
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Meet the beautiful Cameo Renae

The Best Selling Cameo Renae

My family is what keeps my heart beating, and my world a happy place to be.

I love reading great books that whisk me away from reality, even if for a little while. :) Writing is my passion. I love creating new worlds and new characters, and taking wondrous adventures with them.

In My Dreams & Hidden Wings were both recently published through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. Descent (A Hidden Wings novella) will be released May 15, 2013, and Broken Wings (Book 2 in the Hidden Wings Series) will be released June 1, 2013.

One day I will find my magic wardrobe, and ride away on my magical unicorn... ♥ Until then... I'll keep writing! ;)

I recently got to talk with Cameo, and learned more about her!!

Derinda: Why did you choose to write about Angels?
Cameo: That is a great question! When I started writing, I wasn’t even thinking about Angels. They sort of slipped in, under the radar, and took over my mind. LOL My “Guardians” have pretty strong personalities and a few are really bossy. Well, mostly one. Dominic.  
Derinda: What are the odds of you giving me Dominic? 
Cameo: Of course you can have him Derinda, he would love to come live with you, and feed you chocolate. 

Derinda is now the owner of Dominic!
Signed Cameo

Derinda: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating any of your books?
Cameo: The most surprising thing is how everything just seems to flow when I get into my zone. I don’t plot because the direction of my stories change as I write, and at the end I’m literally SHOCKED at how it all comes together.

Derinda: Is there a message in your novel/novels that you want readers to grasp?
Cameo: I think the main message in all of my novels is “HOPE”. Hope that our loved ones, who have passed, are still around us, watching over us. And hope that you will ALWAYS find light in the darkness.  

So as we were talking and laughing further along in the interview, I ask Cameo if she had wanted to be a writer all her life. Of course the Her answer was no!
Cameo: I think you’ve probably already heard this but it is true. I really wanted to be an Astronaut when I was younger. I remember watching space movies, and thinking…WOW! Space travel would be so awesome! …UNTIL…the day we watched a Space Shuttle take off and explode into a zillion pieces. I was like…OMG!!! I don’t want to be an astronaut anymore.

So after reading her bio, and learning she wanted ride away on a Unicorn, then hearing she wanted to be an Astronaut. I decided to take matters in my own hands! I knew there was no way, after reading her books, I was letting her run away! So I did thing only I could to SAVE the day! I made her flippin Unicorn an Astronaut and sent it to space!!!

Small step for Unicorn, more books by Cameo for mankind

Derinda: How did you feel when you got your first 5 star review?
Cameo:  I was absolutely blown away!!! I remember being SO NERVOUS to check, and when I saw it… I started bawling like a baby. My hubby was like, “What’s wrong?” I couldn’t talk, but shared it with him after. It’s the most amazing feeling, and I am still blown away every time I get one.

Derinda: How do you handle when you get a “not so great” review? 
Cameo: I take it and realize that not everyone will like what I write. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and that’s fine. Reviewers can be constructive if they don’t like a work. I reeeeally don’t like those that like to “bash” or discredit the author. That’s uncalled for. 

 Derinda: When you’re not writing AMAZING things, what is your most favorite thing in the world to do?
Cameo: I love to get on the road and experience new things and places. Alaska has some AMAZING hiking trails, with breathtaking, untouched beauty. The snow can’t thaw fast enough! 
OH ~ and of course…reading!!! I just received a Kindle Fire for my birthday and LOVE it!!!

•        Color? All …except puke green or midnight blue. 
•        Food? Steak & Lobster or King Crab legs. I know… but BELIEVE me… I don’t get it often!!! On the cheaper side of the food spectrum…I LOVE pizza. The veggie one with the white garlic sauce. 
•         Song/Singer? Right now…Justin Timberlake, Blue Ocean Floor. It’s haunting but I love it. 

 Tell me the first word that comes to mind when you think of the following;
•        Romance:  Hubby
•        Love: Family 
•        Swoon: Seeing my books in print. (Sorry!!! I know that’s more than one word!!!)
•        Reading:  Escape

Find the AWESOME Author

"Dear Readers,

 I LOVE YOU!!! Readers are total Rock Stars. They read our stories and bring them to life, and then breathe that life into a post, or a review, or by sharing it with a friend. Readers are VITAL to an author’s survival, and without them our stories would be dead. Lifeless. So…THANK YOU, readers!!! You are greatly appreciated!!!    
Love Cameo"

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  1. I haven't read the book yet but it's on my TBR list.

  2. I haven't read it yet.. I have it I just haven't had time to read it yet

  3. I love reading!! Your books have helped me through some rough days, Thank you!

  4. I haven't read it yet, but I want to!

  5. I haven't read it yet, but can't wait to get my hands on it

  6. Thank you so much everyone, and THANK YOU, Derinda!!! Loved the post...and yes, Dom should feed you chocolate. ;) LOL

  7. I havent read it yet but I would like to!
