
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Phoenix Shadow By Lisa Morgan

XXXXX Read this Review PLEASE XXXXXXX This book comes out March 28th!!!!!!!

Another 20 star book!!!! OMG OMG OMG I am so flippin head over heads for this series. Book after book just keeps getting better and better. People hear me when I say you NEED to READ this series!!! Brilliantly written, stunningly description and powerful characters. This is one of them series, that when your kindle run knocking everything out of your way too plug it in.....then turning to power it back up and its says wait 15 minutes. You start crying and dancing around begging for it to hurry up. But I swear it is like time stops while you wait. However, 4 mins and 34 secs is all you need to keep back to the "Trust".

How can I convince each and everyone you to read this series? Tell you how wonderfully sexy Luc is. How evil Ossa's is? How freakin awesome and strong Maggie is. Oh dear sweet Laim. WHYYYY? As I have said in all three reviews. This is a outstanding.... extraordinary series. This book will again have your knees buckling, it will suck your breath right out of your lungs. Make you want to fall to the ground bawling you eyes out. Not too mention how you will laugh out loud on numerous occasions. And the LOVE that Luc has for me......ummm I mean Maggie OMG OMG!!!!

There is so much happening again in the book. WOW WOW WOW how can I give you details about this book.....when all I want to do is jump up and down and beg you to read this series. I want to have someone to share all these emotions with this series gives me. Someone to talk with about Luc (wiggles eye brows) someone that can sing Bow Chica Wow Wow with me LOL! Someone who is willing to scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WTC!!!!

Oh wait you need information on the book. AWESOME....better then flying bananas.....If you want to really fall in love with a book, if you want to get blisters on your fingers from flipping pages to fast READ this book. This book will not be out till 03/28/13 but you can always start with the first book Phoenix Rising!!!

If you love action, snarky sexy guys, strong female characters, laughing your bum off moments, crying till your eyes are swollen. If you love a book with romance, strong plot, and devotion. Read this book. Love Love Love this series. Someone contact me when you read this I would love to share my thoughts with you ♥ If you have read any of these books comment below and let me know, if I am the only one mesmerized by this series! I would love to hear your opinion.

To buy one of the best books ever!!!
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