
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Games of Fire by Airicka Phoenix

Flipping flapjacks Airicka Phoenix has blown my mind once again!

This book I shamelessly bought for only 99 cents. If this book doesn't go #1 I would let anyone of you come in my house and take ALL my chocolate. Get it now, while you have the chance and read it. That way when she is one of New York Times best can sqeeek and jump up and down saying you know her. This books is so refreshingly realistic. Such a captivating read, it left me powerless to do anything else, but read. This Author has masterfully created a novel that will totally and utterly blow you away. From the depth of the characters, and the realization of actual story line. Holy smokes! This is one of them books that will have you walking outside bare naked and not care who sees you because you just can not care long enough to put the book down.

"Beware of surprises that come with gloom" Grandma Valdez

This book is hard to describe without giving to much away. But I will tell you, that this book will have you laughing so hard, you will have to rush to the bathroom or wear depends LOL. In the same book you will be crying, longing and begging for Spencer to take his clothes off. Screaming at Sophie to open her legs. Also you will start to have panic attacks....more when you see the words *Found You*

***"He practically had a Your mother did warn you stamp on his forehead right next to the Yes, I do taste as good as I look"***

**It was quickly becoming apparent that the ass gene did not stray far in his family.**

Those are just glimpses of the giggles you will have. This book is so delightfully descriptive and full of humor. Then just when you are so happy and excited about things as they progress. Your heart will start thumping, your legs will start shaking.....Phoenix places so much fear in you solely by her words. Without even realize that this fear had start in the beginning and erupts towards the end. OMG. I can NOT express to you, the way Phoenix can placate you one minute and the next minute installed so much fear, that you find yourself looking around, evaluating your own friends.

Once again this Author has proven, why she is one of my favorites

For more information on this Author:

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