
Sunday, July 10, 2016

One Night Stand Series (Make Me Stay, #1) by M.E. Gordon #ReleaseBlitz @@mgordon620


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Book Title: One Night Stand Series (Make Me Stay, #1) 
Author: M.E. Gordon 
Genre: Contemporary/New Adult 
Release Date: July 9, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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book blurb

When someone says “Make me stay” in the most dramatic, love-sick kind of way, most people think it sounds desperate, weak, or needy. I, for one, think it sounds like all of the above! I’m not stupid, and I sure as heck am not desperate. In fact, I’m the complete opposite of weak. I’ve lived my live with a steel trap around my heart, and I don’t need anyone—especially a man. So how in the hell did a wannabe rock star get me to say those three words…make me stay?


One-woman man? You’ve got to be joking. I was a rock god…in a bar…in a small town…eh, details. I was get-ting women like I was their gift from God. I was going to make it big. My band and I were going to bust out of Small Town, USA, and we were going to knock the pan-ties off every woman in sight. So, when I caught some sexy groupie touching my baby…my beautiful guitar, did I want to test those waters? Hell, yes! But did I want to be a one-woman man? Hell, no! But after that, all I knew was that I wanted to make her stay.


We had everything together. How could she leave all that behind…leave me?

I ran through the parking garage, after parking my truck in the first spot I saw. It might have been a handicapped spot. I wasn’t really sure and, right then, I didn’t give a fuck. I bought a ticket so I could get back to the gates. I was rounding the corner when I heard them announce the flight that I knew Kitty was getting on.

I got to the gate, scanning all over but it was nearly empty, the sign above the doorway that lead to the plane was flashing last call. I went to make my way down to the plane, but the ticket lady stopped me. When I looked down the walkway, there at the bottom was Caroline. The large woman still blocking my path, I called to her, “Caroline!”

“Sir, you can’t go down there without a proper ticket,” the pudgy woman said, taking another step forward to block me.

“I need to get down there!” I said frantically.

“I’m sorry but, no ticket, no plane.”

What a bitch.

“Caroline!” I yelled, again.

Kitty stood there, a slight hesitation in her body that I had come to know so well, staring at me. I could have sworn she was going to run back, run to me—that is, until she lifted her chin, fixed the bag on her shoulder, and walked away, taking with her what was left of my heart ©M.E.Gordon.2016

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meet the author

M.E. Gordon, was born and raised in Maryland, where she still resides with her husband. She is a stay at home mom to four children, three boys and one very, spoiled, little girl, all under the age of five. Growing up M.E.G. was an avid journal writer. She wrote her first romance novel at the age of 14, and it was pretty bad, but over the years and through all the kids she honed her craft. When M.E.G. doesn't have her mom hat on, you can find her reading, working on her next story or watching guilty pleasure television.
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