
Monday, April 29, 2013

Just a thought!

Today I thought I would offer you a little about why I have a book coming out!
I know it was a shock too so many of you, including my closest friends, that I am getting ready to release a book out into the world. It's one of those things that just happen, and I have no idea "WHY".  I had not shared this with anyone, including my family till the very end. So do not feel like I left you out!
The how of course is simple. I had went to bed and was having a hard time sleeping, as many of you have experienced. Thoughts were rolling a mile a minute through my head. My nights are always crazy, constantly trying to figure out what will come in life, the how to make a difference or just the why's! So I fell asleep and something, rather it was a dream or a thought I don't know, came to my head, no my heart. Anyways,  I woke up and text myself on my phone a message. Yes, I said that. I literally was texting "myself" messages throughout this whole process. The next morning I got up and had a cup of coffee, then grabbing my phone and I started this big journey.
Most of you know me as the stripper event crasher, or the person chasing cowboys in downtown facebook, or through Young Adult Teen readers or my favorite the "chocolate loving beast." I even tried to be a super hero one time but lost flight and my cape blew away. I want to tell you a secret about Derinda Love!!! I am very shy!!! Yes that is what I said SHY, so pick your jaws up off the floor. I know.... I know, your probably saying how can someone walk into a event flashing the world be shy. Well don't ask me, because I have no clue hahhahaha!

Anyways, I have no idea where this journey will take me next, but know that I love each and everyone of you. If I don't know you, I look forward to getting to know. My hopes for this book is that it will touch you. I can not wait to hear your thoughts!

Now here is the next part.  I would love to giveaway an ARC of this book to someone.  So if you are interested in reading "Today Only," leave me a comment below. I will chose someone on May 7th!

1. let me know the name your using to follow this blog
2. What are the last 3 books you have read (comment here)
3. Your email address



  1. I am sooo excited, and super happy for you on this new endeavor. I can't wait to read it. I would love to win the ARC and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I follow you by email and the last 3 books I read was Talania- A Trip Down Memory Lane by Crystal Spears. Beneath by Cambria Hebert and The Species Series by J.K. Accinni thank you for this opportunity. Take care and may God bless you and your loved ones always. Much love and respect always, Cynthia Williams.

  2. Three cheers on the book :-) The entire process, the experience, is unique to us all and I'm sure your book will be fantabulous.

    I am following under Angela Brown
    My last three books are The Backworlds by MPax, Recaptured Dreams by Justine Dell and Struck by Jennifer Bosworth. Can't wait to get my reviews posted for these stories because I enjoyed each one for its uniqueness.
    e-mail addy is

  3. Hello Derinda! I am so happy for you! I would love to read your new book!!!! I know you have poured your heart into Today Only and I am so very impressed with you. You are my inspiration! Hugs!!
    I have just finished all three books in the Daughters of the Sea Series by Kristen Day for a blog post/review. I am getting ready to read The Forgotten Ones by Laura Howard. I follow you under a few names. LOL Tina Donnelly, frogluv3r_tina33 and by my email frogluv3r_tina33(at)yahoo(dot)com
    Congrats my friend!
