
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Through the Lens by Shannon Dermott

How Sweet is this?


And that’s when I saw the color of his eyes. They were the bluest of blue that would make the sky want to cry from jealously. He was hot, a ten on the Richter scale. We’re talking catastrophic heartbreak. But the way his eyes bore into my lens-. Crap, he looked at directly me. Saw me. My nervous finger clicked off the shot before I shifted away in embarrassment. I did a 180 towards good old Abe and walked a couple steps, feigning more interest as I started to line up an extreme long shot of that memorial. I needed to get out of there. Had he known I was taking pictures of him? I was poised to walk away in the direction of the memorial and make my escape when I heard a voice behind me. He was too close and I knew because I felt his breath on the back of my exposed neck. And I knew who it might be by the sheer amount of baritone in the voice. Slowly, I turned around, heart knocking against my chest.
It was him. And he was like really tall. I was already tall but he had a good head over me, making me look up at him, guiltily while he looked down at me with no hint of shame. In fact his face was surprisingly empty, devoid of anything I could read. With his head at an angle, he spoke again, “So, do I get to see?” 
With no experience at all with guys other than Bradley—I mean who dates the fat girl— I was struck by his proximity, the fact that he, looking like that, was talking to me. And I was barely able to stutter out, “See what?”
Chuckling, he exposed impossibly white teeth, he said, “My picture.”
The duh, must have crossed my face and I tilted the camera, which had been cradled in my palm, to reveal the ancient thing I was using. “This isn’t digital.”
“That’s a problem then,” he said, his face expressionless again. No, there was something, I thought looking up at that face, hands shaking. And the look I saw there made me swallow hard.
“Why?” I asked, feeling like cotton had filled my throat.
 “I think there must be laws about that or something.”
“Laws,” I repeated, perplexed.
“Yeah, laws. I don’t think I gave you permission to take my picture.”  His posture said he was dead serious. Were there laws? I had no idea. And would he try to call the police or something. I didn't mean to do anything. I had been caught up in the feeling of the new camera, caught up in the sheer amount of attractiveness one person could have.
Taking my camera in his hand, the strap around my neck pulled me closer to him. He didn’t seem to notice that we were basically sharing too much personal space. He studied my camera like he knew a thing or two about them turning it over this way and that.
“You’re not going to open it, are you?” I asked meekly, scared he would press charges. And that if he'd open it carelessly, try to force it open, the vintage camera might break let alone ruin the film inside.
With a sardonic arch of his brow, he said, “I should. Do you have a release form? I mean, you can’t go posting these pictures without permission.”
“I, I never,” I stammered. I had no idea how many laws I might be breaking. “I promise I won’t post any of your pictures.”
Not looking at all convinced, he said, “How do I know that? Do you know how much my face is worth?”
Priceless, I wanted to say but kept that little comment to myself. I didn't want to seem creepier than he probably already thought me to be. I found myself licking my suddenly dry lips.  Was he a model? There was no doubt he could be.
Sighing, at my lack of response, he said, “Well, I guess you owe me then.” Owe him, I didn’t even know him.
“Look, I promise to destroy your picture,” I said, quickly. “I really didn’t mean to break any laws.”
And then he broke out in a brilliant smile, a truly bright genuine smile that caught me off guard. "What did you mean to do?"

Monday, May 26, 2014

A Excerpt from Beg for Mercy by: Author Shannon Dermott

Beg For Mercy Excerpt

Maggie made a noise that sounded like she was trying to clear her throat to get my attention. My head snapped back to her.  I didn’t quite get the message that I saw on her face. Tilting her head at an odd angle, she gestured for me to give my attention to something. I gave her a quizzical look, mouthing ‘What’ until I followed her eyes down to the center of our circle. What I saw chilled me to my very core.  I really shouldn’t have come here tonight. 

A hand on my arm jolted me. I turned to the offender only to meet Flynn’s gaze. I hated how looking at him always seemed to render me speechless. It was the same effect he had on most girls including me, unfortunately. He was too gorgeous for words and worst yet he knew it. And being a junior and football team captain didn’t help his inflated ego. It had only given him the respect of the seniors above him as well as the rest of the school. His abilities to throw the ball and lead the team to state the past two years had sealed his position as the most popular boy in school. He walked down the halls of school like he owned them and to tell the truth he did. I hated him because of it. Girls were aware of his reputation of breaking hearts yet they continued to throw theirs at him time and time again. But I wasn’t going to fall for his shenanigans. Nope, not me.

“Flynn, she has a choice you know,” a voice came from somewhere beside me.  Turning my head, I saw Luke, I-couldn’t-remember-his-last-name. He too, I realized was crush worthy but paled in Flynn’s shadow.  It was hard to imagine that looking at him now. He was all golden skin and blond curls, looking much like the perfect California surfer. How had I forgotten he was sitting next to me? Staring at him only made me realize more just how cute he was.

Flynn and Luke were best friends. Yet, I’d hardly paid any attention to Luke these past two years.  I’d been too busy ignoring Flynn with the best of my abilities to know much about him. Then the light skirted the horizon of my brain. I had forgotten to count Luke. There weren’t seven of us. Luke made eight. Each pair was a couple except Luke and me. God help us all that I being set up with him?  

Dimly, I remembered hearing rumors that he’d broken up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago.  But at the moment I couldn’t remember the full story. I was too busy trying to reconcile with how I’d allowed myself to get into this situation. And how I could even be in the same room filled with what most of our classmates dubbed as the wealthiest and most beautiful people of our school, “the elite.” No one else in the school compared to them.

When Flynn’s hand dropped from my arm, I turned my head to fate as it pointed at me. “Come on, what are you going to do?”

I looked up this time to find it had been Amanda who’d spoken. Her voice was filled with disapproval but not with the anger I would have expected if I’d been Flynn’s girlfriend. But that was not how I operated. In fact, I simply didn’t date. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. It wasn’t just a moral decision as most would assume. I did it because I didn’t want anyone to die.

Happy Release Crane by Stacey Rourke


The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan’t lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.

Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.

What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?

Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.

But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?

Buy Now

Chapter One:

If his wife hadn’t let her ass grow to the size of a sofa, Vic wouldn’t have to cheat. Shrugging his navy blue sport coat over his shoulders, he stepped forward, allowing the hotel room door to shut behind him with a soft thump. A smug smile curled across his face, his chest puffing with pride at his own prowess—thanks in part to those spiffy little blue pills his doctor prescribed. The heels of his wing-tipped loafers clicked against the cement stairs, one impeccably manicured hand running along the handrail as he descended. The rusted metal rail squeaked its protest under the faint touch. Taking its suggestion, he retracted his hand. 

Why he humored Karma by letting her drag him to this dive every week, he had no idea.

Her firm little apple bottom isn’t that great, he mused to himself, snorting a quick, dry laugh. 

Of course it was. She made good money with it at the Sugar Shack down by the airport. Grinding to R&B’s raunchiest hits, while clad only in a sequin thong. She was a sweet, albeit naïve, girl that believed if she stroked Vic’s … ahem, ego just the way he liked, she would someday find a fat rock on her finger and the title of Van Tassel behind her name. Hence her insistence on the flea bag hotel. She had

flipped her bleached blonde waves, batted those ridiculous fake eyelashes, and pouted that she couldn’t be seen as the “other woman” by the same crowd she would soon be rubbing elbows with. As if he would ever let that happen. Karma’s airbrushed nails and hooker heels would never fit into his world. After all, in Tarrytown the Van Tassel name meant something, and not because of the stupid legend the residents of the small glen of Sleepy Hollow mercilessly clung to. No, as one of the founding families they helped build this town. Meaning, here, he might as well be a Rockefeller. A fact he reveled in and would never tarnish with outward displays of his cheap conquests … no matter how well she could wiggle. 

Vic crossed the parking lot, lit only by one humming street lamp, with a wide, jovial stride. As he shook his keys from the pocket of his slacks, thumbing the button to unlock the doors, his phone buzzed from the breast pocket of his Armani shirt. 

Snatching it from its resting place, he tapped to answer. “Yello?”

“Don’t you sound chipper for someone working late?” Yvonne slurred, the only hint he needed that she’d already cracked open tonight’s bottle of wine. 

“Why shouldn’t I be chipper?” he playfully asked, turning to glance back up toward the room Karma had rented. A flash of her blonde locks appeared from behind the stained drapes. He raised his hand in a casual wave, but couldn’t tell from this distance if she returned the gesture. “I just finished showing a multi-million dollar estate that the buyers are very interested in, and now I get to head home to my loving wife.” 

“Yeah, right,” Yvonne openly scoffed, her voice muffled by her glass as she took another sip. “We’re the friggin’ Cleavers. Hey, Cassidy is at the mall. I need you pick her up on your—“

Vic jerked his head to the right, in the direction of the neighboring gas station. Between the normal ebb and flow of rushing traffic, he heard the distinct snap of hoof beats pounding over pavement. “What kind of idiot would bring a horse out this close to the highway?” 

“The highway? Where the hell are you, Victor?” 

A moment ago the drum of the approaching rider had been coming from the south of him, Vic was sure of it. Yet somehow, without so much as a faltered step, it shifted to the north. “Stopped for gas, that’s all.” Vic paid little attention to the lie rolling off his tongue as he rose up on tiptoe and craned his neck to peer into the darkness. 

“Oh!” Her momentary flash of accusation was all but forgotten at the exciting prospect of fresh booze. “Are you near Gordon Bleau’s? I need a bottle of Amaretto.” 

Vic stifled a cringe at the thought of his wife’s mixed drink induced wandering hands. If he wanted to fend off an overly Botoxed hag that reeked of booze, he’d go visit Nana at the home. Her old biddy friends loved him, and putting in his time there helped secure his spot in her will. “I’d love to, pet, but I’d hate to keep Cass waiting.” 

A hot, snorted breath heated the exposed skin of Vic’s neck, tickling down the collar of his shirt. He spun, his heart pounding painfully in his chest, and pressed his back to the car door. Chills raced up and down his spine, electrifying his entire body. Nothing. There was nothing before him but that lone buzzing light and the seedy motel. “Damn it! Punk kids!”

“And they have a horse?” Yvonne’s giggle morphed into a hiccup. “You better watch out, Vic. It could be one of those lesser known equestrian gangs.” 

The lightning that flashed on the otherwise calm night was the only omen Vic needed to spur him into action. Throwing himself off the car, his trembling fingers fumbled with the door handle. Behind him, metal hissed free from leather. Slowly—with a cold, hard fist of dread clenching his gut—his head swiveled.

“Oh,” he said with a nervous lilt of laughter to the ominous symphony of black before him. “That’s … good. You got me. I really believed for a sec—” 

Vic’s anxious, cracking plea morphed into a scream as the figure pulled back. The blade of their arched sword gleaming gold under the yellow-hued light. 

Victor’s hands raised in the only defense he could offer. “No! Noooo!” 

He sucked in one last gasp as metal winged through the air. 

“Vic? Victor!” Yvonne screamed, panic clearing her alcohol induced haze. “What’s happening?” 

The only response she received came in the form of a ghostly whinny … followed by a soft thump. Her shrieks were muted as the phone tumbled to the ground—right next to Vic’s still rolling head.

RONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012 for Embrace, a Gryphon Series Novel

Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012

Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013

Stacey Rourke lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, dogs. She loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head.

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy Release Day for Savage Possession by Belinda Boring

"Wow! Just WOW! Savage Possession had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.
This jaw-dropping, eye-popping latest installment in the Mystic Wolves series is simply epic."
~ Raquel Auriemma, Roc n' Read

Savage Possession - Belinda Boring
Book 5 of The Mystic Wolves series

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Growing up, Darcy knew that life would be filled with challenges and tough decisions, but none so difficult as the one that would alter her future forever. Given the choice between losing Mason or becoming a vampire, Darcy risks the overwhelming threat of insanity, and places her destiny, her hopes and dreams, in the hands of Devlin. When she survives the conversion and shows how truly strong she is, everyone thinks that the worst is behind them. It’s time to get back to normal - or their new normal - and live happily ever after.
But danger still lurks within the shadows - both in Woodside Hollow, the supernatural community, and within Darcy. Even though she looks fine, she seems “altered” to those closest to her, something beyond the expected consequences of her dual nature. With reports of dark rituals and blood sacrifices being performed, the Council has their hands filled trying to solve that mystery, leaving Mason scrambling to find out what’s wrong with his mate.
Will the imbalance warring within Darcy eventually settle, or will her decision to become part vampire-part werewolf lead to a SAVAGE POSSESSION?

“Epic. Belinda Boring knows how to suck you right into her world.
Savage Possession was just as the title said it would be.
Spectacular to the very last word!!”
~ Carrie Fort, Indy Book Fairy Blog

SavageP Teaser 2

Purchase for only $2.99

Early Praise:
"Savage Possession was totally unexpected. The twists and turns had me on my toes not wanting to put it down. Some parts showed another darker and sinister side to the mind of Belinda Boring. I highly recommend this installment of The Mystic Wolves!!"
~ Lisa Markson, I Pimp My Authors.

  Holy shizzzzz! This plot is so twisted; I did not see that coming!!! Fans of The Mystic Wolves are really going to love this one. Trust me . . . you will be begging for more!”
~ Cindy Mucha Barton, Amazon Reader

   “I love Belinda's books and this one is no different. This book will keep you on your toes from the get go. You will not be able to put it down.”
~ Amy Chris, Weet Weet’s Bookshelf

“I couldn't put it down. It shows what people will endure for true love.”
~ Samantha Blackwelder, Amazon Reader

"Savage Possession has all the swoon-worthy, weak-in-the-knees moments that we've come to expect from Belinda Boring, but it is also loaded with shocking plot twists and turns that will take your breath away.”
~ Christina Silcox, Literary Redemption

  "OMG! I don't even know where to begin.
Belinda's books are amazing, but she outdid herself this time!”
~ Jeanine Palinkas, Amazon Reader.

"Absolutely blew my mind!"
~ Ashley Blackwell

"Spine tingling, suspense filled, brilliant, full of surprises!"
~ Michael Auriemma

"Belinda Boring is a true writing genius! I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish."
~ Julia Wood

About the author
belindaA homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.
With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

100 Proof Stud Release Day Blitz & Giveaway


Title: 100 Proof Stud

Author: AJ Lape

Genre: Young Adult/Humor/Mystery


Sometimes life smacks you right in the kisser with a whole lot of ohhhh craaaaap.

Just ask Darcy Walker. 100 Proof Stud picks up four months after No Brainer's cliffhanger ending, and Darcy discovers the aftermath pales in comparison to the crisis her heart is in. All of a sudden it's raining men, and this teenage heroine’s personal life turns her inside out.

Before she can sort out her feelings, she chases a spray-painting vandal and stumbles upon a case of identity theft right in her own backyard. Darcy jumps into the fray headfirst to prove she can hang with the big boys.

But it’s not just to hang…nope, she’s chasing reward money.

Tapping her band of misfit brothers for help, she turns Valley upside down trying to unearth the criminals. Problem is, the cloak and dagger goes high-octane, and she raises the bar on “crazy" in the process.

Bullets ring out…dead bodies appear…and Darcy rubs shoulders with the ultimate sociopath. In the midst of murder and mayhem, will she finally follow her heart or build a fortress of lies around it? Will she even get the chance?


Book Links:

Goodreads * Amazon * Paperback * Barns & Noble




I squeaked open the door to the adjacent bedroom and was met with an empty twin bed. A rumpled white sheet draped the bed, no comforter. Pivoting around, I did a quick scan of the gray carpet, found nothing overly suspicious or weird, so moved onto the closet.

By that time, Vinnie nipped at my heels. “I’m getting a funny feeling, Dolce. We need to roll.”

My thoughts exactly. But when I opened the walk-in closet and stepped inside, no way in the world would I ever have been prepared for what I’d find. There’s an idiom about skeletons in your closet. Trouble was, the skeleton I’d discovered still had meat on it.

“Vinnie,” I whispered, “there’s a skeleton in the closet.”

Vinnie munched on his moon pie behind me; I heard the crinkle of the wrapper. “Ha-ha, Dolce. Is this some metaphorical test I’m supposed to decipher?”

“No, like a real skeleton that I think is a man.”

Vinnie took one step inside and dropped the f-bomb. Then added mommy-effer.

“Do you smell that?” I asked.

Vinnie’s inhale was audible. “Yeah, smells like O-positive to me.” Loosely rolled in a faded navy comforter were the remains of a man. He lay facedown with a small patch of flesh and short black hair still clinging to his head. This wasn’t the only dead body I’d encountered, and neither was the body of a man I’d found in a dumpster last spring. I, eh, well…I found a head…buried in the sand on vacation in Orlando. I had a habit of stumbling upon dead bodies and/or body parts. Something the majority of people could go a lifetime and not have happen once, I’d experienced one too many times to count. The smell wasn’t as bad as bodies that’d recently expired, but it smelled like death, nonetheless. Death has a peculiar smell you never forget. Covering my nose with my hand, I lifted the tip of my boot and kicked the blanket back, starting at the naked feet. Black boxers framed femurs that barely had any flesh left, and a plain white t-shirt adorned the crumpled torso. A vintage concert t-shirt from The Minstrel Cramps, a local all-girl band popular back in the day, lay beside the corpse’s head. A memory played in the back of my mind I immediately tried to erase.

A memory that’d haunted me since I was nine years old.


Ahhhh, Dylan. We were almost a couple…almost.

The setting was Orlando, on vacation. I’d snuck into Dylan’s bedroom for a late night chat. There were a few whispered words, but before I could say, Hold on lover boy, his lips found mine—slowly moving, taking, and demanding. After a few seconds of OMG, it’s as if someone else entered his body because the tempo abruptly shifted. The kiss became hungry, frenzied, and so savagely impassioned I actually crawled out of the dang room because my legs forgot how to work. I’m here to tell you that last type of kissing is why the Earth is overpopulated.



“Shut up, Ivy!” I hissed. “You remind me of one of those yappy, little dogs that bark so much they make the dog lovers want to kick them. Well, guess what? I’ve got my dog-kickers on, and since Rudi’s too upset to fight for herself, then I’m going to.” Jeez, that

sounded so Kentuckyesque Murphy would be proud.

Ivy lowered her head. “You’re going to,” she repeated.

“That’s right,” I nodded like a fool, “and I’m going to start by telling you that orange washes you out. So you might want to skip first period and go home and change. Find some pants too because those look like they could fit my little sister who has a better butt

than you.”

Take that, Ivy Morrison. Crap, what was next? Should I slap her in the face? Punch her in the ovaries? Wait for her to smack me first?

Maybe I was thinking too much…

It was hard to hear anything above my own anger, yet the moment my finger poked her in the chest, Ivy backed me up against the wall, her hand steeling around a chunk of my hair. Her blue eyes went hard as diamonds, and the necklace dangling from her neck was…Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty, for God’s sake!! No way in the world did Hello Kitty want the association.

My eyes told her, I hope you burn in Hell.

Ivy’s eyes grinned, Not before I send you first.

Okay, I was more of a lover than a fighter, but I was determined to not allow this to be another bullet for my Darcy’s Such a Spineless Dweeb list. You know how they say a hero rises to the occasion when no one else will? I glanced around, and all I saw were dropped jaws, and Justice running full sprint half a hall away. I knew she came as backup, but I might be dead by then because Ivy’s face went Wicked Witch of the West. Rudi tried to help, but Trudi Hatchett—who I referred to as Brynn’s lapdog—pushed her out of the way, circling us with wannabe members of the skank squad. When Rudi fell to the floor on all fours, my hero gene kicked in, and I went Call of the Wild on Ivy.

I reared back, and…

Release Day Event

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Book 1

Book 2


A. J. Lape is the Amazon bestselling author of the Darcy Walker Series. She lives in Cincinnati with her husband, two daughters, an ADD dog, a spoiled hamster, and an unapologetic and unrepentant addiction to Coca-Cola--and a lifelong love affair with bacon. If the FBI ever checks her computer, she'll be wearing prison orange due to the various "wiki" articles she looks up. She swears the dead body, mob, and drug related stuff is only career research.

Find out more about A. J. at

Thirteen things you didn't know about AJ Lape AKA - Ada Miracle Lape

1. I can dislocate my left shoulder on command. 2. My favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life...cry like a baby when George Bailey starts yelling, "I want to live again...I want to live again." 3. I hate clowns and chicken wings ... not necessarily in that order. 4. I'm a notorious sleepwalker. It happens when I'm troubled. As far as I can tell, I always have my clothes on. 5. I had an academic scholarship. I know that's shocking, but looking at homework today, I'm pretty sure I'm tapped out at fifth grade. 6. I like to shoot 9mm guns...look out Target World, every once in a while you have to walk your inner hillbilly. 7. I started running high school track when I was in the sixth grade. Don't ask me to run now. After two kids, I pee my pants when I walk across the floor. 8. I'm like Rain Man when it comes to fractions. 9. I used to write and record songs. I won Honorable Mentions in the John Lennon Song Writing Contest and Music City Song Festival. Verrrry short career. 10. I've cliff-dived off a 40-foot cliff into a lake...wouldn't recommend it ..that sucker can burn. 11. I'm the only human I know that got turned down twice when trying to adopt handicapped dogs. What the heck...those dogs would've loved me. 12. I would've been a police officer or journalist if life didn't land me where I am. 13. I occasionally have the foul mouth of a truck driver ... sorry, Mom and Dad. I try to change it. So far, the message hasn't made it to the execution part of my brain.

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Raine Thomas is sharing a double cover reveal!

Double Cover Reveal!!!

Titles: Rout of the Dem-Shyr and Rise of the Faire-Amanti
Series: The Ascendant Series, Books 2 and 3
Author: Raine Thomas
Publisher: Iambe Books, LLC
Cover Designer: Regina Wamba of Mae I Design
Genre: New Adult Sci-Fi Romance
Recommended Audience: Readers 17+
Projected Release Dates: Rout of the Dem-Shyr (July, 2014) and Rise of the Faire-Amanti (Nov, 2014)
~     ~     ~

On to the big reveals!

Rout of the Dem-Shyr (Ascendant Series, Book 2)

Rise of the Faire-Amanti (Ascendant Series, Book 3)

Check out the covers all together. Don't they look amazing??

Did you miss the first book in the series, Return of the Ascendant? Grab your copy today!

Amazon ~ Amazon UK ~ Barnes and Noble ~ iBooks ~ Kobo

~     ~     ~

And now, it's Trailer Reveal Time! Turn those speakers up!!!

Trailer created by Flatline Films

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Together Apart By: Natalie Martin

Together Apart By: Natalie Martin
"I want you to be Mrs Sarah Thompson..."
"I don't really know what to say..."
"Well, it's the first time I've ever done this so I'm no expert, but I think yes is the universally accepted answer."

Former Lad-About-Town, Adam, has found the girl of his dreams and wants to settle down.
For fifteen years, Sarah avoided commitment, until she met Adam.
A marriage proposal should lead to a happy engagement, but Sarah has a secret - and she's willing to sacrifice her happiness to keep it.

Going through a break up is hard enough, but having to live together is even worse, especially when it's a break-up neither person wants. For Adam, there are only three ways to deal with it - sex, drugs and alcohol. For Sarah, it's keeping her distance, closely guarding the lengths she's gone to in order to keep her secret safe.

And she succeeds, until Adam finds a box of her teenage diaries and sets out to discover the truth.

Soon enough, the delicate threads of Sarah's secret begin to unravel and when her first love is brutally murdered, her past and present collide in a way that makes it impossible to keep them apart.

Adam thought he knew everything there was to know about Sarah. He was wrong.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Heart of War Cover Reveal

Heart of War
Cover by one of my #Fierce5 Sisters, the fabulously talented and amazing, Starla Huchton!
Release Date ~ June 6th, 2014
Synopsis ~ The Hundred Years War rages around Adalira Mortimer's life and country, but she is not what is expected of a Lady; instead of dresses and tea, she dreams about weapons and war.

Bastian Kyros is not typical royalty. Being a warrior is in his blood, not paperwork and peace-keeping.

Tradition drives their families. She is expected to don her manners and win a worthy husband, and he is expected to drop his sword and do what's right for the sake of his family's name, land, and future.

Their chance meeting at the party of the season may offer them both the chance to find what they desire. Brought together by their longing for battle, their greatest fight may be in winning over their families and conquering their own pride.

A lull in battle does not mean there is peace. The greatest of wars are fought in the heart.

-I'm sure my mother would love to know I
LNKC Teaser 1 LNKC Teaser 2 (2) LNKC Teaser 3

~ About the Authors ~
CL Foster is eclectic, geeky, positive, nature-loving and completely non-"normal" (just the way she likes to be). She has been a fan of literature since she was a small child and finally decided to take her dreams (both waking and sleeping!) and do something positive with them.

CL has lived all over the world and has a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, minoring in Psychology and Forensics. Which means you don't want to cross her because she knows how and where to hide a body so it's never found! She proudly admits to hearing voices in her head, but at times, her characters' impromptu visits can be rude and annoying. Thankfully, she has adequate patience for their shenanigans and can out ninja them any day of the week.

CL's voice is boisterous, sassy, and not finished yet! Stay tuned!

E.R. Rada is a NY native who's mind is in a constant battle with reality and fiction. He's been penning his tales while expressing his inner most demons and heartfelt wishes since he was able to rhyme.

Poetry and fantasy are his weapons of choice as his inner-most wish to be a dragon-riding, sword-wielding warrior has yet to come to fruition. E.R. knows there is no time limit on greatness, so he continues to float on his constant state of flux; learning, growing, and improving as time goes on.

E.R. is a battle worn soldier who will quickly compare apples and oranges, simply because he's told he can't. Never one to conform, he embraces his nerdy/geek tendencies and is well known for creating new and interesting ways to do things (see: stubborn/the hard way). In doing things his own way, he has earned his way through life with plenty of battle scars, knowledge, and memories.

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Healed By: Becca Vincenza Cover Reveal

Title: Healed (Rebirth Series 2)
Author: Becca Vincenza
Cover Designer: Airicka’s Mystical Creations (
Expected Release Date: July 2014
Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance
Warnings: Language, sexual content, and violence

Formats: eBook & paperback


The race is on to find the Rebirth paranormals.

Elijah doesn’t have feelings. He doesn’t care, nor does he empathize, until the day Audrey was found. While searching her mind telepathically, things suddenly changed for him. He never imagined that he would face all the emotions plaguing him. Now he is on a mission to find the rumored Rebirth creature. What happens when a creature never meant to feel anything suddenly becomes attached to another?

Valentine always knew there was something…different about her. While she hated even the thought of blood, she loved to help those in need. She felt an instant connection with her patients and always strived to save lives. Her adoptive sister always told her that she cared too much. That she couldn’t save everyone. And now there is a colder than ice man in her life that won’t go away, and won’t take no for an answer. The problem is, she never wanted to push him away, even though she knows he will be her downfall.

Goodreads Link:


“You know exactly how I feel.” His hand was leaving a bloody trail on my shirt and skin, his other moved to touch my face. I wanted to move into his touch. I wanted more than anything to pull him closer, though I wasn’t sure how it was possible.

My lips parted slightly and my tongue started to peak out to lick the dryness of my lips. Before I could even begin to wet them Elijah was there forcing his way in. There was no gentleness in the kiss, it wasn’t tender or forgiving it was demanding, harsh and overwhelming. His body moved so closely and I felt parts of his body I’d never thought I would feel. His tongue moved in demanding all the space.

Pulling away slightly I felt his sharp teeth nip, he wasn’t letting me go. We moved back into the kiss his hand pulling me tighter and tighter. His other hand was at the base of my head before keeping me locked in, but now that he moved it to touch my face I smelled the blood.

Get Caught up with Book One:


There are some beings in this world, long thought to be extinct. Some seek to protect them, others want control, but some . . . some are hell bent on their destruction.

Audrey was taken from her father, hidden away from the world, and tortured for five years. She was rescued, but is she really safe, or is there someone else waiting to betray her? Can she trust those who saved her? Can she learn to accept who she really is?

Stone was on a routine mission to extract valuable information from a rival clan of paranormals. Instead, he and his team find something much more valuable: a scarred, damaged young woman who holds many secrets, and whose power is beyond anything they could ever have imagined.There is much more to Audrey than meets the eye and Stone is determined to protect her.

Audrey and Stone are about to find out it’s hard to know who to trust.

About the Author:

Becca Vincenza lives in wonderful Michigan. She has a love for Skittles, rainbows, Star Wars, and reading about hot men. When she’s not wearing her author hat, she’s working to pay off her student loans for her recently acquired English degree. She recently released the first book in her Rebirth Series and is set to release the second book before the beginning of summer.

You can find Becca around the internet at these sites:

Want to meet Becca in person have her autograph a copy of Damaged? Come see her at UtopYA.

Stalk Her if you Dare: