
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas In The Highlands by Madelyn Hill Book Blitz @AuthorMaddyHill


book blitz


Book Title: Christmas in the Highlands 
Author: Madelyn Hill 
Genre: Scottish Historical Romance 
Release Date: August 31, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


book blurb


Laird Malcolm Sutherland needs a bride. He has few requirements of his new wife; demands he should have insisted with his former betrothed—namely, honesty, loyalty, and resources.

Lady Rossalyn Gordon will do anything to be rid of her tyrant father, even if that means deceiving the man who offers her an escape. If revealed, those secrets will either bring her mercy, or thrust her back into the hands of the devil who sired her.

When Rossalyn’s bastard of a father arrives at Sutherland Keep, going back on his word and ordering her return, Malcolm must decide if he can forgive his wife enough to listen to his heart and have a family for Christmas.


Fiona Sutherland longs for love with the man she has pined after since she was a lass. When he weds another she is devastated, and questions why the man she pledged her heart to has forsaken a vow made in their youth. Could loving her be so hard?

Cameron Munro adores Fiona from afar, knowing her heart has been set on another. She is everything he desires—strong, loyal, and fiery in spirit.

Determined, he pledges to prove his love to her and win Fiona’s heart by Christmas.


“Lass, ‘tis time to be wed.”

Her jaw clenched and Malcolm swore she was ready to yell at the man, but her father merely held her gaze, until apparently he’d won the battle of wills. Lady Rossalyn sighed as she glanced up at Gordon, and uncertainty filled her gaze.

Malcolm nearly moved forward to sweep her into his arms. He didn’t give in to the impulse—he wasn’t a romantic man, subject to ideas of whimsy—but for some reason, once he spied Lady Rossalyn he’d been thinking decidedly romantic thoughts.

“Aye, Father, I’m ready.”

Ah, her voice, soft, slightly husky. Sensual.

Damn, he was ready to consummate the marriage before they were legally wed.

She trembled a bit as their eyes met. She lowered her gaze until her lashes cast a shadow against the pale skin of her cheeks. When she lifted her eyes again, resolve and a bit of stubbornness filled them. Malcolm nearly laughed, but checked his impulse.

Now wasn’t the time for laughter.

In a few moments, they’d both pledge to honor and obey.

And then, their fates would be sealed.

* * *

Marriage? To a stranger? Rossalyn’s mind raced to find a solution before she spoke her vows.

None came. Quite the contrary, all reasoning supported the union. She only sought a safe place to live, away from the hovel in which she’d faced many indignities. And now one last indignity was thrust upon her by her father—an unexpected marriage. Which was particularly hard at the current time of year and all the memories it wrought.

‘Twas the time of celebration with Christmas fast approaching, and the anniversary of her mother’s death as well. To honor her, Rossalyn longed to share her mother’s love of holiday traditions and festivities in a keep which would appreciate such frivolity. Her father had loathed Christmas and all of its trappings. So much so, he forbade any acknowledgement of the season. And it broke her heart.

No matter, for as she stood next to this man—a lifeline for her—calmness settled in, easing the shaking of her hands. A quick prayer slipped through her mind . . .

Please understand. Please forgive.

The priest started the ceremony, and all too soon, had bade the laird to kiss the bride.

Dear God Almighty, he was going to kiss her. A plethora of thoughts raced through her mind. She hadn’t been kissed since Daniel had been alive. Tears clogged the back of her throat. ‘Twas her fault he was gone; her fault she was in this precarious position and needed saving—apparently by Laird Malcolm Sutherland.

When she’d entered the main hall, she’d nearly run back to her chamber and barred the door. But there was something about him, especially when he’d been ready to challenge her father. His swagger was determined, and she’d been completely taken with the strength of him as he’d pulled the large sword from its sheath.

Now there was a wild look to the man as his face approached hers, ready to claim her as his wife. She marveled at the hard planes of his cheeks, the strong jaw and brow. His hair flowed to his shoulders, a thick mass of dark brown, tempting her fingers to grab on and not let go.

She pulled back, searched his gaze. Aye, she recognized the look of desire and it rattled her to the core.

No matter what she thought or felt, this man was her salvation.

He slowly curled his hand behind her head, cradling her, bring a sense of security.

A slight grin tipped up his broad mouth as she met him halfway. His lips were warm and firm as they played over hers. He pulled her flush against his strong body, slightly lifting her up onto her toes. She melted a little against the hard wall of his chest. Though a stranger, her heart found a bit of reassurance at their attraction to each other. When his hands moved on her back, then traveled down her hips, she pulled away. ‘Twas too soon, too intimate.

Laird Sutherland—now her husband—brushed the back of his hand along her cheek. “Lovely,” he said in a low voice, for her ears only.

Her heart pattered and she swallowed. The compliment embarrassed her as much as it pleased her. It had been so long since she’d appreciated the attention of a man. Any woman would be thrilled by his words, more so by his strength and handsome face. And how heat coursed through her body after his kiss.

meet the author

Madelyn Hill has always loved the written word. From the time she could read and all through her school years, she'd sneak books into her textbooks during school. And she devoured books daily. At the age of 10 she proclaimed she wanted to be a writer. After being a "closet" writer for several years, she sent her manuscripts out and is now published with Soul Mate Publishing. And she couldn't be happier!

A resident of Western New York, she moved from one Rochester to another Rochester to be with the love of her life. They now have 3 children and keep busy cooking, watching their children's sporting events, and of course reading!
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