
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Touching Smoke (Touch Series, #1) by Airicka Phoenix

Thump thump .........thump thump....thump....thump thump thump......thump shhhhhhhhhhh
You know what that is? That my dear friends is my heart beat! Holy smokes. 

Touching smoke defies everything I have read as of late. This book was so flipping intense! I have been hours trying to think of something to compare this book with. Congratulations Airicka Phoenix I can not find anything! This book is definitely a intriguing and unique read! Seriously no vampires, no werewolf’s, no fairies. Freakin amazing!!! However, throughout the book we do have supernaturals, ask me where they are come from, ask me how the dog ears you can have a book about supernaturals and not be the usual Vamp, weres, fae, I say you grab this book and read it immediately. Figure that out for yourself! 

Right when you open the book, you start out with Fallon and her mother, driving around everywhere. Only staying in run down motels. Fallon was not the typical child. She is now close to 17 and never stayed in one school for more than 6 months. Always on the run. So that’s what you get in the first couple of pages. Base line I guess you would call! Then BAM you are thrown into action, fear, powerfulness. I mean mega WHOA! Little farther into the story, the Author throws in the mysterious, hunky, ravishing “Isaiah”. They are MADE for each other literally and that is all I am saying. Is her father really been dead for 14 years? Or is he alive, is he bad, is he good? Oh wait....who really is her mother? Is her mother good? So many twists!!!

You want a book to drive you crazy, on the edge of your seat with anticipation. You want a book with romance, originality, secrets, humor, danger and raw emotion. You better run get your copy now, why it is only $2.99. If they right person gets a hold of the read. Look out people this might just turn into market price! 

Airicka Phoenix congratulations to you on a very awesome new debut book. You better believe I will be one of the first to get my hands on your next book! P.S I flipping love the cover!

Synopsis Touching Smoke:

For sixteen-year-old FALLON BRAEDEN being on the run had been the easiest part of her life. Packing up and crossing whole cities on a split second decision had been tedious, having no friends and being alone had been painful, but being caught by the truth was something she learned too late was worse.

Fallon is a weapon. She was created to destroy. Keeping her alive, keeping her safe is all Isaiah knows. It’s all that matters, because Fallon is his. She belongs to him. She is a part of his body, his soul, his heart. He will do anything, kill anyone to keep her, even if it means sacrificing himself.

But can Fallon believe the stranger on the motorcycle claiming he was there to die for her? How do you trust when you have no one but the memories of a girl you’ve never met and a tall, dark, gorgeous boy that you feel pulsing deep in your soul? What do you do when you’ve been lied to your whole life? When you’re told you’re normal even though nothing about you is normal? Fallon must learn quickly just what she is before the evil chasing her finally gets what it wants… her blood.

The world depends on her not falling in love, not giving in. But what happens when the temptation becomes too great, when falling is her only option? Can she live knowing the world will burn because his touch is the only thing keeping her alive?

Touch Passion. Touch Power. Touch Smoke!

For more information on this Author: --  with Airicka Phoenix Author


  1. Thank you for the honor of allowing me to be the first post on your beautiful blog. Thank you so much. I am honored and I absolutely love the review! <3 you both!!

  2. I bought this book when it was on sale for $.99, but I haven't had time to read it yet, but after your review, I will be putting it at the top of my TBR list :)

    1. I hope you love it! You should really check out her work. She is a brilliant writer. Thank you for honor of visiting this page
