
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Once He's Fallen by; Sara V. Zook Cover Reveal

Cover Reveal
Title: Once He's Fallen
Author: Sara V. Zook
Genre: Paranormal
Cover Designer: Susan Garwood from Wicked Women Designs
Releasing early 2017
Death divides love—at least that’s what they say. One person is left on the earth, the other’s spirit goes to the unknown, their connection completely severed.
An angel is sent to watch over a woman and comfort her during her time of loss. It takes little time for the angel to realize that the woman was once his lover, her loss being his death. When a couple’s love is so powerful that not even two different realms can separate them, it makes the rules the angel is under difficult to follow: He’s not to touch her. He’s not to speak to her. He’s to stand in the distance and merely observe. When another man walks into his love’s life, will the angel swallow his jealousy and obey what he’s told to do, or will he succumb to the emotions of wanting her all to himself, strong feelings threatening to bring disaster to a heartbroken creature of Heaven?     sarahfinalfullrgb2usethisone  
Sara V. Zook pursued her dream of becoming a writer and after earning her bachelor's degree, sat down to create her first novel in which Strange in Skin was completed in three short months.
She's the author of the Strange in Skin Trilogy, Clipped, A Magic Within & A Chaos Within, Evanescent, Reminiscence, her mobster release, Six Guns Volume 1 & Six Guns Volume 2, The Pull and its sequel The Push, & Take Me.
She resides in Pennsylvania, where she was born and raised, with her husband and three small children.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Exclusive cover reveal for The Survival Pact by best-selling author Christy Sloat

The Survival Pact by; Christy Sloat

The Survival Pact releases February 17, 2017, from CHBB Publishing #onehouseunited

Three friends. One promise. One goal. Survive.
Kami thought she'd seen it all as a small time reporter for a New York Paper, but after hearing reports of the dead crawling from graves and attacking humans, she realized the world she once knew would never be the same again. Forced to flee the city, she heads south where her two best friends Emma and Lou reside in search of answers. As a drunken joke ten years earlier, the three friends made a vow that if the world went to hell they’d survive it together, no matter what. With the pact now a reality, they are forced to face a never ending tidal wave of the dead, tornadoes, earthquakes, and massive storms with hundreds of miles to go. Along with their new dog, Snack, the girls get closer to their destination but no closer to answers as to why their world is filled with such evil. Will their plan of survival keep them alive or will they drown in the sea of the dead?

Like what you see? Add this to your TBR 

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Sunday, December 11, 2016

June Jenson and the Shield of Quell, June Jenson Series Book 1 by Emily Harper Blog Tour @emilyswhitelies


blog tour

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Book Title: June Jenson and the Shield of Quell 
Author: Emily Harper 
Genre: Women's Action/Adventure 
Release Date: April 16, 2015 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


book blurb

June Jenson, an accomplished Oxford professor, has spent her life trying to get out from under the shadow of her infamous grandfather: a renowned archaeologist accused of stealing a relic during an excavation at Sutton-Hoo. When a secret alliance recruits June to guard priceless artifacts she realizes that this is her chance to contribute to the history she loves and rid herself of the cloud of suspicion that her family has lived under for so long. But, when the artifact June is commissioned to guard turns out to be the same relic her grandfather was accused of stealing− a relic he has consistently claimed never existed − her carefully laid plans of family redemption are a bit shot. Now, with the aid of her accused grandfather who suffers from early onset Alzheimer’s, and a chauffeur who’s looking for a scandal to make him famous, June must race to discover the truth of the shield and what really happened at Sutton-Hoo all those years ago.


“Isn’t that what I have just been asking for?” I ask.

I must remain calm. The Alzheimer’s always gets worse when I get angry at him. But, honestly, sometimes it is so trying to have a conversation with someone that should really take about a minute and it ends up taking twenty. Even then we don’t really get anywhere.

“As long as you’re sure,” he says. “I don’t want you to regret afterwards that you asked for my help and weren’t able to figure this out on your own.”

“I could figure this out on my own,” I argue.

At his doubtful expression I sit up straighter.

“It’s not that I can’t figure it out myself. Because I certainly could, given more time.”

“And how much time have you had already to solve this riddle?”

I pretend to think about the answer when we both know I haven’t slept in three days.

The Alliance has given me until midnight. I have exactly twenty-three minutes left to give them an answer that will determine my entire future. If it’s right, I’m in. I will officially be protecting Britain’s priceless artifacts; studying them, and seeing relics that no one is even aware are in existence.

If I fail, I have thirty essays to grade by tomorrow morning.

“Right, so you need my help, but you want to figure this out yourself,” he says.

“Exactly,” I nod.

“June, really, have you not been working on your logical formulas lately? You’re not making a lick of sense.” The Professor shakes his head. “I really shouldn’t help you with arguments as unsound as that.”

The Professor doesn’t know what this is really about. He thinks it is a bet amongst colleagues at work. The first one to solve the riddle gets the coveted parking spot beside the Elm tree. We don’t even own a car, but the Professor’s pride responded to the principle of the matter when I told him the stakes.

“Professor, please!” I say, looking down at my watch. “Can you just tell me the answer, and we can argue over semantics later?”

He studies me for a moment before nodding.

“I’ve got a better idea,” he says, smiling. “How about another clue?”

Stay calm, just breathe. Everything will be fine.

“Now, let me see…” he says, pursing his lips. “Something to tell you that won’t be too obvious… That’s a hard thing, I got the answer in about three seconds with the clues you’ve already been given…”

If he doesn’t tell me the bloody answer in five minutes he’s going in a home.

meet the author

Emily Harper is the bestselling and award winning women's fiction author of White Lies, Checking Inn, My Sort-of, Kind-of Hero and the June Jenson series. Her debut novel, White Lies, was a finalist in the National Excellence in Romantic Fiction Award. My Sort-of, Kind-of Hero won the 2014 New England Readers' Choice Award. She has a passion for writing humorous romance stories where the heroine is not your typical damsel in distress.

Originally from England, she currently lives in Canada with her husband, two children, and a very naughty dog.
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Thursday, December 8, 2016

CELEBRATE: A Love Brothers Holiday Anthology by Liz Crowe & Others Cover Reveal @/beerwencha2




Book Title: Celebrate! A Love Brothers Holiday Anthology 
Authors:  Liz Crowe, Desiree Holt, Lexi Post, Kate Richards, Cecilia Aubrey & Chris Almeida, Deanndra Hall, Melissa Keir, Mia Koutras, Deelylah Mullin, Anne L. Parks, Paige Prince, Melissa Robitille, Jamie Salisbury, M.A. Stone, Lacey Wolfe
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: December 15, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Goodreads Button with Shadow

book blurb

CELEBRATE with the Love Brothers this holiday season!

Join 16 best-selling, award winning authors as they bring their own unique stories to this critically acclaimed, Amazon best-selling, family saga-style romance series by Liz Crowe.

Everything from breweries, wineries, distilleries and race car drivers, to EMTs, Olympic athletes, cops, and serious second chances—PLUS a brand new Love Brothers story from Liz herself—can be found in this amazing collection of novellas from some of your favorite romance story-tellers.

Available December 15, 2016 everywhere ebooks are sold, the CELEBRATE Anthology is the perfect holiday romance reading treat—and is only around for a limited time.

Don’t miss your chance to feel the holiday love—Love Brothers style!


meet the author

Liz Crowe

With stories set in the not-so-common worlds of breweries, on the soccer pitch, in successful real estate offices and at times in exotic locales like Istanbul, Turkey, Liz Crowe books are unique and told with a fresh voice. Her 30-book backlist has something for any reader seeking complex storylines with humor and complete casts of characters that will delight, frustrate and linger in the imagination long after the book is finished.

Desiree Holt

A multi-published, award winning, Amazon and USA Today best-selling author, Desiree Holt has produced more than 200 titles and won many awards. She has received an EPIC E-Book Award, the Holt Medallion and many others including Author After Dark’s Author of the Year. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The London Daily Mail. She lives in Florida with her cats who insist they help her write her books, and is addicted to football.

Lexi Post

Lexi Post is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of romance inspired by the classics. She spent years in higher education teaching courses about the classical literature she loved, but romance was her first love. So she married them. From hot paranormals to sizzling cowboys to hunks from out of this world, Lexi provides a sensuous experience with a “whole lotta story.”

Kate Richards

Kate Richards divides her time between Los Angeles and the High Sierras. She would gladly spend all her days in the mountains, but she’d miss the beach…and her very supportive husband’s commute would be three hundred miles. Wherever she is, she loves to explore all different kinds of relationships in her stories. She doesn’t believe one-size-fits-all, and whether her characters live BDSM, ménage, GLBT, spanking, or any other kind of lifestyle, it’s the love, the joy in one another, that counts.

Chris Almeida and Cecilia Aubrey

Six years ago, our paths crossed in a most serendipitous way: through online role play. As funny as it may sound, we were “married/mated” by the group’s owner and from day one, we knew we just clicked. After a few months of writing some pretty hot fanfiction, we decided it was time to write about our own characters. Without a second thought, we embarked on this (crazy) joint writing adventure and Chris Almeida & Cecilia Aubrey were born. Since then, we have written 15 books in our Countermeasure Series (Romantic Suspense), and a novella in the A.W.E. Crew Series (Military Romance) published in Desiree Holt's Omega Team Kindle World and plan to write our own brand of hot & spicy romance for many years to come. 

You can find out more about us and our books here:

Deanndra Hall

Deanndra Hall writes stories in a world she knows well, with characters that are as fun, kinky, and crazy as she is. Although she’s an international bestselling author, she works and lives in far western Kentucky with her partner of 30+ years and three crazy little dogs. She's written for business, industry, religious institutions, non-profits, and owned her own graphic design business, as well as working as a fiber and textile artist. Her personal best was 26,000 words in one day, but she advises against that - it took her the next three days to pry her swollen eyes open. When she's not writing, she can be found working out at the local gym, hiking, kayaking, reading (of course), or working on a healthy recipe. And wherever she is, chocolate is sure to be nearby.

Melissa Keir

Melissa Keir has always wanted to be an author when she wasn’t hoping for a career as a race car driver. Melissa doesn’t believe in down time. She’s always keeping busy. Melissa is a wife and mother, an elementary school teacher, a book reviewer, owner of a publishing company as well as an author. Her home blends two families and is a lot like the Brady Bunch, without Alice. She loves to write stories that feature happy endings and is often seen plotting her next story.

Mia Koutras

Mia Koutras lives in the Greater Toronto Area with her wonderful husband and two amazing children. When she’s not educating students on the brilliant imagery and symbolism in Shakespeare’s great tragedies—while they not so covertly tap away on their cell phones to make plans for lunch and after school—she’s concocting story lines and character sketches in her head, just waiting for the moment to commit them to paper and hard drive. 

Mia can be found online at:

Deelylah Mullin

Deelylah Mullin began her writing journey as a child. Since Fourth Grade Writers' Group, high school creative writing classes, and even more creative writing in college (the first time), she's been working to hone her craft and tell her stories. Back in the day, those stories used to be horror. Now, they're diverse in genre, but almost always with a romantic twist. She’s spent twenty-four years teaching high school and college English/composition courses, professionally edited since 2012, and is in semi-retirement to chase her own dreams.

Anne L. Parks

Anne L. Parks is the author of nine books, including the Return To Me series, and the Tri-Stone Trilogy. Married to the Navy - well a Commander in the Navy – with a background in law, it’s not surprising she was drawn to writing romantic suspense and legal thrillers. Currently residing in the Washington D.C. area, she loves spending time reading, doing yoga, mountain biking, and keeping track of four kids. And drinking wine.

Paige Prince

Paige Prince is the alter ego of Rhyann Harris, erotic romance author, editor, drinker of coffee, and binger of Netflix. Based in a suburb of Houston, Texas, Paige is happily married to her very own romance hero, and they’re raising their very own little heroine. Or hellraiser. They’re not entirely sure which side she’s chosen yet.

Melissa Robitille

Melissa Robitille is an author, editor, book formatter & cover designer, and when that doesn’t keep her busy enough she also designs websites, cooks, sings along to everything and dances, too. She writes everything speculative fiction - fantasy, science fiction, horror, paranormal romance, paranormal noir, urban fantasy, you name it - and will have 2 novellas in boxed sets as well as 4 short stories in anthologies under her own name this year alone, as well as several books published under pen names.

Jamie Salisbury

Writing romance stories with passion and sass, Jamie Salisbury has seen several of her books soar to #1 on Amazon. She’s written as long as she can remember. Her books are all self published. Music, traveling and history are among her passions when not writing. Her previous career in public relations in and around the entertainment field has afforded her with a treasure trove of endless story ideas.

M.A. Stone

M.A. Stone has had magical stories in her head, ever since she was a little girl devouring her favorite Stephen King or Laurell Hamilton novel; she figured if they could write up amazing stories about amazing people and places, well then so could she. She’s had three books published so far, a short story in a novella and is set to release books four and five in the next year. When’s she’s not arguing with her characters or figuring out storylines in the shower, she’s raising up her four AMAZING (and interesting ) children, binge watching stuff on Hulu, making blankets and trying to schedule date nights with the love of her life. She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her family, her overly-emotional pitt bull, a flock chickens named after characters from the movie Friday, and a duck named Ricky. 

You can reach her at:

Lacey Wolfe
Lacey Wolfe has always had a passion for words, whether it’s getting lost in a book or writing her own. Her goal as an author is to have a romance for everyone, whether it’s sweet, sensual, or spicy. She’s had several books on the Amazon best seller lists. When she isn’t writing, she can be found running, talking to her pets, spending time with her family, or lost in some sort of craft. She takes kindly to anyone who feeds her cookies. Lacey lives in Georgia with her husband, son and daughter, their herd of cats, and one black lab who rules the house.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Room Service by Poppy Dunne Release Blitz @PoppyDWrites


release day blitz


Book Title: Room Service 
Author: Poppy Dunne 
Genre: Romantic Comedy 
Release Date: December 7, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Goodreads Button with Shadow

book blurb
I've spent seven nights cooped up in this five star hotel, sleeping on 1000 thread count sheets and working sixteen hours a day. At least room service is covered under my expense account. But all work and no play leaves a girl dateless for her brother's wedding.

Prospects aren't totally bleak, though. Four meals a day, I get to drool over this sexy room service guy: he's got a perfect body, easy smile, and a sense of humor that has me snorting over my personal pizza. He's all that and a bag of chips. Specifically, the jumbo bag of ranch barbecue chips that I ordered for breakfast out of desperation on Day Four.

I finally found the courage to 'accidentally' let my bathrobe slip, and ask him to be my plus one at my brother's wedding. So maybe I had to offer him a little money. So what? There's no way I can face my family, make my ex rue the day he left me, or screw off this work stress without his helping hand.

But what happens when I find myself falling for my fake, paid-for boyfriend? Judging by the comped mozzarella sticks he brought me for breakfast, maybe there's a chance he's falling for me too?

“Really? She’s never mentioned you before,” Mom purrs. But damn it, Ben’s ready for her.

“I wanted to tell everyone right away, but she waited. That’s one of the things I love about her—how wise she is. When you have something special, you take it slow.” Then he leans down and presses his lips to my cheek, just a whisper of a touch. Instantly, and startlingly, my insides kind of gel together. Thank god he’s holding me up. “That’s part of the reason I’m so excited to meet all of the family now. You should be so proud of your daughter.”

His confident smile is killing Mom right now. He’s throwing a bucket of water on her, and we’re watching as the witch melts down to a cream pair of Manolo Blahniks and a spilled cosmopolitan.

Her horror at being unable to mock me gives me life. It spurs me on. Move in for the kill, Alex. I grip Ben by his lapel.

“You always know just what to say,” I murmur, trying to sound kittenish. Then I get up on my tiptoes and kiss him.

It’s supposed to be a moment to make Mom uncomfortable and get out of our faces. But the second our lips connect, a hot spark shoots through my body. Instead of freezing or shoving me away—which Ben could do, because I’m borderline assaulting him right now—he pulls me closer. Our bodies melt together.

My head tips back and I inadvertently sigh into his mouth, my lips opening just a little, and that’s when I feel his tongue trace my lower lip, then stroke against mine just hard enough to make my pulse race. There’s nothing in our verbal contract that mentions making out, but I can’t stop myself from reaching up my arms to twine around his neck. As we kiss his hands slide down my back, a little possessive. I think I’m getting dizzy. Man, this guy is a good actor.

He trails his fingers just above the curve of my ass, too. Classy, but still enough to make an onlooker a little uncomfortable. Bullseye. We break apart, even though part of me would like to stay locked to his face. Mom’s gulped down her drink in one go, clearly desperate to get the hell away from her daughter’s happiness. It feels good.

“Well. You two have a pleasant evening.” She says it like we’re a pair of strangers whom she just walked in on to find screwing in a corner of the bathroom. “Go find Rollie before you…do whatever it is you do.” I want to say ‘have sex in the front hall,’ but think better of it. She walks away from us, stiff-kneed and red-faced. My mother tried to embarrass me and got it thrown right back in her face. It’s like Christmas in February.

Though watching her walk away like I just stripped in front of her is kind of like a stiletto to the heart. Since Todd and I broke up—hell, since I took myself out to California and basically flipped her kind of life the double bird—she’s been distant. At least, more distant than she used to be. I can’t help wishing she could just be happy for me and the man I paid to be my date. Is that so much to ask?


meet the author

After ten years of hiding behind a bathroom door, Poppy Dunne has sent both children to school, emerged from the bathroom, and is excited to release Room Service, a romantic comedy plotted mostly on the toilet.

Poppy writes books with relatable heroines who speak their minds and whose riotous inner dialogue reflects their complex characters. Her goal is to deliver a story that has equal parts heart, romance and humor. Her heroes are swoon worthy, yet hold on to your suspension of disbelief, because they pick up their own socks and cook.

In her free time, she looks for hobbies other than Netflix and procrastinating to fill out this author bio. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and children.
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