
Monday, June 29, 2015

Smash Mouth's Walkin' in the Sun; The Official Biography @Anchorgrouppub

I could not be more excited to feature this new release! Who hasn't rocked out to the music of Smash Mouth?! Now you can go behind the music with a band that carried the spirit of a generation in Walkin' on the Sun; The Official Smash Mouth Biography.


Hello. My name is Paul DeLisle. I’m the guy who wrote this book. You've probably never heard of me. That's okay. Most people wouldn't know me from Adam. But, unless you've been living in a cloistered monastery for the last fifteen years, you have heard of my band.

So begins the memoir of the creation, rise, and current state of the multi-platinum recording artist Smash Mouth as told by bassist Paul DeLisle. Well known for their hits “All Star,” “Walking on the Sun,” “Then the Morning Comes,” “Can’t Get Enough of You Baby,” and “I’m a Believer,” the band carried the spirit of a generation, but didn't stop there. Enjoy this behind-the-scenes look from Paul’s unique, there from the start, insider’s view.

There's an episode of Cheers where washed-up ball player Sam Malone, frustrated with either Diane or Rebecca, proclaims, "Y'know, most people don't know this ... but I’m famous!"
I love that line. I can totally relate. You see, I am a founding and continued member of the band Smash Mouth. Yet I am, proudly and alas, the bass player. I’m not famous. My band is.
From the beginning, Smash Mouth was set up as a democracy between four musicians and a manager, each player having an equal voice on band matters. Yet we were all fully aware and accepting of the fact that, as lead singer/frontman, Steve Harwell would be getting a disproportionate amount of attention. Seeing as he is the face and mouthpiece of Smash Mouth, you may be a little disappointed he didn't write this book.
But stay with me here. Because as you'll see, I have a unique vantage point: as one of only four original constituents, I’ve been involved in every aspect of the band since day one. Only Steve and I have trod every step of this Smash Mouth journey. Also, while traditionally under-recognized, the bass player himself sees everything. Plus I went to college. Who better to write a book about Smash Mouth?
That said, keep in mind this book is solely from my point of view. Steve, Greg, Kevin, and Robert would obviously have different takes on certain events. However, this book is simply intended as a comprehensive account of our rise to fame and continued success.
So without further ado ... here’s what happened:

EEP!!! How awesome is that! Pick up your copy of Walkin' on the Sun today and get your own "backstage pass" to the world of Smash Mouth!
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Blog Tour for Crossover By: @MireilleChester

Author: Mireille Chester
Title: Crossover (The Chosen One Trilogy: book one)
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Publication Date: June 8, 2015

Short Synopsis

Hayden Carlson’s boring life suddenly becomes exciting when she discovers a world she never knew existed, true love, and being at the center of a battle between good and evil.


Twenty-three-year-old Hayden Carlson never led an exciting life, but that was how she preferred it. She never expected that an innocent trail ride in the woods would change her life forever.

Suddenly Hayden is pulled into a world she never knew existed and discovers a future awaits her there she isn't prepared to accept...until she meets the mysterious Jasper. Drawn to his quiet, conflicted spirit and entranced by his blue eyes, Hayden finds herself experiencing feelings she has never felt before and wondering where all this might lead.

Hayden's presence in Quelondain creates tension. Amidst constant danger, she finds true love and through it all determines where she will take her stand in the conflict her arrival ignites between good and evil. If you love fantasy, action, and romance, Crossover-Book One in a debut Fantasy Romance trilogy by Mireille Chester-is for you.


It’s hard to believe that at one point life had seemed dull, boring, average and uneventful. That was the way I liked it. My life was routine--one day at a time with no extra fuss. Everything I did was so uneventful that, for the most part, I didn’t even dream, or at least I didn’t have any dreams that I could remember. My days followed a simple rhythm. I got up every Monday morning, took a shower, ate breakfast, and headed to school. There, I sat and suffered for eight hours.
I was in my first year of classes for veterinary medicine. Now, don’t get me wrong, I loved my coursework. The reason I felt like I was suffering was because those eight hours stood between me and Dodge.
Dodge was my thirteenth birthday present. He’d been a goofy looking weanling with long legs and soft eyes. He’d stood looking up at me from his stall with a big green bow tied around his neck. He was perfect. You see, I’d been riding since I was eight and begging for a horse since I could talk. Before he’d given me my horse, my dad had told me I had to prove to him that I was going to stick with it. That hadn’t been hard to do. I can’t begin to count the arguments we’ve had about the fact that I spend most of my free time with Dodge. Dodge is now ten and I’m twenty-three. He has grown into a beautiful, muscular horse and I’m, well, I’m happy with life as it is. Just me and Dodge.
It’s not that I’m not interested in men. I’ve had one fairly serious relationship that lasted a year and a half. At least I thought it was serious. When I think back on it now, it’s hard to believe I’d thought he was the most amazing guy. Well, he was, until I loaned him my truck for a weekend and found a very nice pair of lacy underwear that didn’t belong to me under the seat the next day. They say Canadians are sweet, polite, and will forgive anything and everything. Yeah. Apparently, I didn’t get the memo. I’ve had a few other boyfriends, but most of them didn’t understand why I’d rather go to the barn on a Friday night instead of going to the bar. The thought of going out and being paraded around just isn’t my thing, and I’ll admit that some of it probably has to do with my personal image of myself. I don’t put myself in the “beautiful people” category.
My slightly wavy dark brown hair that falls to the middle of my back is never done. I prefer ponytails and baseball hats. I also don’t have the greatest body. At five-foot-four, I’m kind of thin and seriously lacking curves. Of course, I don’t really dress to flatter, either. My wardrobe consists of Wranglers, t- shirts, and tank tops, though I do own one dress. My dad made me buy it for my cousin’s wedding when I was seventeen. It’s been worn as little as possible since then. I think my best feature is my eyes. They’re a deep green with gold and grey specs and long eyelashes. No mascara for me. Well, no makeup, period. I always end up smearing it because I forget I’m wearing it.
You’re probably getting tired of hearing about me, but I need you to understand one thing before I get on with this story. I’ve always been a loner, that person who is never comfortable around people. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like most people, but I’ve always felt like I didn’t belong. You know, like there was something very important missing.
Then one day everything changed. It was a Friday…

Author Bio

Mireille Chester is a fantasy author who likes to spend time in made up worlds filled with magic. She is a firm believer that no hero is perfect and that all villains are burdened with a tiny shred of humanity. Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Mireille now resides in the beautiful prairies of Saskatchewan. Wife and mother, she spends most of her time with her three children and husband. When she is not writing stories or grooming dogs, you can find her on the lake fishing with her family.

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Monday, June 22, 2015

With Intent by Yvonne Harriott @ritetorite


Hotshot criminal attorney Tyson Williams has just won the case of his career. His client has been acquitted of murder, a victory that will propel Tyson to partnership and the corner office. Yet he’s not happy. Something is missing … until Sahara walks into his life one warm spring night.
Once a powerhouse of Atlanta’s social circle, Sahara Jenkins is now a fitness instructor at a retirement villa, living a quiet life. She has no interest in Tyson beyond a one-night stand, but that plan backfires. Things get even more complicated when her roommate is murdered. The suspect? Tyson’s client.
When danger creeps too close to home, the two are thrown together to solve a murder. He wants more than a one-night stand, but she can’t see past a bad marriage to give him a chance.
Can they find a middle ground before a killer decides their future?



Sahara was the only one on the narrow patio when Tyson stepped out to join her. He stood in the dark shadow and watched as she stepped out of her shoes, flexing one foot then the other. There was something about her … the way she stood lost in thought. She seemed almost unhappy, so unlike her friend. He wanted to change that.
The night air was still. It was the tail end of spring, getting ready for a hot summer. It wasn’t there yet, but it was comfortable already without a jacket. He fought the urge to slip his arm around her waist and pull her close as she stared off into space a million miles away. Then, as if sensing his presence, she turned around abruptly.
“Hi, I’m―”
“Tyson Williams,” she said. Her gazed settled briefly on him, then she looked away. She slipped into her shoes.
He’d moved out of the shadow into the light cast by lanterns that hung from the trellis around the patio, to introduce himself, but an introduction wasn’t required. Nor was his presence welcomed.
Turning her back to him, her eyes drifted toward a couple pressed against the wall, locked in each other’s embrace on the sidewalk.
“You are?”
“Not interested,” she said without turning around.
“No?” A smile played at his lips.
Any other man would have given up. Clearly, she was a tough one—a hostile witness, if you will. But he wasn’t just any other man. He loved a challenge, and he knew that anything this desirable would be a prize worth the chase.
He moved beside her—couldn’t help himself. The night was perfect, with the Latin sounds of Carlos Santana floating out onto the patio. Good wine, great music and a beautiful woman. What more could a man ask for?
Tyson was close enough to touch her, forcing her to make eye contact with him. As he rested her drink on the ledge in front of her, she stepped to the side, reclaiming her personal space, not even looking at the glass of wine. No, she was definitely not on board with any type of contact.
“If you were to get to know me, you would change your mind.” he said, and sipped his wine while watching her over the edge of the glass, liking the soft musk scent that floated from her on the soft night breeze.
“I know your type. I won’t change my mind.”
Tyson didn’t want her to escape, yet he didn’t want to frighten her either. She could make her escape if she chose, but she didn’t. On impulse he reached out and ran his forefinger along her arm, and she drew in a quick breath. Her skin felt like velvet, as he’d known it would. Their eyes locked and she quickly turned away, shrinking from his touch. Whatever had passed between them Tyson knew she felt it too but chose to ignore it. He didn’t—that wasn’t in his nature. He placed his wine glass next to hers on the ledge.
“What’s my type, Sahara?” he whispered.
Her head snapped up, making instant eye contact.
“The bartender told me,” Tyson said, answering her unasked question. “He knows your friend. I’m interested in knowing the type you think I am.”
“The type where money rules.” Her eyes slid from his face all the way down his body. “And the type to put a murderer back on the street.”
“A jury found him not guilty,” he said, shrugging off the comment. He had managed to push Braham Charleston and the shooting to the back of his mind until she brought it up. “I don’t want to talk about my job. I’m more interested in you.”
“And I’m still not interested.”
“I can change your mind.” He was feeling reckless. Leaving the jazz club without her was not an option. He wanted her and didn’t hide it. She, however, apparently pictured it differently.
“Excuse me.” Sahara stepped around him and walked quickly toward the door into the club, back stiffened.
She turned around, head held high, cold, dark brown eyes staring at him. Again he had the feeling she was looking right through him. He watched her as if he had all the time in the world.
“I always get what I want,” he said, “and I want you.”


With an overactive imagination from an early age, Yvonne created vivid stories in her mind in which she was the lead character. It wasn't long before she decided to take these stories from her mind and pen them to paper.

A romantic at heart, Yvonne writes primarily about relationships and loves a happy ending. 

Yvonne has written two collections of short stories, The Wedding and Other Short Romantic Stories and The Invitation and Other Short Stories. One of those short stories, "The Wedding" was published in Today's BlackWoman magazine. Her short story, "The Colour of Love" won first prize in The Awaken the Mind Short Story Contest presented by Knowledge Book Store and PoeticSoul.

She has written three top selling romantic suspense novels: Hide'N Seek, Cat 'N Mouse and Hit 'N Run. 

When she's not writing, she loves to travel. She enjoys classic films and fine chocolates.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Release Blitz for;The Only One For Her by: Carlie Sexton @CarlieSexton4



button synopsis

When is a heart too broken to fix?
Just days before his wedding, handsome, successful entrepreneur, Trace Michaels, finds out his love wasn’t enough. With a broken heart, Trace lands in Maui, hoping to find solace in the beautiful island.
What he finds is beauty, but in the form of an alluring, grieving woman. One he feels an instant and inescapable attraction to.
Young widow, Lindy Bernard, had her heart broken when her husband died. In Maui to reluctantly close a chapter in her life, she suddenly finds herself in the arms of a drop-dead, gorgeous Adonis. After his relentless pursuit, Lindy and Trace begin to find healing...only to have that endangered by a secret threatening to tear them apart.
All is not what it seems in Trace’s company, and it seems one woman has set out to ruin him. Can he juggle the odious plots against him while chasing the woman of his heart? Will she wait or are some hearts too broken to be fixed?
button excerpt
I couldn’t get the image of Lindy out of my mind—her long, golden hair waving in the breeze. The black halter dress, which showed off her gorgeous form. When I grabbed her to stop her from falling in, the feel of her body against mine had begun something to me. I felt the need to protect her. A desire to know her. It was the strangest thing that had ever happened to me. I hadn’t felt overpowered with emotion like this before. It wasn’t just physical attraction. Something about Lindy just called to me. My heart had gone out to her and when she walked away, she somehow took my heart with her., I wanted to know everything about her, but I’d only gotten her name.
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button About the author
I have always had a passion for reading my entire life. I love it so that I dedicated my life to educating children. As a teacher, I have had the profound pleasure of teaching children to read and explore their imaginations through a good book. Just recently I decided to write a story that had been on my mind. Now I have several that I want to turn into additional books. Writing has become a passion that I dearly love.
I live with my handsome husband in Southern California. We enjoy the relaxed lifestyle that California provides. We have two beautiful dogs, but on children.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Cover Reveal for Night Journeys by: E.C. Hibbs

Night Journeys By: E. C Hibbs
RELEASE DATE: July 31ST, 2015

In this mini anthology, E. C. Hibbs presents three unique tales of suspense, fantasy and adventure. Enter a forest that springs from Grimms’ fairy tales, on the trail of a little girl with a joy of the macabre. Discover the overgrown gardens of Caslowe Hall, where a forgotten secret takes shelter. And also featured is Walking with Strangers: specially written to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Hailed as a “very imaginative ode with some fantastic zingers”, a young starlet enters into a weird world of her own, where forwards and backwards are not quite as she thought.
You are cordially invited to take a journey
Or three…
Walking with Strangers
The Harbingers

E. C. Hibbs has lived all her life in Cheshire, north-west England. A lover of stories from an early age, she wrote her first 'book' when she was five, and throughout school was a frequent visitor to the younger classes to read her tales to the children.
Living so near the coast, she loves anything to do with the sea. She studied Animal Behaviour at university and longs to work with marine mammals in the future. As well as nature and animals, she also has a soft spot for history, and loves paying visits to castles, cathedrals and museums. She also runs Elphame Arts; creating unique portraits in both digital fantasy and graphite mediums, as well as book and CD covers.
There are many things she could be without, but writing isn't one of them. She carries a pen everywhere, in case an idea appears, and takes pride in still seeing the world as brimming with magic. Besides writing, she reads obsessively, her favourite genres being the classics and all kinds of fantasy. She also enjoys Disney and horror films, practising Shotokan karate, drawing, archery, hiking up mountains, and playing with her very cheeky cat.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Book trailer for Incarcerated by: @KRIS10INGER

Incarcerated by Inger Iversen
(Love and War #1)
Publication date: September 29th 2014
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

One of the few white kids in a rural Kentucky town, Logan Whyte always kept to his own kind out of self-preservation. He never considered himself racist, but that didn’t stop him from falling in with the wrong crowd—who celebrated hate as much as he fought it—or from ending up in prison for eight years on an armed robbery charge.
A successful, educated black woman, Katie Andreassen was tired of being accused of betraying her own race. Her lonely isolation, coupled with her grief over losing her mother, inspire her to create a new pen pal program at Capshaw State Penitentiary, where her father is a warden.
The program brings the unlikely pair together, but Logan and Katie soon find themselves forced to overcome past fears and prejudices. Their friendship doesn’t come easily … threatened by a crooked lawyer with a grudge and a best friend who betrays her promise to help.
When faced with a world that forces them apart, Logan and Katie must show everyone else what they have discovered: that love is, in fact, colorblind.
Inger Iversen was born in 1982 to Anne and Kaii Iversen. She lives in Virginia Beach with her overweight lap cat, Max and her tree hugging boyfriend Joshua. She spends 90 percent of her time in Barnes and Noble and the other ten pretending not to want to be in Barnes and Noble.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Trusting Liam by Molly McAdams Blog Tour

 From the New York Times bestselling author of Taking Chances, From Ashes, and Stealing Harper, comes the new unforgettable adult romance Molly McAdams’ fans have been waiting for—the sizzling story of a young woman who must place her trust in the one man who can break through her defenses.
A night they will always remember…a connection neither can deny…a secret that could destroy it all…
When Kennedy Ryan moves to California, she never expects to come face-to-face with Liam Taylor—the intriguing man who has haunted her thoughts for a year. A man who led her to breaking every one of her rules for a single night of passion that ended up meaning more than it was ever supposed to. Accustomed to disastrous experiences with men, Kennedy shields herself before he can break down more of the carefully built control she’s clung to for the last four years. But every time she sees Liam, she feels her resolve weakening.
Liam Taylor has been asked to help socialize his boss’s nieces. But what he thinks sounds more like a babysitting job ends up leading him to the only girl who ever slipped away before morning—a girl he thought he’d never find again. And now that she’s within reach, Liam’s determined to never let her go.
But when a secret from her past tests their relationship, will they be able to cling to the trust Liam has worked so hard to build?
"Trying not to wake him, I slowly slid out from under his arm and off the bed to search for my clothes. Once I was dressed, I told myself to just leave, but I couldn’t help it—I turned to look at him in the light. I needed to be sure I hadn’t made him up. The images from last night tore through my mind again when I saw the large, tattooed arm resting where my body had just been. The muscles were well defined even relaxed, and the face had a boyish charm now that he was asleep. Such a difference from the predatory stare and knowing smirk I kept seeing in my mind. Before I could stop myself, I gently ran my fingers through his dirty-blond hair that, now in the sunlight, I could see had a red tint to it. And I knew if he opened them, those arctic blue eyes would once again captivate me. But I couldn’t risk that. I’d already stayed too long; I’d already made a mistake with him. Drunken one-night stands weren’t my thing. Drunken one-night stands with strangers in Vegas were even worse.
Straightening, I turned and walked quietly from the room."-- Molly McAdams, Trusting Liam
mollyAbout the Author: Molly McAdams grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband and furry four-legged daughters. Her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling and long walks on the beach, which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. When she's not at work, she can be found hiding out in her bedroom surrounded by her laptop, cell, Kindle and fighting over the TV remote. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies, fried pickles and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm...or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.
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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot Blog Tour @megcabot

Welcome to the Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot Blog Tour!

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Princess Diaries series, comes the very first adult installment, which follows Princess Mia and her Prince Charming as they plan their fairy tale wedding—but a few poisoned apples could turn this happily-ever-after into a royal nightmare.
For Princess Mia, the past five years since college graduation have been a whirlwind of activity, what with living in New York City, running her new teen community center, being madly in love, and attending royal engagements. And speaking of engagements. Mia’s gorgeous longtime boyfriend Michael managed to clear both their schedules just long enough for an exotic (and very private) Caribbean island interlude where he popped the question! Of course Mia didn’t need to consult her diary to know that her answer was a royal oui.
But now Mia has a scandal of majestic proportions to contend with: Her grandmother’s leaked “fake” wedding plans to the press that could cause even normally calm Michael to become a runaway groom. Worse, a scheming politico is trying to force Mia’s father from the throne, all because of a royal secret that could leave Genovia without a monarch.  Can Mia prove to everyone—especially herself—that she’s not only ready to wed, but ready to rule as well?
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Now let us introduce you to the fabulous Meg Cabot

About the Author:
Meg Cabot is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of books for both adults and tweens/teens. There have been over 25 million copies of Meg's nearly 80 published books sold in 38 countries. Her last name rhymes with habit, as in "her books can be habit forming." She currently lives in Key West, Florida with her husband and various cats. 

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cover Reveal for Walkin' on the Sun

Hello. My name is Paul DeLisle. I’m the guy who wrote this book. You've probably never heard of me. That's okay. Most people wouldn't know me from Adam. But, unless you've been living in a cloistered monastery for the last fifteen years, you have heard of my band.

So begins the memoir of the creation, rise, and current state of the multi-platinum recording artist Smash Mouth as told by bassist Paul DeLisle. Well known for their hits “All Star,” “Walking on the Sun,” “Then the Morning Comes,” “Can’t Get Enough of You Baby,” and “I’m a Believer,” the band carried the spirit of a generation, but didn't stop there. Enjoy this behind-the-scenes look from Paul’s unique, there from the start, insider’s view.

Launching in June! Will be on sale for only $0.99 for a LIMITED time!
Don't want to miss the release sale? Follow Anchor Group on Facebook for updates!