
Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Special Spotlight And Interview with Lady Amber Reviews/tour host

Today will be be showing great appreciation 
to the wonderful
Lady Amber 

I had the honor of being able to interview Amber
Let's see what she had to say!

Derinda: First tell us, why the name Lady Amber? (which I love)

Amber: It was originally Amber's Supernatural & YA Reviews, however, that was WAY TOO long and I wanted something different, something that would stand out so a friend of mine and I started gathering ideas on a name, she came up with Lady Amber and immediately I thought of some busty medieval witch and I loved it!! BTW said friend is the awesome Airicka Phoenix.

Derinda: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Amber: As a child I wanted to be many things; a Lawyer, model, teacher, ballerina and a dog walker. (Still to this day I have no clue why dog walker) One that stuck with me was teaching children to read and write.  Unfortunately none of those ever happened. I ended up going to college for Business Management.

Derinda: Oh My Gosh, Amber you should of been a ballerina dog walker -------->
Amber: Man! Why didn't I think of that.

Derinda: Can you tell us, who Amber really is? (On a personal level)

Amber: I am a mother of two fabulous girls and wife to an amazing husband. I take care of my grandmother who lives with me. She is battling her second round of cancer. My grandmother means the world to me, as she is the one who raised me. I am very much involved in my daughters lives whether it's sports or academics, I'm there to cheer them on. I take life one day at a time, it's too short to just let it pass you by.

Derinda: What all does Lady Amber Reviews do?
Amber:  I guess the big question is what don't I do? I do whatever I can to help anyone, author or blogger. Reviewing is my fave, however, I also host online book party's and tours, I blog, help authors find reviewers, Admin and pretty much anything else you can think of.

Derinda: I heard you recently signed on with Staccato Publishing, also being a PA for H.K Savage? 

Amber: Yes!! H.K. Savage is awesome to work with. She has an amazing sense of humor. I have also met 5 other authors through Staccato Publishing as well; CS Yelle, Jacinta Maree, Donna Milward, Jay Mims and EC Hibbs. They have all been very welcoming and kind.

Derinda: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to bloggers for encouragement?

Amber: Don't give up!! Work for what you want to achieve, it's worth the end result.

Derinda: Can you share a personal secret with me?

Amber: *looks around and whispers* I haven't read any of the Harry Potter or Hunger Games books!!! PLEASE don't tell anyone!!!!

Derinda: What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

Amber:  Being the first in my family to graduate from High School and going on to College. I don't think any one in my family thought I would be able to do it, especially after having a child while in high school. That's what really pushed me, I wanted to show my daughter that all things were possible.

Derinda: How does it make you feel, when you hear how you have impacted someone's life?

Amber: Amazing!! Any time I can help make a difference in someone's life is rewarding.

Derinda: If you could pick one author to put in a closet who would it be?  What would be the first thing you would say to them?

Amber: oooohhh.....Just one?? hhhmmm I would have to choose Michelle Zink, I would love to know where she gets her inspiration and ideas for her books.

Derinda: When you’re not helping Authors, what is your most favorite thing in the world to do?

Amber: SHOPPING!! I love to shop. Clothing and Books, I just cant seem to get enough lol

Derinda: Can you share one funny thing about yourself, with all of us ?

Amber:  I am the biggest blonde you will ever meet. I'm a total klutz and will trip on anything and nothing.

        Color?  Blue
        Food?  Cheese

        Song/Singer?  If I Die Young by The Band Perry

Find Amber at any of this places

If Lady Amber has touched your life, feel free to leave a comment below, to let her know how valuable she is YOU!


  1. Love the interview and I've enjoyed lurking at some of Lady Amber's events on FB. Haven't had the chance to be as interactive due to currently writing and editing like a beaver trying to build the world's biggest dam lol!

    I hope to work with Lady Amber very soon myself once I take the step to reach out :-)

  2. Great interview!
    Tsk Tsk for not reading the HG or HP ;P
    I'll pretend I never read that part.
    All your work is appreciated! <3

  3. Amber has been there for me through the stress of releasing my first self published novel, she reviewed it for me and is hosting my Cover Reveal on the 19th. She is the sweetest person, and really good at what she does! I recommend any of her services for authors.

  4. Awesome interview D!! I loved reading Lady Amber's responses - although I'm shocked that she has never read the Harry Potter or Hunger Games books. I'm very lucky to have met Lady Amber through Facebook and become her friend. I've also joined her blogger/review group for her tours. I am amazed at how much she does to help promote Indie authors and get them the attention they deserve. *hugs to both of you, wonderful ladies*

  5. I loved this, thanks so much Derinda and Lady Amber. Two of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of meeting on my journey into being a blogger, reading and reviewing!!

  6. LOVE IT!!! I absolutely love Amber!!! She's such an amazing person, so giving and caring... and my co-drinker of Dr. Pepper. ;) xoxo

  7. Love this! I now know more about Amber, considering I work for her!
