
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Elfin by Quinn Loftis

My Elfin Word! Quinn Loftis has done it again!

I would like to start off this review telling everyone how worried I was when this Author announced she was actually writing a series about Elves. Matter of fact, I think I said something like "WTC?”! What about Dec? How are you going to write about a little green twerp with pointed ears, after writing a great series of gorgeous werewolf guys?" The Grey Wolves was one of my favorite series; I cannot even think how she would possibly be able to top it.

Well guess what the Author did? She wrote a book about Elves. BUT there were no little green twerps at all. As a matter of fact there was a very HOT bad boy elf named Trik. Trik is a dark elf Assassin, who works with none other than the King of The Dark Elves. I can see this guy being on everyone's new book BF list. As I was reading, the further I got in the story I could see Quinn's signature all over it. She has once again brought us another series of love, devotion, fights and laugh out loud moments.

The Dark Assassin Trik, who soon finds out that the Forest Lords have chosen to put a very human Cassie and him together, accidentally runs into Cassie while she is helping her father out at his office. They find out that they have a connection. That is where our journey begins with the two. And what a journey it turns out to be! Now let’s throw into the mix Elora, Cassie's best friend. One individual that is always dripping with sarcastic charm, strong will and ready to fight the world if it wrongs her.

**Fine, but if you get yourself killed I reserve the right to flush your ashes down the toilet while I sing the theme from Titanic.** Elora

In this book, we have a fight between Dark and Light Elves. Trik has to decide what he wants more, Cassie or his past. Sometimes I wanted to smack him for the decisions he made, when he thought he wasn't good enough for her. Loftis takes us on another spiral journey again with her great way of writing by adding twists and turns throughout this book. Not to mention secrets, even though we learn about Trik’s big secret, I have a feeling there is something more to Elora and her mother. I loved Cassie’s dad and his questionnaire for her boyfriends. LOL This book has great characters, concept and story line. Way to go Quinn!!!

**Is it enough if the love only comes from one side? Is the love of one person enough to conquer the hurt of two?** Cassie

**You are breathtaking after I have loved on you. Cassie rolled her eyes, is that a compliment for me or you? **

For more information on this Author:

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