
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Here by Ella James

Shock and AWE!!!!

I can honestly say I had NEVER read a book like this one. This definitely is one of a kind.

Always expect the unexpected with Ella James. Very smart of her to keep me guessing as to what one of the main characters was. Hmm point for you Ella! For a little bit....I am shaking my head saying...never have I read a book where a deer turns into a human. Well let’s just say WRONG!!! No deer here baby!

One thing I am loving about Ella James, is how she always seems to place simple things or objects throughout her books, that has me wondering WTC does that have to do with the price of eggs, and then becomes one of the most important tools later on.

Ella James, is so imaginative and creative in such a different way with her writing. I simply love it. I have definitely never read a book that has this plot or concept in it. You will be asking who, what, where and why, every time you turn around. I even thought to myself a time or two, “this Author is so playing with my head”. Nick, as Milo calls him. is in a shadow of mystery for a while in this book. Finally, as gradually as possible, he is being unraveled to us. So did not see that coming. Once you get past the first chapter people, go find a belt to strap yourself to your seat. You are on a ride that will shake you, turn you left to right, bouncing up and down, and leave you hanging by a limb.

See with this story, everything is so different. The love story is different, the people are different. You can’t help but to engross yourself in it. Very fascinating and intriguing. The characters are strongly and powerfully built by the Author. As I have noticed in most of her books. Also it is mesmerizing how the Author uses unique tools for her stories. Love it! What tools you ask, let me see, stun guns, whistles, dart tranquilizer etc. Fabulous Ella, love your gifted mind!

Yes, this book ends with a major cliffhanger, but I say so what. Gives me something to look forward too. Unless the Author wants to drop a sexy hot man out of the sky in Maine for me! That would totally make up for it.

Thank you Ella James, for always being incredible with your words. Delivering wonderful journeys for us to take! Fabulously supportive of all your fans!

For more on this Author:

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