
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Game On by Dani Jace Release Blitz @/Dani_Jace

Game On

release day blitz

Game On! cover

Book Title: Game On! (A Seaside Heat Romance) 3 
Author: Dani Jace 
Genre: Romance/Erotic 
Release Date: June 21, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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book blurb
Heath Lancaster’s happy to be on the practice squad of a professional football team, but instead of a lucky break taking him to the next level, a league-wide strike leaves him unemployed. Until he finds a new semi-pro league in Virginia Beach, where a bikini-clad hottie snags one of his passes on the beach and offers him a tour of the area . . .

A scandalous affair turned Jordan Walker into media fodder—and in no hurry to get back into the dating game. But the easy going tight end of the new Triton’s team unleashes an inhibited wild streak in her and has her tempting him with a game of her own. But when she finds out who the owner of the Tritons is, she’s wondering if she’ll repeat her mistakes . . .


A few minutes later, they arrived at the beach. Inside the bathhouse, Jordan changed into her new suit. Eyeing herself in the mirror, she frowned.

GiGi painted her lips with a coral gloss. “It’s been over a year now, Jordan. No one will recognize you. The media is feeding on some other poor soul now.”

She could only hope.

After making their way to the pier, Jordan checked out the surf zone. Only a few young teens and old dudes on longboards bobbed in the ocean. The surf lacked the exciting swells necessary to attract anyone hot enough for GiGi. She should have relented and gone to Virginia Beach.

“Let’s cruise.” GiGi shouldered her beach bag stuffed with towels, drinks and their cell phones. They sank their toes into the sand at the water’s edge. “Looks like mommies’ day out with the kiddies.” She grumbled.

“Says the huntress.” Jordan kept walking toward the less crowded fishing area hoping to find GiGi something to stalk.

“I want confirmation this new bikini is worth the money.” GiGi thrust out her tits and swayed her hips.

Jordan glanced up, snagging a spiraling football inches from their heads. The ball stung her fingers with a slap.

GiGi squeaked, dropping her bag with their drinks. “Sorry!”

The intended receiver stood in the surf.

“Jesus! My bad!” The passer grimaced.

At least he had the decency to appear embarrassed.

Mr. Sandy Blond rushed from the water toward them. Damn. He had all the attributes of her favorite NFL tight end. Aviator shades hid his eyes. His brawny shoulders tapered to a waist set off by a six-pack.

“You okay?” His gaze followed GiGi’s to the bottles littering the beach. “Oh. Sorry about your drinks. He plucked the brews and wine coolers from the sand. “Wouldn’t open these for a bit.”

GiGi eyed their buff physiques and smirked. “Suppose you’ll have to share yours.” She nodded to their cooler.

“Not a problem.” The dark-haired passer motioned to his beach chair.

But of course, her model-looking friend was always first pick. Jordan handed the ball to the blond. More to her tastes anyway. The stripe on his board shorts accentuated his well-carved butt.

He extended his hand. “Heath.”

“Miller?” Jordan asked. Almost as tall and as muscular as the pro tight-end. A definite hard-body. He might have been threatening-looking if not for his endearing dimples and genuine smile.

He enveloped her hand with a firm grip. “Sorry, no. Lancaster is my last name, but you’d make a heck of a cornerback the way you picked off that pass.”

Electrified by his touch, her thoughts fired in directions she’d been dodging for months. “Jordan, sister to three older brothers. I can tackle, too, if necessary.” She grinned.

He let out a low whistle.

meet the author
Dani Jace enjoys writing headstrong, flip-flop casual heroines and everyday heroes who work with their hands―and other body parts. Claiming the Outer Banks of North Carolina as her second home, she includes the scenic and legendary chain of barrier islands as a setting for many of her tales. When not working on her next novel, she’s dipping her toes in the ocean, reading or checking out the newest action flick. Her husband, son and Lab, plus her many imaginary characters make life complete.
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