
Friday, December 5, 2014

#Hater by Cambria Hebert Cover Reveal

Title: #Hater
Series: The Hashtag Series #2
Author: Cambria Hebert
Release Date: January 12, 2015
Genre: New Adult College Romance
Format: Ebook and Print
It started with unspoken animosity. The bitter bite of jealousy. And now its full blown hate.
It was during my first football game that I first felt the first chill of hate. I looked it right in the eyes and felt its sticky tentacles reach out for me. I’d never experienced something so cold and empty before.

The effect of that look lingered, like an unspoken promise, long after it was gone.

Becoming a couple – becoming the other half of a campus celebrity wasn’t easy. I let down walls guarding my heart and he looked past my glasses and accident prone tendencies. Romeo and I are an unlikely match, a #nerd and a jock. But we made it.

And we’re happy.

Zach doesn’t want us to be happy. He wants Romeo to pay for getting him kicked out of Omega and for the night he spent in jail. He’s going to use anything and everything he can to get his revenge. Including me.

As the weather on campus grows cold and the days become dark, revenge becomes the center of someone’s life and the happiness Romeo and I worked so hard for is threatened.

I can’t help but worry that our love is going to be overshadowed by hate.

Cambria Hebert is a bestselling novelist of more than twenty books. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair.

Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chorkie (the real boss of the house).

Cambria has written within the young adult and new adult genres, penning many paranormal and contemporary titles. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense. A few of her most recognized titles are: Text, Torch, Tryst, Masquerade, and Recalled.

Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC.

You can find out more about Cambria and her titles by visiting her website:


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Protectors of the Terra Key Book One Book Blitz

Bane & Ravyn
Protectors of the Terra Key Book One
By: DeAnna Felthauser


Lightning struck Bane Zeavon on the night of Winter Solstice, resulting in a visit from the Fates. They revealed his destiny, a beautiful woman who fought demon shadowbiters and lurkers with the same intensity his wolf pack did. Without fear, she reveled in the death of her enemies. Knowing she was a bloodsucker didn’t deter his desire. He saw much more in her than just a vampire. Ravyn was special.

Ravyn Octavius, Commander of the League of the Blood, found the Protector assigned by the Fates annoying and distracting, a potentially deadly combination during times of war. Unfortunately, she must accompany the flirty wolf shifter in retrieving the first piece of the Terra Key, the only means of locking the doors to Ramparts and preventing hell from being unleashed on earth.

The journey before them is treacherous and teeming with danger. Will the heat drawing them to one another distract them from their true mission? Or is love the path to saving the world?

Four sisters.

Four Protectors.

One destiny.

Protect the Terra Key.

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Friday, November 14, 2014

'Last Chance' By: T.G. Ayer Blog Tour Stop

The 3rd installment in the DarkWorld: SkinWalker series. 


With the loss of her sister still weighing down both her conscience and her heart, Kailin Odel must take on the next part of her mission - find her mother and Anjelo and bring them back from Wrythiin. 
Kailin uses her mother's portal key and enters the Wraith world intent on saving the ones she loves, but from the moment she arrives her mission is fraught with peril. 
Arriving in Wrythiin, Kai steps right into the middle of a Wraith rebellion. And only to find that though Anjelo is safe, her mother is held captive by a subversive faction of Wraiths once led by the Wraithlord that Kai had killed. 
From Wraiths to Shapeshifters, rebel causes to fraying family ties, to inexplicable new powers, Kai must fight her darkest demons while entering the blackest pits of Wrythiin to save her mother.

I have been a writer from the time I was old enough to recognize that reading was a doorway into my imagination. Poetry was my first foray into the art of the written word. Books were my best friends, my escape, my haven. I am essentially a recluse but this part of my personality is impossible to practice given I have two teenage daughters, who are actually my friends, my tea-makers, my confidantes... I am blessed with a husband who has left me for golf. It's a fair trade as I have left him for writing. We are both passionate supporters of each others loves - it works wonderfully...

My heart is currently broken in two. One half resides in South Africa where my old roots still remain, and my heart still longs for the endless beaches and the smell of moist soil after a summer downpour. My love for Ma Afrika will never fade. The other half of me has been transplanted to the Land of the Long White Cloud. The land of the Taniwha, beautiful Maraes, and volcanoes. The land of green, pure beauty that truly inspires. And because I am so torn between these two lands - I shall forever remain cross-eyed.

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I love talking to my readers so email me if you have any questions or even if you just want to chat...

Keep up to date with news, release dates and giveaways by subscribing to the newsletter HERE.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Venessa Kimball's Dismantlin​g Evan Cover Reveal & Blurb

Happy Cover Reveal Day!!!!!

I have been eagerly waiting to share Dismantling Evan's cover and blurb with you for weeks now! Today is the day and I have a few giveaways to celebrate with you!
In this post, I am sharing not only the cover and blurb for Dismantling Evan, but the musical playlist I have spend the last five months building, listening to, being inspired by while I have written a story that has taken me through so many emotions, so much research, and so much heartache, anger,  and joy  (sometimes simultaneously).

The thing about Dismantling Evan is that it is not a typical teen contemporary novel. This is not a genre driven piece of fiction.  It is most definitely a literary driven piece of fiction because of the social issues addressed in the novel and how they reflect on our society, which is far from what I have written in the past. (For those of you who have read my paranormal sci-fi series will agree when you read D.E.)

Okay, okay! I have made you wait long is Dismantling Evan's breath-taking cover (SK Whiteside- you are amazing!) and the much awaited back cover blurb.

Are you intrigued? 
Anyone that is a teenager, has a teenager, or was a teenager long ago will find themselves in the the pages of D.E. at some point and that is why I fell in love with Evan's snapshot of a not-so-average teen living with baggage in a very typical and sometimes intolerant society. 
January 13th can't come fast enough for me! squeeeeee! 

For those of you that LOVE book trailers for novels, I have one for Dismantling Evan to share. 

Still intrigued (Oh, and curious about THE GIVEAWAY in the title of this post? ;) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you have trouble accessing it there, here is the link to my Facebook fan page Giveaway tab :)

Want to put D.E. on your To Be Read list on Goodreads?

Here is the link!

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Make sure to check out as well for updates, book signings, new projects, and more in addition to the information on my blog. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

January Black Cover Reveal by Wendy Russo

Sixteen-year-old genius Matty Ducayn is the son of The Hill’s commandant. As such, he’s expected to conform to a strict, unspoken code of conduct. Small acts of defiance over years—such as walking on the grass—have earned him a reputation for being unruly. When sarcastic test answers finally get Matty expelled from school, King Hadrian offers him a diploma if he can answer a deceptively simple question, and then dismisses the only answer. To prove his worth to society, Matty wrestles with the king’s word games, the kingdom’s historical record, and laws that don’t make sense. He meets Iris Locke, a street smart gardener, along the way. After enchanting him at a glance, Iris helps his research, keeps him out of trouble, and finally breaks his heart. Alone again, Matty finds himself on collision course with a deadly law, one he will have to break to answer the king’s question. Was Hadrian challenging him, or teaching him a lesson? Without Iris, it won’t matter, because Matty won’t stand down for anyone else. January Black is the 2013 Readers' Favorite Silver Medal winner for YA-Coming of Age.

January Black will be available for pre-order on Amazon 11/28/2014.

About the Illustrator
Liliana Sanches started studying Visual Arts at the age of 16 and soon felt attracted to the Romantic artwork from the 19th century. The Pre-Raphaelites and Friedrich were her biggest inspirations at the time, and she felt compelled to explore this graphic language of desolated landscapes that were the reflection of the painter's emotions. After graduating college, specializing Graphic Design, she created her own business under the name of "Princess of Shadows." Her style had now evolved and had technical knowledge to support it. Intricate concepts with a much better grasp of image composition and visual balance, and also used color and shape psychology to imprint her work on the viewer. Along the years she has been working with musicians, authors and even other designers who have allowed her to express her creativity, develop visual communication skills and explore different graphic styles to better suit each project. Nowadays, here personal work has been exploring the human psyche, imbuing it with a dark surreal feeling. Her biggest inspirations are J-Horror movies, dreams/ nightmares and mental health pathologies.

Princess of Shadows on DeviantArt

About Wendy Wendy S. Russo got her start writing in the sixth grade. That story involved a talisman with crystals that had to be found and assembled before bad things happened, and dialog that read like classroom roll call. Since then, she’s majored in journalism (for one semester), published poetry, taken a course on short novels, and watched most everything ever filmed by Quentin Tarantino. A Wyoming native transplanted in Baton Rouge, Wendy works for Louisiana State University as an IT analyst. She’s a wife, a mom, a Tiger, a Who Dat, and she falls asleep on her couch at 8:30 on weeknights.

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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Cover Reveal For Six Guns By: Sara V. Zook

sixgunsbanner sixgunssynop Circumstance tends to bend our lives, sometimes in a direction of discomfort. Nicky Cain thought the favor he owed was a one time thing. Even a gun feels foreign in his hand. But now he’s been offered a new sports car, a beautiful home and a name for himself in the City of Haven. Having being raised with nothing, Nicky finds himself in the midst of temptations hard to turn down. All he has to do is toughen up his conscience and not question what he’s been told to do. He’s getting in too deep, and the circumstances keep presenting themselves including a beautiful woman who captivates his heart. Haven is sucking him in and becoming too much like a home. Nicky Cain has to face the fact that sometimes you don’t choose the mob life, the life chooses you. Six Guns cover sixgunsexcerpt An arm slipped around my chest. I looked over at the naked girl beside me and smiled. “You okay?” she asked as her fingertips lightly glided along my skin, her nails painted dark red. “Yeah,” I told her. “Just can’t sleep.” She smiled back as she snuggled up closer to me. I stared at her face. She had light blue eyes that wrinkled at the corners when she spoke. Her teeth were a little crooked, but I decided she was an okay looking girl, a little ragged, but not bad. She hadn’t talked that much. She closed her eyes as I continued to stare at her. “Hey,” I said, nudging her awake again. “What’d you say your name was again?” She smiled and sat up on her elbows, pulling the sheet up over her exposed chest. “Steph.” That’s right. Steph. I remembered now. “You said you liked it,” she reminded me, “you know, my name?” She grinned revealing those teeth again, which were a little frightening. Maybe I was wrong. The teeth completely changed my opinion about her being okay looking. I didn’t want to see that smile again. I turned my back to her and sat on the edge of the bed. I raked my fingers through my hair and put on some shorts. I thumbed through a few bills from the stack of cash Carmine had given me. “Yeah, sure. Steph suits you just fine.” I turned and handed her some money. “You’d better get going.” She pressed her lips together and frowned as she examined the money in her hand. “Stan, what the hell is this?” Stan? Then I remembered why she was calling me that. “What do you mean what’s it for? It’s for last night.” “I’m not a fuckin’ hooker you asshole!” she bellowed out. “You’re not?” “No!” Holy shit. I could’ve sworn she was a prostitute. I wanted to ask her if she was sure, but I figured that probably wouldn’t go over too well. “Oh, well, sorry then. You can keep the money just the same.” She glared at me with these huge eyes as if she didn’t know whether she was going to keep the money or punch me in the face. I deserved the punch in the face either way. She angrily got dressed and headed to the door as she slipped her heels on. “I have never been so insulted in my whole life.” I shrugged. I just wanted her to go. “Well, there’s a first time for everything.” “Don’t ever look me up again if you’re back in Haven,” Steph warned me. I turned my head away from her. “You don’t have to worry about that.” I could feel her eyes on me even though I wasn’t looking at her. “You fuckin’ prick,” she huffed out as she opened the door to the room and slammed it shut behind her. “Yes, I am,” I replied to the empty room as I stood up and locked it. I turned back around and headed toward the bathroom. I really needed a shower. sixgunssara Sara V. Zook is a paranormal/fantasy writer. She is the author of the Strange in Skin Trilogy, Clipped, Evanescent, Book 1 in The Sempiternal Series and A Magic Within. She lives in Pennsylvania with her 3 small children and husband. sarapic2 Facebook: Website: Twiiter: @SaraVZook Goodreads:
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Awesome cover reveal for Eggnog Kisses

Eggnog Kisses

Christmas in Quelondain

It’s been six months since Kaley’s fiancĂ© called things off, disappearing with barely an explanation, and the thought of spending Christmas alone is causing feelings of hurt and loneliness to ruin her holiday cheer.  Tall, dark, quiet, and ever the gentleman, her next door neighbor has been sneaking into her thoughts more often than not lately.  When she decides to ask him to go to a Christmas party on a spur of the moment whim, she has no idea she’s about to unleash a whole new dimension on her usually normal life. 

Born in Quelondain, Sean is no stranger to a broken heart.  Though it’s been years since the one he loved fated to his best friend, the ache is still present and crossing over to the other world hasn’t helped like he’d hoped it would.  When Kaley asks him to accompany her to a Christmas party his gut tells him to stay away.  It’s not that he isn’t attracted or tempted, but how is he supposed to explain his past and what he is.  Of course, it’s just one evening, right?  What could possibly happen in one night?

Two broken hearts…

Two worlds…

One fate…


She managed to get into her apartment while keeping a curious JJ from escaping.  The fluffy white cat purred and rubbed himself against her ankles.

“Hey, bud.  Did you miss me?”  Kaley went to the cupboard and pulled out a few Whiskas treats for him.  She looked around her small apartment and suddenly, she didn’t want to be there alone.  “I’ll be right back.”

She didn’t bother putting on shoes before closing her door behind her.  Sean answered his door and smiled at the sight of her.

“What can I do for you, neighbor?”

“I…”  This was stupid. 

 “So, what brings you over here?”

“I just…”  Kaley’s good mood vanished.

His smile softened.  “First Christmas since Gale left?”

She took a deep breath and blew it out of her nose.  “It’s stupid, I know.”

Sean shook his head.  “Not at all.  I know the feeling.  I wasn’t engaged, mind you, but my first holiday after my girlfriend left I was a wreck.  We’d been together four years.”

“I’m sorry.”  She looked at the ground.  “What happened?”

He cocked his head to the side.  “I was just about to have a rum and eggnog.  Want one?”

She was tempted to turn him down, but curiosity got the better of her.  “Sure.”

He held the door opened wider so she could get in and directed her to the couch.  “It was your typical breakup.  We were young and life had other plans for us.”

She watched as he mixed the drinks and brought them over.  “Thanks.”  She took a sip and he took a long swallow of his drink.  “Anyway, it wrecked me when she left.”

“What did you do?”

“I moved here.”  He smiled.

Kaley frowned.  “That worked?  It helped?”

“Not even a little bit.  The only thing that helps is time.”

She couldn’t help the depressed look that took over her face.  “Five years, eh?”

Sean laughed.  “It’s been that long, but it didn’t take that long.  I’ve had a few other girlfriends since, I just haven’t found anyone else I want to settle down with, that’s all.”  He raised an eyebrow at her glass.  “Want another one?”


“So where’s your party at tonight?”

“Mel’s boss is throwing a bash for their office. He rented the Rex Hall.”


Kaley noticed him glancing at the clock on the wall.  “Do you have something to do?”  She turned toward the door as someone unlocked it from the outside and he stood.

“Sean!”  The dark haired woman dropped her duffle bag and ran into his open arms.  Kaley watched dumbfounded as he hugged her close.  He had a girlfriend.

“I was getting worried.”  He took her coat from her and hung it up.

“My bus was delayed.  There was a crash on the highway and we got caught behind all the traffic.  I don’t think it was too bad.  I mean, there were ambulances and stuff, but the cars looked to be in not bad shape when we were finally able to go by.”

“And you didn’t think to phone?”

She shrugged.  “Ooh! Are you having rum and eggnog without me?”  The woman finally turned her attention to Kaley.  “Since Sean has zero manners, I’m Reese, by the way.”

“Um, Kaley.”

“Let me guess.  He didn’t tell you I was coming?”  She took the drink Sean handed her and settled on the cough beside Kaley.  “And he says I’m forgetful.  You’re getting old, big brother.”

He scoffed.  “And you get more immature the more years you put behind you.”

“Mom’s going to flip when she hears you finally have a girlfriend.  It’s about time you got over that stupid bitch.”


“Well, what?  By the moons, she was.  None of us could figure out what you saw in her.”

“You were sixteen when we split.  Don’t tell me you gave a shit.”

Reese pounded back her drink.  “Of course I cared.  How many big brothers do I have?”

Sean rolled his eyes.  “Four.”

“Right.  But you were always my favorite.”  She skipped back to her knee high leather boots, slipped them on, and shrugged on her coat.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m meeting Heather.”  She gave him a peck on the cheek.  “I have my key.  Don’t wait up.”

“Just remember I’m leaving at eight tomorrow morning.  With or without you.”

“Yeah, yeah.”  Reese grinned.  “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.  Brat.”

She closed the door with a wave at Kaley.

“She’s, uh… she’s one of those high energy people.”  Sean smiled and went to refill their drinks.

“No kidding.  I had no idea you had a sister.  Or three brothers for that matter.”

“What about you?”

Kaley shook her head.  “Only child.  Your mom and dad?”

“Both alive and running the farm.  You?”

“My parents died when I was fifteen.  Drunk driver.  I went to live with Mel and her folks.”

“But you don’t do Christmas with them?”

“They’re not around since they retired.  Mel gets on a flight tomorrow to join them in Mexico tomorrow morning.  They invite me every year, I just… Christmas needs snow.  You know?”

He grinned.  “I agree.”

Kaley found her gaze moving to his mouth.  He had a great smile.  Had they really been living next to each other for almost six years?  How had she never noticed? 


“Nothing.  I was just thinking that I can’t believe we’ve been neighbors all this time and we know nothing about each other.”

His smile softened.  “Yeah.  I guess that’s life.  Everyone’s too busy.”

She looked at her watch.  “Shit.  I have to go get ready.”

Sean stood and walked her to the door.

“So, you’re just home alone tonight?”  She looked up into his dark green eyes.

“Seems like it.”

“I was just thinking… Mel is bringing a date tonight and I’m going to be the third wheel.  Want to come along?”

“I don’t think…”

“Come on.  I’ll owe you one.  There’s this guy that works there that always gets drunk and hits on me.  You can pretend to be my boyfriend.”  Sweet mother of fuck.  Had she actually just suggested this?  She was thirty four years old for shit’s sakes.  Her face turned a deep shade of red.  “Sorry.  That’s so highschool.  I’m just going to leave before I make myself sound any more stupid.  Thanks for the drinks.”

Kaley rushed out of his apartment and back into hers.  Good god!  How many eggnogs had she had?


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Friday, October 31, 2014

Reminiscen​ce By: Sara V. Zook Cover Reveal

reminiscencebanner remsynop Abuse. Torment. Saint’s undying love for her. A witch—or four. The world’s most powerful spell. The creation of the unnatural. Her undying love for Draco. A war is brewing between the Light, the Dark and the Unknown. In the midst of it all stands Sarenah. Her memories have returned as she rewinds the past in order to move forward with her future so she can reclaim what, or who, belongs only to her, but will she be able to accept the disturbing secrets that go along with the reminiscence? reminiscencecover remexcerpt In the midst of dragging trees, I saw Sarenah sitting on the back porch, her dress hiked up around her thighs from the heat as she was thumbing through a book. She wasn’t even acknowledging the fact that I was there, nor did she care that I could see her bare legs. She was being totally inappropriate and rude at the same time … and I liked it. I felt intrigued to my very core, so much that I had to go over and say something to her. “Hey,” I mumbled. Without looking up, she reiterated, “Hey.” My frustration grew as I clenched my fingers into my palms. “Is that book so interesting that you can’t even talk to me?” That had gotten her attention. She slammed the book shut and stood up, the dress falling back down around her ankles. “Are you so interesting that I can’t even read my book?” Her dark eyes were wild and she was glaring at me as if she wanted me to spontaneously combust. “Don’t you have a job to do? Look at this mess.” Her eyes moved to the yard. “All of these branches everywhere. My uncle will have your hide.” She was so angry. I couldn’t help myself. I wiped the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand and busted out laughing. Sarenah’s hands moved to her hips. I thought she was about to hit me. I threw up hands up in defense. “I’m …” The laughter got the best of me again. “I’m sorry, Sarenah.” I flashed her an apologetic grin. “It’s just, I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard you talk so much and you’re spatting off at me like some crazy person.” Her gaze had softened then. She bit her bottom lip so she wouldn’t crack a smile herself. “A crazy person, huh?” I nodded, stopping to really get a good look at Sarenah’s face, her stunning features and the way her dark eyes popped out in a terrific way. This was Rebecca’s sister? I had been missing out. Sarenah’s strange ways evaporated into enticement before me. I spent the rest of the evening listening to Sarenah talk as I took all of it in. The tree branches were still scattered all over the yard, but I doubted her uncle would be back anytime soon to discover the mess. Everyone knew he lived at the saloon. She talked mostly about her parents. She had a deep ache from the loss inside of her. She was in a great deal of pain that I felt my own heart hurting along with hers, for her. I found myself wrapping my arm around her and her actually letting me get away with it, but I wasn’t in it to try to make a move. I found myself wanting to comfort Sarenah, tell her everything was going to be okay. I wanted her to trust me and continue to confide in me. She leaned her head against my shoulder, being content to be there with me. It felt incredible as if I had been able to tame her so easily. She was feisty but now so serene. I could’ve lived in that moment forever and been completely content to just be lucky enough to be near her, to smell the flower fragrance in her hair as it fell down across my arm. I rubbed her shoulder with my fingertips. She started humming, the sound making the chaos within me only increase. It was in that moment that I had leaned over and my lips found hers. It had been brief but magnificent, and I was wondering if my mind was ever going to be the same. rempreorder d4da0-icon_amazon remteasers remteaser1 remteaser2 remteaser3 rembio Sara V. Zook is a paranormal/fantasy writer. She is the author of the Strange in Skin Trilogy, Clipped, Evanescent, Book 1 in The Sempiternal Series and A Magic Within. She lives in Pennsylvania with her 3 small children and husband. sarapic2 Facebook: Website: Twiiter: @SaraVZook Goodreads:
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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Release Day Blitz for T.G Ayer's 'Last Chance'

The 3rd installment in the DarkWorld: SkinWalker series. 

With the loss of her sister still weighing down both her conscience and her heart, Kailin Odel must take on the next part of her mission - find her mother and Anjelo and bring them back from Wrythiin. 
Kailin uses her mother's portal key and enters the Wraith world intent on saving the ones she loves, but from the moment she arrives her mission is fraught with peril. 
Arriving in Wrythiin, Kai steps right into the middle of a Wraith rebellion. And only to find that though Anjelo is safe, her mother is held captive by a subversive faction of Wraiths once led by the Wraithlord that Kai had killed. 
From Wraiths to Shapeshifters, rebel causes to fraying family ties, to inexplicable new powers, Kai must fight her darkest demons while entering the blackest pits of Wrythiin to save her mother.

I have been a writer from the time I was old enough to recognize that reading was a doorway into my imagination. Poetry was my first foray into the art of the written word. Books were my best friends, my escape, my haven. I am essentially a recluse but this part of my personality is impossible to practice given I have two teenage daughters, who are actually my friends, my tea-makers, my confidantes... I am blessed with a husband who has left me for golf. It's a fair trade as I have left him for writing. We are both passionate supporters of each others loves - it works wonderfully...

My heart is currently broken in two. One half resides in South Africa where my old roots still remain, and my heart still longs for the endless beaches and the smell of moist soil after a summer downpour. My love for Ma Afrika will never fade. The other half of me has been transplanted to the Land of the Long White Cloud. The land of the Taniwha, beautiful Maraes, and volcanoes. The land of green, pure beauty that truly inspires. And because I am so torn between these two lands - I shall forever remain cross-eyed.

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I love talking to my readers so email me if you have any questions or even if you just want to chat...

Keep up to date with news, release dates and giveaways by subscribing to the newsletter HERE.

{Blitz Participants will be posted here with links to their posts}

Friday, October 24, 2014

Cover Reveal for Mistletoe and Mr. Right By: Lyla Payne

Title: Mistletoe & Mr. Right
Author: Lyla Payne
Release Date: November 20th, 2014

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring…but lust refused to settle in for a long winter's nap. 
She might be all nestled, snug in her bed, by why, oh why, do visions of the wrong guy dance in her head?  

Jessica, (not Jessie), figures that nothing could be better than a trip to the Emerald Isle for Christmas break. So she takes a flying leap and follows her boyfriend home for the holidays, not only sure that he will finally agree they're destined for each other, but also that Ireland will provide the perfect backdrop to the beginning of their happily-ever-after. 

But it turns out his family--and his gorgeous ex-girlfriend--don't feel the same way, and even the family goat seems to be conspiring against her well-laid plans. The only person making the trip worthwhile is the very last one she should be thinking about, but Grady, the local farmhand, has a way of showing up when Jessica needs him most...and least.

USA Today bestselling author Lyla Payne wraps up the perfect holiday novella, ties it with a ribbon of romance, and tops it with a light dusting of snow. Perfect to curl up with under the tree. Just add hot cocoa! 


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Lyla Payne has been publishing New Adult romance novels for a little over a year, starting with Broken at Love and continuing with the rest of the Whitman University series. She loves telling stories, discovering the little reasons people fall in love, and uncovering hidden truths in the world around us – past and present. In her spare time she cuddles her two dogs, pretends to enjoy exercising so that she can eat as much Chipotle as she wants, and harbors a deep and abiding hope that Zac Efron likes older women. She loves reading, of course, along with movies, traveling, and Irish whiskey. Lyla’s hard at work, ALWAYS, and hopes to bring you more Whitman University antics and at least one more Lowcountry ghost tale before the end of the year.

Lyla Payne is represented by Kathleen Rushall at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.