
Sunday, July 7, 2013

AnguiSH blog tour

AnguiSH By Lila Felix
Anguish was the status quo, until she walked in.
Breaker James Collins is confined in a prison of his own making. Scarred doesn’t begin to define his hell since finding out his girlfriend had cheated, stolen, and lied two years ago. It led to a single eventone that would blacken his days and his nights from then on. Since then, he hasn’t left his house, crippled by fear of people and any social interaction.
Ashland talks too much and has the voice of a meth-laden prairie dog, or so she’s always been told. She’s been called annoying and irritating all of her life and gave up on having friends for a long time. College has given her a new lease on a social life and she’s embraced who she is. But now she’s waiting for the one guy who can take her breath away and put up with her antics.
A simple note pinned to a corkboard will lead Ash right to Breaker’s solitary world and she will learn that just because a guy doesn’t fit her ideal, doesn’t mean she won’t fall head over feet in love.

My Review of AnguiSH

WOWZER is where I will start off this review. This is my first book from this Author, but will not be my last. I have already download the rest.

Praise for this book! I adored the way Felix was able to show us that no matter what faults we have, there is a perfect beautiful placement for each one of us in this lifetime. Just because one doesn't fit in a certain place, doesn't mean you do not fit. You just have to find your place and/or space to blossom in being yourself. Just because one person doesn't like the way you are, doesn't mean someone else will not love you for who your are. That even when you have your "ideal" love, it may be totally opposite of what you all planned on. I will stop rambling on, because soon I will be talking as much as Ashland.

~She was soft and pillowy. And I was prickly and rough around the edges-we fit together like the two halves that made Velcro~

 I truly Loved the whole concept of Anugish's uniqueness.

My favorite part was how the Author took the male character Breaker, rich once a popular guy and made him fragile and broken. Yet throwing in enough to add swoon worthy to his demeanor as well. We also have Ashland troubled herself, but witty and strong. Bringing them together to have a perfect combination of love, strength and healing. The mother's love and intervention to heal her son, was another added great element. Just over all a great read with meaningful attributes.
As easy as Ashland apply for a job as a live in maid, brought to damaged souls together and the healing process began. Breaker never leaving his house for almost two years, after being hurt by a his x-girlfriend. Ashland, never dreamed accepting a job would lead to falling in love. Although Ashland helped Breaker tremendously, I believe Breaker helped her just as much.

Are you wondering will Ashland be able to heal Breacker's heart, to finally be able leave his house with having a panic attack? Will Breaker make Ashland feel loved and normal? If you are wanting to know how this story ends, read this book!

~It was almost worse that I knew what those lips felt like now. They were sirens to mine, calling them back to the original scene of the sin~

Find it on Goodreads here:

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About the Author:

 Felix lives in the swamps of Louisiana with her husband and three boisterous children. She loves coffee, anything cinnamon and loves to cook. She is a big roller derby fan. When she's not writing, she's watching 80's movies, reading, and collecting duct tape.
Author Links:
Facebook Fanpage




  1. great review!! I am snickering because you called her Feliz in the review. and I ALWAYS make that typo. so it is kind of a little joke between me and Lila. thanks for helping out!!

  2. OMG fixed it LOL. I am thoroughly happy I was able to make you snicker hahaha.
