
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Cursed and Possessed Double Cover Reveal and Giveaway!

Cursed (The Thorne Trilogy Book I)
by R.K. Ryals

Cover by Eden Crane Designs


A grimoire. A witch. A Demon.  
Ellie Elizabeth Jacobs, often known as Monroe due to her fascination with vintage attire and old movies, is an 18 year-old witch and a darned good one! But there is also something very wrong with her. Demonic energy makes her powers stronger, she has the ability to ward off Demons, and Lucifer wants her.  Sometimes being bad is better. Or at least that's how Luther "Thorne" Craig feels. The hybrid Demon son of the cursed Cain and the Demon Lilith, Luther is reluctantly sent to New Orleans, Louisiana by his brother, the hybrid Demon ruler of the Outer Levels of Hell, to protect Monroe from Lucifer's searching Hellhounds. 
But what happens when things go wrong?  In this riveting spin off from R.K. Ryals' Redemption series, Monroe is faced with an old grimoire, an ancient curse, and a journey to discover a family secret that may surprise them all.


"Can I see that?" NeeCee asked suddenly, and I looked up to find her standing over me, her hand outstretched, her gaze on the grimoire.
I narrowed my eyes. "Why?"
NeeCee sighed. "I think I know something that may help you."
I felt myself start to panic and tamped it down. The only thing worse than dust (I'm a slight neat freak) was Bernice's gift for inadvertently abusing magic.
"I don't know— "
"Oh for God's sake!" NeeCee said irritably before snatching the book out of my hand.
I tried grabbing for it and failed.
"NeeCee ..." I warned.
She ignored me, dancing around different glass displays, her eyes on the book. She was naturally clumsy, but inside a store she'd practically been born into, she had the grace of a gazelle. It worked against me.
She paused abruptly, twisting so that her stomach was against a display of dried herbs, her index finger moving down a page. The display between us was too thick for me to see the parchment clearly, and I started edging toward her, my heart beating fast.
"NeeCee ..." I warned again, my teeth gritted.
She grinned. "Look! It's a reversal spell. This could help, you know. And it's simple."
She lifted a candle from a cabinet behind her and lit it. It was black.
I blew the wick out.
"No!" I cried. "There is no way in hell I am letting you perform anything on me. Understand?"
Bernice frowned, her forehead creased. "You really have that little confidence in me?"
I could hear the hurt in her voice, and I felt a pang of sympathy. Truly I did, but I wasn't about to let it affect my judgment.
"I have plenty of confidence in you, NeeCee, but these are old spells. They are unpredictable. Extremelyunpredictable."
Bernice lit the candle again and moved it behind her, her finger trailing the page. She turned, facing me.
"Quae mea tua sunt, tua mea sunt quid . . ." she proceeded stubbornly, her chin raised, her eyes large and confident behind her spectacles.
The words were Latin. I recognized them instantly and cringed, jumping onto the display case, my blue dress riding all the way up to my hip. At this point, I didn't give a flip if a customer came in right now and got an eye full of my black low-rise panties. I just wanted the dead blasted grimoire.
"NeeCee, no!" I shouted, just as the black candle behind her exploded, ebony wax falling onto the wooden surface around it.
I covered my face, but even though the blast sounded loud inside the store, there was no collateral damage. The only outwardly disturbing sign was a small, perfect wax circle made of six black spots on the worn wood around the scarlet glass candleholder. I winced. Bernice froze.
"NeeCee," I whispered.
"Yeah?" she muttered.
I stared at the ruined workstation as the grimoire fell to the floor at Bernice's feet. "That wasn't a reversal spell."

Buy Links for Cursed – 

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Possessed (The Thorne Trilogy Book II)
by R.K. Ryals
Cover by Eden Crane Designs
Expected Release – November, 2013
Calling a Demon forth wasn’t the wisest thing the Ayer’s witches have ever done.  For centuries, the Ayers have been slaves of the Demon Lilith, one Ayers witch destined to do her will while another was sacrificed to the Hunters. But Monroe Jacobs has changed the rules …
A witch from the Ayers' line, Monroe’s powers have always been connected to Demons and now she knows why. Once a slave to Lilith, she has thrown off her blood ties to the Demon queen by calling on her son, the hybrid-Demon, Luther. Now Monroe must discover what it means to be a witch while fighting off demonic possession.
For Luther “Thorne” Craig, his attraction to the witch, Monroe, isn’t just a complication, it’s a distraction. He’s always been happy with his life, serving the denizens of Hell while living flamboyantly, but now he’s declared war on his mother and Lilith won’t rest until she sees him dead.
Armed with her own book of shadows, Monroe is dragged into a civil war between mother and son while Luther fights his demonic need to truly possess her.

"You should cast spells skyclad," he murmured.
A flush worked its way up my neck, the image of me unclothed inside a circle stark in my head. I'd never done a spell skyclad. Even my initiation had been done fully clothed.
I glared at him. "You're right. You are a monster."
He chuckled. "Be bad for me, witch. You might find you like it."
Add Possessed to your TBR list on Goodreads -


About The Author:
R. K. Ryals is a scatterbrained mother of three whose passion is reading whatever she can get her hands on. She makes her home in Mississippi with her husband, three daughters, a Shitzsu named Tinkerbell, and a coffeepot she couldn't live without.

Stalker Links:


  1. Thank you for posting!! <3 you!!

    1. No thank you for letting me be a apart of this reveal. I am so excited about the covers!

  2. WOW-WOW-WOW those covers are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Buying book one and adding book 2 to the good reads shelf. Great post luv :)

    1. Thank you Tonya and yes the are really awesome covers!

  3. I love these covers! R.K. Ryals is amazing!! Love all her books!! <3

    1. They are awesome Tina, I can wait till these come out!
