
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Meet C.M Stunich

Best Selling Author C.M Stunich
C.M. Stunich was raised under a cover of fog in the area known simply as Eureka, CA. A mysterious place, this strange, arboreal land nursed Caitlin's (yes, that's her name!) desire to write strange fiction novels about wicked monsters, magical trains, and Nemean Lions (Google it!). She currently enjoys drag queens, having too many cats, and tribal bellydance.
Always a fan of the indie scene and 'sticking it to the man,' Ms. Stunich decided to take the road less traveled and forgo the traditional publishing route. You can be assured though that she received several rejections as to ensure her proper place in the world of writers before taking up a friend's offer to start a publishing company. Sarian Royal was born, and Ms. Stunich's books slowly transformed from mere baking chocolate to full blown tortes with hand sculpted fondant flowers.
C.M. is a writer obsessed with delivering the very best and scours her mind on a regular basis to select the most unusual stories for the outside world.
Ms. Stunich can be reached via e-mail or by post and loves to hear from her readers. Ms. Stunich also wrote this biography and has no idea why she decided to refer to herself in the third person.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! sorry Ms. Love had to giggle 

I recently had honored to interview Ms. Stunich and she is amazing! In her Bio we learn she enjoys Bellydancing. However, I ask her as a child what did she want to be when she grew up.

C.M:  A dragon slayer.  No, seriously.  Okay, well not totally seriously, but I didn't want to be anything normal – doctor, lawyer, cop, etc.  I ended up waffling so much that I wound up doing customer service which has to be in the top five worst jobs ever.  I wish somebody had told me that author was a legit occupation!

So here is our lovely C.M 

 C.M the Bellydanicing Dragon Slayer 

Derinda: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating any of your books?
C.M: How attached I'd get.  When an author tells you that their books are their babies, they are not joking.  It feels like either you ARE the character, or that you're in LOVE with the character, or that you're very closely RELATED to the character.  You start saying things to real life folks that sound something like this: “Oh my God!  Really?  My friend just did that the other day.  Well, I mean, her werewolf boyfriend totally deserved it, but …  Oops, sorry.  She doesn't exist.  My bad on that one.”

Derinda: Is there a message in your Masterpieces that you want readers to feel or grasp?
C.M:  Love conquers all.  And yes, that is corny, but yes, it's also true.  And I don't just mean, hair pulling, teeth gnashing, lip locking love.  I'm talking all love.  Platonic, familial, passionate, steady, all of it.  Guess what?  You want to know the secret of life?  I've got it: L.O.V.E.  MWAH!

Derinda: What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing your characters to life?
C.M  For me, it's mostly emotion that gets in the way.  The research is the easy part; there are cut and dried facts that I can work with.  When it comes to expressing emotion, especially for folks as messed up as Never in Tasting Never and Claire in Paint Me Beautiful, I get so into their heads that I can't think straight anymore and their pain becomes my pain.  It's a hard thing to experience.

Derinda: Can you share what you working on now?
C.M:  At this very moment, I am putting the finishing touches on my biker boy book, Losing Me, Finding You.  Then it's time to move onto Color Me Pretty, the second book to Paint Me Beautiful and then, well, it's wherever the wind takes me!  (And it could be taking me back to Never say Never … ) Here Derinda (waves a tissue) take this, your drooling all over my cover.
Derinda: Sorry the abs...chainsssss....tatsss
C.M: Yea Yea I know.....just wipe

Derinda: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
C.M  Hmm … Can I list dozens?  LOL.  I'd say it's my absolute inconsistency with what I need to write well.  For example, one day, I need the loudest, most ridiculous, screeching music pouring from the speakers.  The next day, I need complete and utter silence and am liable to yell at anyone or anything that disrupts me.  It's my delicious dichotomy and I intend to stick to it!

Derinda:  How did you feel when you got your first 5 star review?
C.M  Elated!  Ecstatic!  Relieved!  When you first publish a book, one of the greatest fears is those dang stars and the reviews attached to them, so when you finally get someone that loves your work as much as you do, it's sheer, unadulterated heaven.

Derinda: Tell me how you handled it, when you get a “not so great” review? 
C.M  Cry.  LOL.  There isn't  much else you can do.  In truth, you want to reach through the computer and shake the reviewer's shoulders asking, “Why don't you get me?  Why don't you love these fictional people as much as I do?”  It's a really hard thing to get past and an even harder one to understand until you get your first.  Constructive negative reviews can be very helpful, but for some reason, they often come across as malicious attacks which hurt.  Of course, as an author, you should never attack or belittle someone for their review; I just cry a few tears, straighten my shoulders, and move on!

Derinda: Who is your favorite hero/heroine/character from your own books? What about of all time?
C.M  My favorite heroine is Natalie from The Feed.  She knows how to make hard choices, but she isn't emotionless.  She does what she has to do and she does a darn good job at it.  Plus, she gets to be with Seth, one of my favorite book boyfriends ever.  Of all time?  I'd have to say Jean-Claude from the Anita Blake novels because he is HAWT.

Derinda: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your Fans? 
C.M I love you to pieces, and I heart the f*** out of you! <3 Without you, my books would just be words on a page. Thanks for giving them your magic and bringing them to life. 

 Derinda: When you’re not writing AMAZING things, what is your most favorite thing in the world to do? 
C.M: READ! You even had to ask? ;) I wish I could say I enjoyed pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, but that just isn't true. I'd rather have a rum and coke by the fire with a novel in hand. A paperback novel preferably, thank you very much. 

• Color? Purple. (I want to say black, but that's the absence of color, isn't it? ;) )
• Food? Shepherd's Pie. 
• Song/Singer? “Red and Dying Evening” by Alesana

Derinda: Tell me the first word that comes to mind when you think of the following; 
• Romance: Sex. 
• Love: Truth. 
• Swoon: Ty McCabe.
• Reading: Delirium.

Where to find this awesome & talented Author

Giveaway Time!!!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Well I <3 all of her books, but I read the Never series first, so they're my first loves. Derinda, I'm drooling over the cover right there with you, I hope CM brought a box of tissues!

  2. I've read two of the Never series and LOVED them! I need the third so I can finish!!

  3. Would love to win the signed book from my fav gal!!!

  4. Not yet-but looking forward to exploring!

  5. I have never read any of her books so I do not have a favorite.

  6. I've never heard of this author,but I'd like to read his book.

  7. I have not had the chance to read any of her books yet. But I would like to :)

  8. Finding Never.Thanks for sharing!

  9. Not yet but I'm really interested in her new book <3

  10. Thanks for this giveaway! :)

  11. I haven't read one of her books yet, I do have one on my tbr pile that I will soon read :)

  12. Finding Never is my favorite so far! Great giveaway!!

  13. I haven't had the chance to read her books, yet, but I have a feeling I will love Paint Me Beautiful and The Never series. I have most if not all her books on my Kindle. List is just so long. I really would love a paperback of Paint Me Beautiful. :) That would be icing on the cake of C.M. Stunich! Thanks for the giveaway and I loved the interview!

  14. awesome giveaway. love ya CM you are an awesome author

  15. I've never read any of her books but I hope to soon!

  16. LOVE-LOVE-LOVE CM Stunich. One of my faves!!!!! Woot Woot <3!!!

  17. I own several of her books, I just haven't been able to read them yet. Thanks for the chance! (:

  18. I love CM's books!! I can't wait to read this one!

  19. I absolutely love CM!!! But I fell in love with her Never series first!

  20. I can't wait to check these out, I've not read any of them - yet!

  21. I really don't have a fav but I like A Werewolf Christmas (cuanam wolfspirit)
