
Monday, January 25, 2016

Cover Reveal for The Unmoving Sky by K.L. Hallam @love8rockets

Title: The Unmoving Sky
Author: K.L. Hallam
Genre: Young Adult, Thriller
Publisher: Leap Books, Shine
Release Date: May 16, 2016

There is nothing darker than the woods, until you meet your worst fear.

Jackson Bower has a lot on his mind lately. His younger brother hasn’t been the same since his mother’s death. His father’s drinking is out of control. Then there’s Jackson’s girlfriend and the grief that ties them together even as it threatens to drive them apart.

He distances himself, hoping for a little perspective at the family lodge. But when their father gets drunk and dangerous, he and his brother escape into the woods.

Night creeps in, and the rains come fast. Artie slips down a ravine. He’s wounded and the brothers seek shelter in a cave, only to find someone else already taking refuge there.

A desperate man with plans to destroy their town.

Jackson must get him and his wounded brother out of the cave and over the mountain to warn everyone in time. Without getting them both killed first.

Book Links:
Goodreads ~ Smashwords

Meet the Author:
K.L. Hallam, an air force brat as a young child, who moved around to more schools than she can list, gathering the stories that would connect to her heart. She writes MG, YA, and short fiction, or anything she hasn’t tried, a member of SCBWI, a singer and songwriter, illustrator and mother of two teenagers. She lives in New York City and spends her mornings writing in a Jazz club.

Follow K.L. Hallam 
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and her website.

Book Trailer:

Rafflecopter giveaway:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The alone part is not scary. It's thinking about what else could be out there that is.

  2. The imagination wins! Thanks for participating, Derinda! Beautiful blog you have! :)

    1. Thank you for being a guest on my blog. I love your cover!

  3. I would survive pretty well since I grew up where woods were everywhere and camping in them was a survival skill to learn
