
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stacey Rourke 101

Today is Introduction 101 Stacey Rourke

This is Stacey Rourke
Author of the Gryphon Series

Stacey is also the Captain of the Anchor Group Publishing Co. 
You can find here: Anchor Group on Facebook

You can find the Gryphon Series in your local  Buy from Barnes & Noble 

<--- see there is proof is in the pudding....ok photo!!!! 

She won Author of the year in 2012

So let's do a recap of everything we have learn so far. 
1. Stacey is an Author of the Best Selling Gryphon Series
2. Stacey is the Captain of the Anchor Group
3. Stacey's books can be purchased at your local B&N
4. Stacey was a author of the year in 2012

Continuing on............

Stacey is a role model for our children at schools

OMG Please feel free to push the play button and watch this!!!!!!

Derinda: Where did you get your inspiration for your book covers
Stacey: Celeste wanted to be an art teacher and loves to sketch. Each cover has an original sketch on it, but each picture is flawed somehow to show that her original dream can never be as she pictured it. Ripped paper, broken pencil, splattered ink, they are all metaphors for her broken dream because of her calling. 


Time to meet the Characters of her books





Now the biggest issue, as to all good books!!! Teams


Me personally I am so Team Rowan, if you don't believe me check the bite mark on his thigh hahahhaha


So next, I skipped "la do da" all the way downtown facebook to see if I could get opinions on this series from people!

Here's what I heard:

"Loved this book!Action packed with an amazing story line to make it flow! ”
Brenda  |  68 reviewers made a similar statement

"Just be prepared to want to read the second book since you will definitely want to know what happens next to the Garret siblings. ”
FranJessca [at] Book Lovin' Mamas  |  62 reviewers made a similar statement

"The sibling relationship is hilarious, and I love that Celeste gets to have the best side kicks a super hero could have, her brother and sister. ”
T. Kauffman  |  21 reviewers made a similar statement

One person even threaten to find her house and EGG it.....oh wait that was me!

So then as I was skipping to the next person, I found one sitting on the bench holding a lighter like she was at Woodstock! 

Hi, my name is Derinda....

hehehhhehehe my name is Crystal, and I am the biggest Stacey Rourke Fan EVER!

Very nice to meet you Crystal, but what makes you the her biggest fan? 

Well I stalk her every day and I love her, and she is the greatest Author person ever. Want to see proof I am her BEST fan EVER?

Ummmmm, sure let me have it!

Best Fan Ever BAM!!!

Crystal Bozeman Clifton


Where you can find Stacey Rourke

Facebook   Twitter  Goodreads  Amazon

Giveaway time

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Team Caleb! I think that Caleb is right for Celeste - he balances her. Plus I love his Irish brogue.
    (And if Celeste is with Caleb then I can have Rowan all to Gotta love the misunderstood pirate/demon/bad boy )
    P.S.: Derinda - keep your teeth off of my boy's thigh ;-)

  2. I am so Team Caleb all the way I love me some Green eyes and Irish lips yummy yummy. Thanks D for the spot light for Stacey :) <3

  3. Team Rowan all the way! Just look at that gorgeous boy...

  4. Team Caleb. There is no thinking that question over.

  5. Team Caleb <3 Thank you for this giveaway and good luck to everyone.

  6. Even though Rowan is one handsomely dark guy I melt over the Irish brogue when its coming from a guy as sexy as Caleb so I am all Team Caleb - great post and great giveaway thank you.

  7. Team Caleb based on your pics... but it was hard!

  8. brainer - Team Caleb all the way....

  9. I'm team Rowen because I love me a bad boy! There is something about then that us so enticing and Rowen is the bad boy that needs a hug and a whoopin all at the same time. Lol

  10. Team Rowan (cuanam wolfspirit -

  11. I love a bad boy too, but I have to go with Team Caleb on this one :)

  12. Very tough choice, but I have to go with Rowan. Bad boys are hard to resist!

  13. Given my gender and preferences, I am neither Team Rowan nor Team Caleb. I'm just sort of hanging around on the outskirts of both camps, waiting to console those who have been casually rejected by either / both.
    BUT ... if Valerie Bertinelli ever starts up a team, I want dibs ...

  14. Team Caleb all the way the love GREEN IRISH eyes, and that sweet sexy look on his face!!!!

  15. Love them both, but Gotta love Rowan, you know the bad boy thing and all!
