
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Belinda Boring the Author who is sweeping the Nation with Swoon

Let me introduce the lovely Belinda Boring

 Who is this Amazing Author!!

A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.
With all that excitement, it wasn't long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn't be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.
Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. 

There is a taste of Quinn Micheals from Broken Promises RAWWWW

When recently talking when Belinda, I learned her dream was to become a doctor when she grew up. So I am all about making dreams come true. 
Everyone say hello to Dr. Belinda Boring

Listen to what Dr. Belinda told me during my interview with her!!

Derinda: How on earth do you get these awesome ideas for your masterpieces?
Dr. Belinda:
 At first, my story ideas came from dreams. The Mystic Wolves started from one where I woke up in total grief. All I could remember was I’d been in this big confrontation, someone was shot, and screaming because the person had killed a loved one. I spent the entire next day walking around with this lump in my throat because the emotions had been so real and gut wrenching. I was encouraged to write the scene and voila, The Mystic Wolves was born. It was the same for Broken Promises. The three-part series was born from remembering three images I’d dreamt:  ice blue eyes, blood, and violence. 

I also get it from random, everyday things. I was just riding a ferry in Seattle, looking at a brochure about interesting places to sight see, and a two book storyline surfaced. I don’t ever argue or second guess when inspiration comes. I just obediently write down everything and slide it into my writing schedule.

Derinda: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating any of your books?
Dr. Belinda: This might sound strange, but I always thought “I” was the characters. I mean, I’m the author, right? I create and decide what happens to them, so I naturally thought it was me in the drivers seat. The more I write, the more I realize, each have their own distinct voice. Even in Testing Fate, I knew what I wanted to happen and then Mason or Darcy would surprise me. They would through in a twist or a comment and blow me away. I learned very quickly not to stifle that part of writing and just let them take over.

Derinda: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Dr. Belinda: If I’m going to be truthful, it’s what happens when I write a kissing scene. I was given some really good advice when I started—if you’re not feeling it, neither will the reader. So when writing swoony kisses, I place myself right into the shoes of the heroine. I try to imagine how she’s feeling, what’s happening etc. It works really well for me, but without fail, each and every time I’m left panting! I didn’t realize I do this until my BFF pointed it out one day. She was looking at me and started laughing. “Did you know you were sitting there heavy breathing?” It’s kind of embarrassing but hey, it’s MASON! Hahaha
I also listen to certain songs on repeat that I’ve assigned for a particular scene in the book. Maybe that’s why I pant . . . I write my kissing scenes to Skin by Rihanna.

Public annoucement: Devlin is my man from Mystic Wolves. Darcy can have Mason.
 Signed, Christina Silcox

Derinda: What books have most influenced your life most?
Dr. Belinda:  I know the first paranormal romance books I read were the Dark Carpathian series by Christine Feehan. I would lie in bed at night and rewrite them in my head. I even started my own fan fiction piece. I fell in love with that “swoony” feeling and immediately started reading everything I could get my hands on. I fell in love with werewolves after reading Bitten by Kelley Armstrong. But a really influential book was The Trouble With Spells by Lacey Weatherford. I started messaging her and we instantly became BFFs. She encouraged me to write, to blog, and review. It changed my life!

Derinda: What was the hardest part of writing your books?
Dr. Belinda: It has to be writing something that makes me cry. There was a scene in Testing Fate that for about 3-4 weeks I REFUSED to write. Every time I sat down at my laptop, I would go blank. Mason and Darcy would whisper it was important to the story, but my heart hurt over it. Finally, my husband had to sit down beside me and walk me through it. As a writer, you fall so completely for your characters and you always want them happy.

Derinda: What are you working on now?
Dr. Belinda  I just released Testing Fate, book 3 in the Mystic Wolves series. People’s reactions to the story have been awesome—especially those who never see the end coming. I’ve gotten so many different messages, ranging from “OMGSH, I love it” to “WTH??”
I’ve also started my next project. It’ll be my first New Adult Contemporary Romance and I’m already in love with
Derinda: Would your next project have anything to do with this?
Dr. Belinda: Shrugs shoulders

Derinda: Is there a message in your Masterpieces, that you want readers to grasp?
Dr. Belinda:  I don’t know if I intentionally write a message into my stories, but pieces of me are in each book. Whether it’s grieving over the death of a loved one, finding the strength to face a difficult challenge, or never giving up even though everyone around you has, it’s woven in there as part of the characters journey.

A shout out to all Dr. Belinda's Fans from her!!!

  I love you. I have AHMAZING readers! They are so supportive of me and my books, willing to pimp them out to everyone. I love being able to talk with them on Facebook. They leave comments and messages that make me smile. So THANK YOU! Thank you for being so wonderful!

Now for a little surprise for Dr. Belinda herself!!!!!

All about the swoon!!!
Where to find the Best Selling Author

Author of the Mystic Wolves series - The Mystic Wolves, and Forget Me Not.
Author of the Enchanted series - Enchanted Hearts in the A Midsummer Night's Fling anthology.
Author of Brianna Lane series - Broken Promises.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Testing fate is my fav although I prefer Devlin over mason any day

  2. ok I am reading my 3rd book of belinda's right now but so far love love love the mystic wolves best!!! I love the emotions of the characters and I feel as I connect with them.

  3. I actually just discovered Belinda tonight after reading this post; I'll have to get back to you with a favorite! :)

  4. I love the cover pictures for the novels and they are mighty intriguing in their descriptions. This looks like right fun!

  5. I actually just discovered her! I don't yet have a favorite, so I'll have to get back to you on that! c:

  6. Unfortunately, I haven't read any of Belinda's books yet, but plan to read them all! Thanks!

  7. I loved Testing Fate! It just proved why they should be together. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I haven't read her books yet though I have most of the series I just haven't time to read them >^.^< Thank you for the giveaway

  9. She's a new author for me but Im excited to read her stuff!
