
Friday, April 29, 2016

Cover Reveal for Crossing The Line by Jacquelyn Ayres @BareNakedWords @JacquelynAyres

Book: Crossing The Line (The GEG Series #3)
Author: Jacquelyn Ayres
Genre: erotic romance/humor
Psychotherapist, Madelyn St. Claire, has all the answers. At least, that’s what the plaques on her wall say. There isn’t a fear she’s met that she hasn’t helped a client blast through. So, why can’t she work through her own?
Oh, that’s right…
She’s been so busy helping everyone else through their challenges over the years, including her best friends—the GEGs—that she never even realized she had any of her own true fears. Then again, she didn’t have a reason to until he came along. Cellist, Declan Pierce, can hit all the right notes, as long as he’s hitting them on stage. When he’s off . . . well—he’s off. So, he keeps his head down and tries to stay focused on his career and his son, Hunter. They have shared in a trauma that would bring most closer. However, theirs has only weighted their bond down, slowly causing them to drift further and further apart. 
That is until a beacon of light shines through. That beacon is about five-foot-nothing, all curves, heart, brains, and no BS. But that is only part of this story.
It’s a long road to Happily Ever After. Maddie and Declan learn that it takes more than just the two of them to get there, and it’s not a smooth stroll. It’s not meant to be, though, is it? Life can give you whiplash. Buckle in and hold tight to those closest to you because, honestly…
It takes a village to make love epic.
Meet the Author
I am a domestic engineer (born and raised in NJ) whose sole responsibility is to guide three young, impressionable kids into becoming phenomenal adults. This challenging yet rewarding work requires a lot of love (coffee), patience (wine), and determination (periodic exorcisms). I work this magic from the beautiful state of New Hampshire.
Before becoming a domestic goddess (not really), I spent over a decade in the medical field, where I wore more hats than the Queen.
I have loved the written word and the great escape it provides since I was a little girl. When I wasn't reading about people and the places they lived, I was creating my own characters and adventures.
Finding myself again through my writing in The Lost & Found Series, The One, and The GEG Series has been nothing short of a dream come true. Also, it makes people feel better when I laugh randomly or talk to myself, knowing it's my characters and not "the voices" . . . that would be creepy.
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Under Contract (GEG #1)
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In The Mix (GEG #2)
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kept From You (Tear Asunder #4) by Nashoda Rose Cover Reveal and Preorder Blitz

Kept From You (Tear Asunder #4) by Nashoda Rose


Kept From You (Tear Asunder #4) by Nashoda Rose

Book Title: Kept from You (Book 4: Tear Asunder) 
Author: Nashoda Rose 
Genre: Erotic Romance 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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Pre-order EXCLUSIVELY at iTunes

Cover photo: Copyright © 2016 Wander Aguiar Photography (
Cover design by Kari Ayasha, Cover to Cover Designs

meet the author


Nashoda Rose is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Toronto with her assortment of pets. She writes contemporary romance with a splash of darkness, or maybe it’s a tidal wave.

When she isn't writing, she can be found sitting in a field reading with her dogs at her side while her horses graze nearby. She loves interacting with her readers and chatting about her addiction—books.
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Monday, April 18, 2016

Cover Reveal for Inspired by Frost By: Alicia Rades



Book 3 in The Crystal Frost Series

by Alicia Rades

Inspired by Frost
Crystal Frost has grown accustomed to the supernatural, but months of passive paranormal activity have left her believing her mother’s wedding will be a breeze. That changes when a ghost named Melissa shows up in Crystal’s dressing room while she’s picking out her maid of honor dress. Crystal takes on this new psychic mission without question, immediately determined to save Sage, the girl Melissa warned her about. But how do you save a girl from a deadly fate when you don’t know how she’s going to die?

Releases June 14th, 2016

Check out the trailer!

If you haven't started the Crystal Frost Series you can start now for FREE! All are available on Kindle Unlimited as well.

Fire in Frost - Permafree

Desire in Frost - $2.99

Inspired by Frost Releases June 14th - Pre order


About The Author

Alicia Rades (Square)
Find Alicia on her Website / Facebook / Goodreads / Instagram
Alicia Rades is an award-winning young adult paranormal author with a love for supernatural stories set in the modern world. When she's not plotting out fiction novels, she's running her own professional writing business, plowing her way through her never-ending reading list, or preparing for the backpacking trips she takes every summer. In college, Alicia majored in communications with an emphasis on professional writing. She currently lives in Wisconsin with her husband and two cats.
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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Happy Release Day!! Deadline by Jessica James @jessicajames

release day blitz


Book Title: Deadline Author: Jessica James Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: April 9, 2016 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


book blurb

He’s a relentless homicide detective. She’s an uncompromising journalist. Neither desires to work together—but they’ll never uncover the truth alone.

Landing a front page headline isn’t why reporter Caitlin Sparks is investigating a string of suspicious deaths connected to the U.S. State Department. She has a personal stake in finding the killer. Detective Blake Madison has a connection to the murders too, and will risk anything to uncover the truth. But a journalist is the last person he’d rely on to help him solve a crime—especially one whose trail of evidence leads back to him. Joining forces becomes essential as the body count continues to grow. Someone powerful doesn't want the truth to come out—and will stop at nothing to make sure no one talks. On the run with nowhere to turn, the couple devises a plan to expose the killer. The risk is great and the chance of success small, but the ultimate outcome is something neither one of them envisioned.

excerptCaitlin stood in the dining room and surveyed the large, ornately carved table and twelve matching chairs. A fire glowed in a large-mouthed fireplace that boasted a beautiful cherry-colored mantel.Gracing the walls on the other three sides were foxhunting paintings—typical of dining rooms in this part of Virginia.

“Here you go.” The detective set the mug down on the table and took a seat. His sleeves were rolled up now and the tie had disappeared completely. The way his dark hair and complexion stood out against the crisp, white shirt he wore made him look a little more amiable and pleasant than the last time they’d met. But when he leaned forward with his arms on the table, Caitlin could see why he had such a reputation as a menacing interrogator. The look in his eyes turned intense and commanding—the kind of look that both drew her in and made her want to run away. Fast. “I don’t usually do this.” “What’s that?” “Talk to reporters.” He exaggerated the word to make clear it was a profession extremely distasteful to him. Caitlin refused to be intimidated or swayed. “Thanks for clearing that up.” “You’re welcome,” he said, matching her sarcasm with some of his own. “And just to be clear, I’m no longer on the case so I don’t have anything to give you.” “Excuse me?” Caitlin’s tone revealed her confusion and surprise. “I told you I’m off the case.” He appeared surprised that she was surprised. “Yes, and I’m off the story. But I thought we were sharing.” “Minor correction. You’re sharing.” Caitlin blinked. And blinked again. She thought he must be joking, but the expression on his face did not suggest that intent. “If you’re no longer actively working the case, why am I sharing with you?” He lifted his mug and took a drink of coffee as he pondered the question.

“I don’t like what I’m being told. I want to see if you have anything to substantiate my gut feeling.”

Caitlin stood her ground. “In my world, sharing implies that we both give a little.” She closed the file and pushed out her chair. “Thanks for the coffee.” “Hold on.” He sat back in his chair, crossed his arms, and stared at her a moment. Caitlin hated the way he was able to combine unnerving intensity with disinterested detachment. She wondered if it was a natural habit of his or if he had been trained by the military to remain remote and aloof even in the most distressing situations. His body language revealed nothing, and his facial expression, as usual, was that of a stone. She didn’t like being around people she couldn’t read. “So you came all the way out here, and now you want to negotiate?” Caitlin was stunned, both by his self-assurance and his assertion. “Negotiate? I didn’t realize I was going to have to negotiate. I’m pretty sure the word you used in your email was share.” “Okay, maybe negotiate is the wrong word. How about co-op- erate?” He drew the word out, pronouncing each syllable. Caitlin couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “So you lured me out here on the pretext of sharing, and then have the gall to think you can bully me into providing information with nothing in return?” Shestood. “You can call it negotiation or cooperation or even collaboration for all I care, but you want to know what I call it?” He didn’t answer, but she thought she saw a hint of amusement in his eyes, which infuriated her even more. She was too angry to think of a word to call it, so she pushed in her chair and turned to leave. “Hold on.” His commanding voice stopped her in mid-stride. It took everything within her to turn around, but what she saw when she did surprised her. Madison was fingering through a stack of folders in front of him, intent it seemed on locating one in particular. “Have you seen the autopsy report?” His voice was casual, as if the last few minutes had never transpired. “Of course not.” He lifted his gaze for just a second at the tone of her voice, and then went back to searching through the manila folders. Finding the one he wanted, he pushed it over to where she had been sitting, and then picked up his coffee mug. “Take a look.” Caitlin stared at the file and then back at his stone-cold face. “From the Hillside murders?” He gave a single nod of affirmation, but he didn’t look happy about it.
teasersDeadline by Jessica James
Deadline by Jessica James 1

meet the author

Jessica James is an award-winning author of military fiction and non-fiction ranging from the Revolutionary War to modern day. She is the only two-time winner of the John Esten Cooke Award for Southern Fiction, and was featured in the book 50 Authors You Should Be Reading, published in 2010. Her novels have been used in schools to teach visualization techniques and are available in more than one hundred libraries including Harvard and the U.S. Naval Academy. James stays active working part-time as a stagehand where she assists with shows ranging from country bands and stage plays, to operas, symphonies and ballets. She resides in Gettysburg, Pa., and has a passion for old dwellings and first edition books.

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