
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Celebrating with Eva Pohler

Balloon Header T-shirt back The party will kick off with
an appearance from Hypnos, who has three contests planned. As the god of sleep, he is going to ask you to tell about your favorite dream, to post pics of how you would like him to appear to you in your dreams, and to describe your favorite PG-13-rated fantasy. To reward you, Victoria Secret Gift Cardhe will give away a t-shirt with his graphic on the back and his brother's on the front. He will also give away a $10 Victoria Secret gift card and an ebook edition of The Gatekeeper's Challenge (#2). During the second hour, Hypnos's father, Hades, will take over. In addition to some Greek mythology trivia, Hades is going to ask you two questions: If you could go to the Underworld to visit any one person, who would it be? And, if you were condemned to Tartarus to suffer your greatest fear, what kind of torment would you be made to endure? Hades will give away a three-book charm bracelet, three pomegranate sachets, and an ebook edition of The Purgatorium. Book Charm bracelet on Kristi (2) After Hades, Zeus's favorite daughter, Athena, will join us. Like the god of the Underworld, she plans to ask you some Greek mythology trivia. In addition, she'll ask you to describe the bravest thing you ever did and to share your favorite words of wisdom. She will be giving away an ebook edition of The Mystery Tomb, "I'm a BOOK G[R]EEK" buttons and pens, and, wait for it...the Athena Locket. The inscription inside is just like the one on the saga: The most common way people give up their power is by believing they have none. The Athena Locket For the final hour, Therese, the heroine of the saga, will take over the party. She will ask you to post your favorite animal pics and ask you to tell what animal you would choose to be and why. Her last question will be to tell which god you would marry and why. Her prizes will include an ebook edition of the first t-shirt frontthree books in the saga, signed paperback editions of the first four books in the saga, and another t-shirt starring Hypnos and Thanatos. Stacked Saga     In addition to all of these prizes, one lucky winner will receive an advanced reader's pdf copy of The Gatekeeper's Secret! The party is open to the public and can be found here. If you can't make it to this event on February 2nd, never fear! The crew is returning for a second act on Sunday, February 9th around the same time at The Violet Hour Book Reviews, which you can find here. balloons We hope to see you at one or both of these events. I'm so excited to show you the cover, created by the ever talented Melinda Vanlone, whose work you can find here.

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