
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My review of Whisper Cape by Susan Griscom

Escape to a world where the impossible becomes possible. WHISPER CAPE is a town of secrets and Addison MacKenna soon becomes tangled in a web of them. Plagued with nightmares of her father’s sudden and brutal death, Addie struggles with her anguish and refuses to believe his demise was accidental.
Fighting to shake off one of those devastating early morning nightmares, Addison finds it even harder to escape from the vision of a man lying on the side of the roada man she may have just killed. When she frantically tries to locate him, he seemingly disappears, just the beginning of strange occurrences in her life. She also cannot ignore the weird sensations in her own body. Suddenly, the impossible seems possible, but is that a blessing or a curse?
Believing that her continual and worsening nightmares are both the key to her own new abilities and the clue to her father’s death, Addie knows she will not rest until she has the answers she craves. As she strives to cope with her new remarkable talents, someone else learns of her abilitiesa disgruntled maniacal psychopath with his own agenda that involves eliminating Addie. The only one who can protect her, instruct her in the use of her powers and teach her how to destroy the murderous monster is the same man who makes Addie’s heart race and her blood heat with passion. The same man she’d left for dead. Cael Sheridan may be arrogant and mysterious but he's also undeniably gorgeous. A member of a secret society, he is sworn to protect the woman he believes to be the daughter of his recently murdered mentor. In the process, he finds it impossible to resist her magnetic sensuality, complicating his efforts to shield and guide her as she learns to manage her newly acquired skills. At the same time, Addison has much to teach him about trust and commitment. Fate has brought them together, but will it make them stronger or destroy them both in end?

Review of Whisper Cape
I am so thrilled I opened this book to read. I loved it!!! There is nothing better than a book that keeps you in suspense, till wee hours in the night. You keep flipping the pages, batting your eye lids in hopes, that the answers you are looking for will be reveal before you loose the power to hold your eyes open. While sitting on the edge of you seat, you fine yourself on a mission to solve the mystery, you have been woven into by the author. But wait! Not only is this book suspenseful, it almost has a edge of darkness to it. Adding in the tenderness of romance, great characters.
The author's descriptions keeps you captivated till the very end. My favorite part was finding out who actually the bad guy was, holy smokes it will literally blow your mind. Is he a serial killer, is he a friend or family member. Or is he a she? Curious yet? Then stop reading this and get the book!
Addie lost her father in a "accident", but soon moving back to Whisper Cape she starts thinking it wasn't a accident at all. Then after hitting a guy she was sure she killed, was not dead at all, he will become a huge part in her world. The perfect sexy book boyfriend, but he has his secrets too. The awesome world the author has built is strong, engaging, powerful characters, compelling you to read till the last page. The tangled web this Author has weaved is truly awesome.
Definitely a must read. Oh snap, wait till you find out the meaning of "Whisper Cape". Remember I told you about that edge of darkness....can we say creepyyyy.... So now I am off to read the next book, because I am already curious about Gerry. What? Who is that? Well get reading so you can find out!

Author Bio:
I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, spending most of my time daydreaming or playing around in the mud. I grew out of the mud play, well, most of the time, a good soak in the mud is always fun. I still daydream often and sometimes my daydreams interrupt my daydreams. So, I write to remember them. If I didn't write, I think my mind would explode from an overload of fantasy and weirdness. To the annoyance of my friends and family, my characters sometimes become a part of my world. During my childhood, I would frequently get in trouble in school for daydreaming. Eventually, my vivid imagination paid off and I had the privilege of writing and co-directing my sixth-grade class play--a dreadful disaster, though not from my writing, of course. I'm pretty sure it was the acting.
I enjoy writing about characters living in small quaint towns and sometimes they tend to lean toward the unusual and edgy.
My paranormal playing field delves into a different milieu, abandoning vampires and werewolves, but not discounting them. Someday I might like to write a novel about vamps and those furry creatures. But for now I like the bizarre mixed with romance. A strong hero or heroine confronted with extraordinary forces of nature, powers and capabilities gets my blood running hot as does a steamy contemporary romantic suspense.

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