
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let's talk Sarah Dosher

Haven from the Storm (Storms of Life #1) by Sarah Dosher

Bio of this beautiful Author

Sarah Dosher was born and raised in rural Oklahoma where she currently resides with her cowboy husband and twins (one cowboy and one cowgirl). 

She is addicted to books and The Golden Girls. Her love for reading inspired her to write her first novel, Haven from the Storm. She is currently working on the continuation of the Storms of Life Series. Sanctuary from the Darkness (Storms of Life #2) featuring Adley and Derek from Haven from the Storm is set to be published in September 2013.

Sweet biscuits STOP the interview, did she say COWBOYS, someone pick me up off the floor!!! Sarah, everyone knows is Facebook, that I LOVE me some cowboys!!!

BAM cowboy!!!


This is the AMAZING book that is rocking everyone's world

“If you’re going to make me cry, at least be there to wipe away the tears…”

Most were asleep in their beds the night Lily Grace’s entire world was ripped apart, leaving only darkness and torment in its place. The only remaining person she depended on abandoned her without a second thought…or so that’s what Lily has believed for the past four years.
Dean Haven has returned for one reason—to win Lily’s love again. He’s already broken her heart because of the demons that haunt him. Can his desire for Lily keep him from succumbing to those demons again?
Dean has no idea what awaits him when he tries to fight his way back into Lily’s life. Everything he remembers has changed, including Lily.
Is love enough when you’re forced to weather the storms life has blown your way?
Due to content and subject matter, suggested for readers 16 years of age and older.


Can any of you guess what Sarah wanted to be when she grew up? HA! Bet not

Sarah: A famous singer, which is sad since I can’t carry a tune to save my life.  But I love music, I just married a musician instead.
Derinda: WHAT!!! You mean to tell me you married a cowboy and he is a musician?! Tell me has a tattoo and it will be on like donkey kong!
Sarah: Yes he does but it's my name, so I dont think that would make you happy Derinda LOL
Derinda: Saved by the name!!!

Derinda: Where do you get your ideas for your book?
Sarah:  The inspiration for Haven from the Storm came from a song I heard on the radio, Blown Away by Carrie Underwood.  I listened to that song non stop for the next few weeks until I had so many ideas I didn’t know that I could ever get them down on paper.

Derinda: What books have most influenced your life most?
Sarah:  The authors that have influenced my writing the most are Jamie McGuire, Katja Millay, and Colleen Hoover.  Their writing styles and ability to completely capture the reader is what I strive to accomplish.  

Derinda: If you could pick one author (dead or alive) to have dinner with, who would it be?  What
would be the first thing you would say to them?

Sarah: Shakespeare!  I mean c’mon who wouldn’t want to have dinner with him!  I might not be able to understand a word he’s talking about but I’d totally enjoy it.  I don’t think I’d have any questions, I just listen to him tell me a story.

Derinda: How did you feel when you got your first 5 star review?

Sarah:  You’re assuming I’ve already gotten one, right?  Well you assumed correctly. Haha  I felt absolutely elated!  But beyond that, the first review where I could tell the reader had truly connected with my characters and completely grasped the story I was trying so hard to tell…that was worth every emotion and doubt I had while writing, and honestly it didn’t matter if that was a 5 star review or not.

Derinda: How do you handle when you get a “not so great” review? 
Sarah:  Well that’s a much less fun time for sure!  Probably the first thing I do is message my editor and my best author friend.  For some reason sharing the bad review with them makes it easier for me to process.  Usually once they’ve had time to read my message and the review I’ve already started to accept the criticism and started to move forward, which luckily doesn’t seem to take me very long. Haha  Then my editor and author friend will message me back with their thoughts about it and help me see the positive side and by then I’m ready to learn from it and move on to the next review…good or bad.

Derinda: What are you working on now?
Sarah:  I am working on the rest of the Storms of Life series.  Several of the characters that you meet in Haven from the Storm will be featured in their own book.  Adley and Derek will be featured in book 2 (Sanctuary from the Darkness) and Ian will be featured in book 3 (Freedom from the Past).

Derinda: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Sarah:  Thank you!  I know I say it all the time, but without readers I wouldn’t be a writer.  Writing the novel is only half of the reward…sharing my story with the readers completes the experience.

        Color?  Purple
        Food? Tacos, nachos, any type of Mexican food…is it time to eat?  Now I’m hungry!
         Song/Singer? Imagine Dragons is what plays non stop for me these days. 
 Tell me the first word that comes to mind when you think of the following;
        Romance: My favorite
        Love: hearts and flowers
        Swoon: David Gandy. LOL  
        Reading:  Heaven

Where you can find this Wonderful Author!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great interview! I must add her to the TBR list. Thanks for introducing me.
