
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Authors Blog Hop Hosted by Lady Amber's Reviews

Here is a review for Today Only by Author Rick Veal
"Now I lay me down to sleep ... I pray the Lord my soul to keep ... If I shall die before I wake ... I pray the Lord my soul to take..."

With that simple childhood prayer, peace comes to one and heartache comes to another ... one soul travels on and another soul must stay behind. I finished reading "Today Only" and my thoughts were ... oh my God ... how deeply touching a story. I sat with tears in my eyes as I read, hoping to the end for a miracle ... but knowing deep inside that it wouldn't and couldn't happen. This story has touched my life on so many levels ... it's just amazing ... there's no other word to describe it.
I know that "Today Only" is just a story, a story from the heart of a mother, containing all of a Mother's love for her family. As I read it I often felt that it was 'too real' to be just a story ... and there were so many times throughout it that I had to ask myself `did this really happen?'. The author tells the story in such a way that it often seems as if she has pulled aside a curtain and allowed us a look into her most private life ... her happiness, her hurt, and her overcoming's. While the story is filled with sadness, sorrow and heartbreak, the overarching theme is that true Love is the most powerful thing in the universe and it will conquer everything in the end.
"Today Only" illustrates just how fragile life really is ... and that when it's all said and done, all we really have is our love for one another. This is a must-read story for anyone who finds themselves or a loved one in a life-threatening situation. This single story will inspire hope in you ... you'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll come to a deeper understanding that others have fought the fight before you and made it through. It will give you the inner strength to continue to fight and in spite of what some may think they see you'll come to understand that one way or another ... you've won the battle. Then when you finally do reach the end of the struggle, you'll find that inner strength and peace, like Rye, to say in childlike innocence ... "Now I lay me down to sleep ..."


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the giveaway <3

  2. Today Only truly is a riveting story. I should be getting my review done soon as I can get my brain to settle juggling 10 million things at once lol!

    Glad to be a part of this hop with you :-)
