangest of situations. He saw my surprised reaction to his feel.

“I will be easier to work with because I am not human. My emotions are much more fleeting and almost feel...” Here he became uncertain for the first time since I had met him. “I guess you would say that my body has been dead for so long that my human emotions have dulled. They are in my head, but do not affect my body as your kind’s do.”
Hmm, that was curious. I felt it building, the unstoppable urge to touch him. He’d said no harm would come and that he would help shield me, plus I had to put my hands on his. Again I felt that inexplicable pull toward him, but now it was total. The tug was in my head, in my stomach. I could feel it even in my very skin.
Dropping my resistance, I brought my hand down onto his, lightly then more firmly. I knew instantly that it was too much too soon. His feelings rushed up to me. They were so fast and fleeting that it was hard to focus on what I was getting as they flooded into me. With an incredible sense of relief I also found that with them shifting so quickly they were easy to block. It was like I had a box of his emotional “thoughts” and they were wrapped up with enough cotton that I could choose which one I wanted to grab and analyze once I got used to the pace.
I caught glimpses of faces and places from different times go flashing past me. Fascinating. Would I be able to do this when my training was complete?
Almost as rapidly as I had begun to read him, James pulled his hand back and put it in his pocket. He was breathing hard and his eyes were dark again.
“I don’t understand. That was great! I was able to separate each emotive thought you had and if I had more time, I could have read them.” It was hard to contain my exuberance. This was more than I had ever hoped I would be able to do. It was like mind reading, but more than words, I could feel flashes of what he felt about each person and place though

too complex to understand in the glimpses I’d been exposed to. Realization struck me then and I felt the guilt over what I’d done.
“James, I am sorry, that was intrusive, wasn’t it? I should have warned you. You said you’d shield and I figured I would just go for it. Like ripping off a band-aid.” I couldn’t meet his eyes out of embarrassment.
Just then, the teakettle whistled making both of us jump to our feet. Carefully, so that we didn’t touch again, James carefully stepped around me before turning to go to the kitchen. “Have a seat, I’ll be right back with your tea.”
“I’ll help.” I wanted something to do with myself to help dissipate the awkwardness.
“No,” he said too harshly and too quickly, holding up his hand to me.
The rejection and humiliation burned hot. He offered to help me and when I wasn’t offending him, I bowled him over like an overeager Labrador. I worried this time I’d pushed him too far and now he would take me home.
He seemed to understand how I was feeling. His voice was meant to soothe as he broke into my thoughts. “Claire, you have a stronger ability than I was ready for. It took me by surprise is all. I will be better able to help you if I eat before we continue.”
Instantly, I felt the color drain from my face. My heart leapt into my throat. He was going to eat? Me? No, Stephen said he didn’t do that.
“Relax,” he assured with a small grin. “My supply is in my refrigerator. If you would have a seat and give me just a few moments, I will take care of my needs and return with your tea.”

“Oh, okay. That’s, um, thoughtful.” Well, that was arguably the weirdest conversation I’d ever had. Feeling better about a lot of things, confused about others, I sat down on the couch and pulled my legs up underneath me to wait while James went about his business. Left to my own nosiness, I took the time to look around. What had seemed so clean and streamlined about the house initially I now saw as sterile.
Most people have pictures around their house showing hints of who they are. Pictures of their hobbies, people they know and love, places they’ve been. I hadn’t noticed it at first, but figured out in the lack of what I was seeking that I was hoping to learn more about my handsome tutor. He spoke formally at times, so I thought he was from at least the turn of the century when English got more mixed and slang became more acceptable. Or, maybe he wasn’t American initially and had learned it later. The foreign exchange students I had met in high school had learned what we called “British English” which was way more formal than our own American version. Of course I was also looking for evidence of a girlfriend. She would have to be pretty amazing to get this guy and, I assumed, she would have to be a vampire too, or it wouldn’t be fair because she would be too scared to break up with him.
I had put the cashmere throw on my lap while I was deep in thought about the hottie in the other room who was quickly becoming an incredibly fascinating person. Uh oh, double trouble. Great to look at, better to talk to.
Switching gears for my own safety, I looked around me. This was a comfortable house, I was tired and it was safe here. Relax, I thought as I closed my eyes for just a minute. I could return myself to a steadier place while I waited, thinking we could work that much better when he returned.
It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes that I had been asleep when I awoke to his voice in my ear. “Claire, I should bring you home.”

I sat up with a start, nearly smashing into his face in the process. He must have been right in my ear. Good thing he moved so fast or we’d both have serious goose eggs on our foreheads; well, I would anyway. “No, I’m alright. Please, I’ll be fine after I have some caffeine.”
He didn’t look convinced, but I wanted a chance to prove myself after the earlier debacle. We couldn’t end our session like this or it would be our last. “Are you certain? I warned you these practices can be draining. If you are already tired, I don’t want you to pass out on me.” He grinned teasingly and I felt my stomach flip. His color was closer to human, feeding must give him color as well as warmth, which explained the difference I saw in his pallor earlier as well.
“Let me have a cup of tea and I’ll be among the living again.” I froze and shot a look at him unable to read his reaction. Not sure if I had done damage or not, I concentrated on my tea.
After a few sips I put the cup down, pushed the blanket aside and stood up. “Okay, let’s try this again. I’m ready.”
He stood as well, so gracefully it was inconceivable, mesmerizing even. “Yes,” he agreed cautiously. “But this time, you hold still and I will come to you.”
We both put our palms out again but this time, obediently, I held perfectly still. When we touched, it was not like before. He was completely shielded and I had my first feeling of just someone’s hand. This was just touch. I felt the solidness of his palm, the coolness of his skin. I felt him. I was unprepared for what it would do to me. Before I realized it, I was weeping; uncontrollably weeping.
James instantly pulled his hand back and I heard the confusion in his voice. “I was shielded, you shouldn’t feel anything.”

That just made me cry harder. I couldn’t look at him. Through my sobs, I tried to speak. “I don’t. That’s it; I’ve never felt...nothing before.”
He understood that and closed the last step between us. As I saw his arms coming up, I jerked my face up to his and he saw my panic.
“Trust me. You’ll be safe.” James put his arms around me, letting his shields block out everything and give me peace. I finally felt what it was like to be comforted by an embrace. I wept for everything I’d never had, for the fear that made me cringe from a hug instead of lean into one. I felt him lift me up with one arm, sweeping my legs up with his other and without the slightest indication of exertion, he sat on the couch pulling me up into his lap. I tried to tell myself he’d seen it all before working with people like me and then cast that aside, preferring to think this first embrace was special for more than just me.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Featuring Author Peggy Martinez

Featuring Author Peggy Martinez

Eighteen-year-old Sage Hannigan wants to get back to her own time, preferably one that hasn’t been destroyed by an underworld plot brewing in Edwardian-era South Carolina. How hard can it be?

All she has to do is:

1. Learn to use newly acquired warping skills to bend time to her will.
2. Take out a few rogue vampires.
3. Join an ancient secret society.
4. Figure out who is putting the time stream in jeopardy.
5. Find and maim whoever invented the corset.
Sage never asked to be chosen by the Druid Priestess, Amerach, to become a Warper. She also never asked to have the future hanging on her shoulders or to warp a hundred years into the past. She certainly never asked to meet Dr. Aldwin Blake, who would make her question her desire to get back
to her own time. But if she fails her mission, people will die, history will change,
and the present she wishes to return to will be no more.

~~Coming in June~~

When Beth Michaels high tailed it out of the hole-in-the-road town she grew up in, she only had two goals. One—get as far away as quickly as possible, and two—never set foot in her parent’s home again. But when she receives a heart breaking call from her childhood best friend, Jen, she has no choice but to turn her ’56 Ford pickup back in the direction of Salem, Missouri to attend a funeral.
There’s a new local in town when Beth arrives, and suddenly, it isn't all that easy for her to remember her rules for dating. #1. Cookie-cutter-perfect guys ain’t her type. #2. Tie wearin’ and church frequentin’ is an automatic dismissal. #3. Most importantly, never date anyone from small minded, conservative, Bible-thumping towns like Salem. Unfortunately, Matthew Wright breaks all her rules and then some.
Matt might be from a small town and have small town values, but that doesn’t mean he fits into a little slot of Beth’s preconceived notions. After all, ever so often good guys are good. Now if he could just convince Beth to let go of her past and give him a chance, he’s pretty sure there’s a whole lotta sweet under that prickly exterior. His own … Sweet Contradiction. 


~~This book will be released Fall 2013~~
~~~ A Retelling of Sleeping Beauty~~~

My story isn’t for little children, or for the faint of heart, it isn’t really even for those of you who think every story deserves a happy ending. This story is a true story, and therefore; full of pain, heart break, bad choices, and the consequences of those bad choices. I’ve often heard it said that karma’s a bitch. Well, if that’s the case, then I’m karma’s perpetual bitch slap. It doesn’t matter how sorry I was after the fact, or how sorry I was 10 years later. As a matter of fact, it didn’t matter how sorry I was 100 years later, the slaps keep coming, and all I can do is pretend it doesn’t bother me. That … and slap back. I do a lot of slapping back.

About this wonderful Author
Peggy Martinez is a homeschooling mom of one boy and four girls.
She has been married to her soul mate, Omar, since January 2000. She enjoys reading, writing, soap making, all things aromatherapy, and Twizzlers- lots of Twizzlers. She dreams of one day owning a small homestead, raising some chickens along with her children, growing a large garden, and eventually taking a dream vacation to Greece. It isn't too far fetched to think you could happen upon her and her husband having a conversation about religion, political conspiracies, a zombie apocalypse, or gangster movies