
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Dragon God by Brae Wyckoff

Voted #1 BEST fantasy book under the radar!
Voted #1 Best Christian Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book!
Voted #1 Best Indie Fantasy Book!

“It’s a cross between Lord of the Rings and the Wizard of OZ where you will be swept away into a magical land of Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings.”
—Brae Wyckoff

About the Author:

Brae Wyckoff was born and raised in San Diego, CA and is working toward a Psychology degree. He has been married to his beautiful wife, Jill, for 20 years, and they have three children; Tommy, Michelle, and Brittany. He has a beautiful grandson named Avery. Brae has been an avid gamer since 1985. His passion for mysterious realms and the supernatural inspired him to write The Orb of Truth, the first in a series of fantasy action adventures. Brae describes The Orb of Truth as a cross between the Lord of the Rings and the Wizard of OZ where you will be swept away into a magical land of Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings.



#1 -The Orb of Truth Prologue: The Tree

Its leaves were like clear glass, and when the sun broke the horizon to announce the new day, a kaleidoscope of colors danced, dazzling the people who had gathered. It stood twenty feet tall, a glorious beacon of light, attracting all in the vicinity. Silver and purple woven wood harmonized to form the base, stretching up and then gracefully out. Hundreds of branches waved gently in the breeze, causing the crystal petals to chime, creating a beautiful chorus, like angels singing, harkening those with ears to hear.

On this day, the Tree was found on a grassy hill overlooking a small village. Residents of Brook Haven slowly emerged from their dwellings and began to assemble. The crowd of men, women, and children swelled until the entire community formed a half circle around the base of the knoll. None would approach the Tree any closer.

A man—carrying his sick child, pale as snow—broke through, streaks of tears running down his cheeks. “Please help me,” he whispered as he laid his boy on the grassy slope. 

One of the thousands of crystal petals snapped free from the strong branch and descended like a feather. As it fell, it slowly disintegrated, leaving a trail of shimmering dust which lingered, suspended in the air until the prismatic pattern faded. Each brief flash of reflected light was like a strum on a lyre. Everyone was entranced by the hypnotic action, including the father. They refocused on the debilitated child when they heard the boy speak, “Papa?”

“My boy!” he said as he lunged for him in a tight embrace, kneeling on the ground beside him. He peered up to the Tree, “Thank you, for my son.”

Witnessing the boldness of the desperate man gave another the courage to step forward. “Pardon, um, Great Tree, I, well, I could use some advice.”

He lowered his head and grew altogether quiet for a moment, not noticing another petal falling. Then his posture and demeanor slowly changed. He turned and faced the hushed crowd of onlookers, but looked lighter and freer. Whatever burden had been bothering him had clearly lifted as he trotted off back to their town; another petal descended. 

More people brought requests before it, and throughout the day a leaf would fall for each granted miracle. Finally, the brilliant, golden light of the setting sun illuminated the relic with a blinding halo. The people shielded their eyes from the intensity, and within seconds the aura dissipated, and the Tree, along with it, had vanished. 



As the heroes of Ruauck-El emerged triumphantly in The Orb of Truth, the first book in the Four Horn series, they could not have imagined that an even greater evil still lay ahead of them.
Raina has discovered a new threat to the realm, and teleported King El'Korr - against his wishes - to the West Horn King's capital city, Tuskabar, in hopes of thwarting an evil Mystic's plan to acquire the five dragon stones. Each relic harbors an ancient dragon spirit, and, if combined, would unleash a multi-headed deity beyond imagination, to begin a reign of terror upon Ruauck-El.
Meanwhile, Bridazak and friends are in search of Spilfer Teehle's missing family. Their quest leads them to visit old enemies, travel through beautiful but deadly locations, and will ultimately take them on an adventure of new discoveries of themselves.
Each group is on their own mission, but as destiny would have it, their fates are more entwined than they could possibly know.
Internationally acclaimed author, Brae Wyckoff, brings a new depth to fantasy storytelling in The Dragon God.

(To read more of this chapter, head over to Amazon to get your copy today)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Just a thought!

Today I thought I would offer you a little about why I have a book coming out!
I know it was a shock too so many of you, including my closest friends, that I am getting ready to release a book out into the world. It's one of those things that just happen, and I have no idea "WHY".  I had not shared this with anyone, including my family till the very end. So do not feel like I left you out!
The how of course is simple. I had went to bed and was having a hard time sleeping, as many of you have experienced. Thoughts were rolling a mile a minute through my head. My nights are always crazy, constantly trying to figure out what will come in life, the how to make a difference or just the why's! So I fell asleep and something, rather it was a dream or a thought I don't know, came to my head, no my heart. Anyways,  I woke up and text myself on my phone a message. Yes, I said that. I literally was texting "myself" messages throughout this whole process. The next morning I got up and had a cup of coffee, then grabbing my phone and I started this big journey.
Most of you know me as the stripper event crasher, or the person chasing cowboys in downtown facebook, or through Young Adult Teen readers or my favorite the "chocolate loving beast." I even tried to be a super hero one time but lost flight and my cape blew away. I want to tell you a secret about Derinda Love!!! I am very shy!!! Yes that is what I said SHY, so pick your jaws up off the floor. I know.... I know, your probably saying how can someone walk into a event flashing the world be shy. Well don't ask me, because I have no clue hahhahaha!

Anyways, I have no idea where this journey will take me next, but know that I love each and everyone of you. If I don't know you, I look forward to getting to know. My hopes for this book is that it will touch you. I can not wait to hear your thoughts!

Now here is the next part.  I would love to giveaway an ARC of this book to someone.  So if you are interested in reading "Today Only," leave me a comment below. I will chose someone on May 7th!

1. let me know the name your using to follow this blog
2. What are the last 3 books you have read (comment here)
3. Your email address


Saturday, April 27, 2013

NEW RELEASE Pawn by Sophie Davis

Sophie moved to Washington, D.C. after graduating from Penn State University to pursue a career in the Sciences. After deciding to actually write down one of the stories she makes up in her head, Sophie began the long journey towards her first full-length novel, Talented. There are three sequels to Talented; Caged and Hunted are available now and Created will be available Summer of 2013. There is also a novella, Captivated, about Erik and Talia that was just released. Her second series begins with See You in My Nightmares, coming Spring 2013. When Sophie isn't hunched over her computer, she can be found shopping in Georgetown, running in Rock Creek Park, or at the local dive bars in her Columbia Heights Neighborhood

Dreams and Nightmares,
Screams and Sighs,

Fate Wakes the Girl
And Says She Dies....

When the Boy Gets in the Way,
Then the Nightmares Come to Play...

Sophie also has available The Talented Saga

When Talia Lyons was just a child, her parents were murdered before her eyes. Offered a choice between accepting their fate and exacting revenge, Talia trains to become one of the country’s deadliest assassins in order to kill the man responsible for their deaths: Ian Crane. Luckily, Talia was born with a gift- the ability to read and influence the minds of others. At sixteen, Talia is poised to graduate from the McDonough School for the Talented, where she learned to control her abilities. Now there is only one obstacle standing between her and the retribution she craves... Talia herself.

Her greatest asset may also be her undoing; while a formidable weapon in the field, Talia’s talents prevent her from both shutting off the mental connection she shares with her questionable boyfriend and blocking out the thoughts of a beguiling fellow recruit. But Talia can’t afford to have the feelings and distractions of a normal teenage girl, when her life is far from normal.

She must regain the single-minded determination that has brought her this far, or it may cost Talia her life when she finally faces Crane. And even after being molded in to a weapon of war, she’ll still have to find the strength it takes to pull the trigger.

If James Bond and Sookie Stackhouse had a love child with a yearning for vengeance, her story would be TALENTED: an adventure about powerful teenagers who aren’t afraid to embrace their fears and fight for what they believe in.

Find this best selling Author

Today Only Cover Reveal

Title: Today Only 
Author: D. Love
Genre: NA Contemporary
Expected Release: Some time in May 2013

In life, there are times you are granted a miracle. It may not be the one you wanted exactly, but it will be the one you need. It will prepare you for the next step in your journey and help you learn to accept the life you are given, even if that life can be heartbreaking.

Add it to your To-Be-Read list on 


Derinda lives in Maine. Her biggest passion is for her family and friends. She adores loving others as if it is the biggest gift life can offer. She is a read-a-holic, loves chocolate, cowboys and everyone on her Young Adult & Teen Readers Facebook page. Her dream is to travel to Australia one day.

Her debut novel ‘Today’ Only will be released some time in May.

Blog  *  Twitter  *  Goodreads

Friday, April 26, 2013

Charmed Cover Reveal



Title: Charmed Again
Author: Lindy Zart
Series: The Charmed Trilogy
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Fantasy
Cover Designer: Marcy Rachel Designs


Once a Manang: a half-man, half-angel, now a full angel, Creed has darkness in him that threatens to take him over. If it succeeds, he will be forever lost.

One woman has the power to take away the darkness, but she is held captive by an evil Creed alone can save her from. He only has to save himself first.


"I’m thinking you didn’t have much to laugh about during your life. I’m thinking there was more disappointment and pain than happiness. I’m thinking you were so good you couldn’t deal with letting people down, with having your hopes deteriorate, so you shut yourself off. I’m thinking—"

"I’m thinking you talk too much," I told her, putting a finger to her lips to shush her.

Remy’s eyes sparkled and she kissed my finger. I felt that kiss all the way to my feet. It was such an insignificant act to her, but so meaningful to me. My heart thawed a little more. Yes, if someone could have gotten me to laugh, to feel, to love, it would have been Remy.

"You wanted a perfect world and instead found this," she said softly. "It was too much to deal with so you stopped caring. That doesn’t make you bad or evil or weak. That makes you human, Creed."

About the author:

I've been writing since I was a wee lass. I was reading before that; possibly while still in the womb. Don't think about that too much. I started out with short horror stories and poetry. I was terrible at it. The poems not so much, but the stories were awful. I decided to finish a book (and I DO mean finish--I'd started plenty throughout the years) when I was in my mid-twenties (so not that long ago because I'm young and will forever stay that way). Again, not my best work.

But that's the thing about writing; it improves with time. (It's also a good thing to know your work can't possibly be any worse than it was when you first started.) What I love most about writing is having people tell me how much they enjoy my work, how my writing touches them, makes them feel intensely. Bringing a reader to laughter or tears is a wonderful feeling for a writer, and no, I'm not sadistic. *insert evil laugh HERE* It means I got them to feel, to respond to something I created.

Also, I just like to make stuff up and put it down on paper. I have an endless supply of stories in my head; lots of stuff to share with the world. Happy Reading!

Where to find Lindy online:,,,

Purchase Links:,,,


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Newest anthology


Buy Links:
Barnes and Noble

Rafflecopter Giveaway:

What you can win:

This snazzy shoe tape dispenser, since every princess needs a slipper. A two-pack of sleep masks, since every princess needs her beauty sleep. Various bookmarks and donated swag. A paperback copy of Unhappily Ever After; Fairy Tales with a Twist. And a few added suprises!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Meet the beautiful Cameo Renae

The Best Selling Cameo Renae

My family is what keeps my heart beating, and my world a happy place to be.

I love reading great books that whisk me away from reality, even if for a little while. :) Writing is my passion. I love creating new worlds and new characters, and taking wondrous adventures with them.

In My Dreams & Hidden Wings were both recently published through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. Descent (A Hidden Wings novella) will be released May 15, 2013, and Broken Wings (Book 2 in the Hidden Wings Series) will be released June 1, 2013.

One day I will find my magic wardrobe, and ride away on my magical unicorn... ♥ Until then... I'll keep writing! ;)

I recently got to talk with Cameo, and learned more about her!!

Derinda: Why did you choose to write about Angels?
Cameo: That is a great question! When I started writing, I wasn’t even thinking about Angels. They sort of slipped in, under the radar, and took over my mind. LOL My “Guardians” have pretty strong personalities and a few are really bossy. Well, mostly one. Dominic.  
Derinda: What are the odds of you giving me Dominic? 
Cameo: Of course you can have him Derinda, he would love to come live with you, and feed you chocolate. 

Derinda is now the owner of Dominic!
Signed Cameo

Derinda: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating any of your books?
Cameo: The most surprising thing is how everything just seems to flow when I get into my zone. I don’t plot because the direction of my stories change as I write, and at the end I’m literally SHOCKED at how it all comes together.

Derinda: Is there a message in your novel/novels that you want readers to grasp?
Cameo: I think the main message in all of my novels is “HOPE”. Hope that our loved ones, who have passed, are still around us, watching over us. And hope that you will ALWAYS find light in the darkness.  

So as we were talking and laughing further along in the interview, I ask Cameo if she had wanted to be a writer all her life. Of course the Her answer was no!
Cameo: I think you’ve probably already heard this but it is true. I really wanted to be an Astronaut when I was younger. I remember watching space movies, and thinking…WOW! Space travel would be so awesome! …UNTIL…the day we watched a Space Shuttle take off and explode into a zillion pieces. I was like…OMG!!! I don’t want to be an astronaut anymore.

So after reading her bio, and learning she wanted ride away on a Unicorn, then hearing she wanted to be an Astronaut. I decided to take matters in my own hands! I knew there was no way, after reading her books, I was letting her run away! So I did thing only I could to SAVE the day! I made her flippin Unicorn an Astronaut and sent it to space!!!

Small step for Unicorn, more books by Cameo for mankind

Derinda: How did you feel when you got your first 5 star review?
Cameo:  I was absolutely blown away!!! I remember being SO NERVOUS to check, and when I saw it… I started bawling like a baby. My hubby was like, “What’s wrong?” I couldn’t talk, but shared it with him after. It’s the most amazing feeling, and I am still blown away every time I get one.

Derinda: How do you handle when you get a “not so great” review? 
Cameo: I take it and realize that not everyone will like what I write. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and that’s fine. Reviewers can be constructive if they don’t like a work. I reeeeally don’t like those that like to “bash” or discredit the author. That’s uncalled for. 

 Derinda: When you’re not writing AMAZING things, what is your most favorite thing in the world to do?
Cameo: I love to get on the road and experience new things and places. Alaska has some AMAZING hiking trails, with breathtaking, untouched beauty. The snow can’t thaw fast enough! 
OH ~ and of course…reading!!! I just received a Kindle Fire for my birthday and LOVE it!!!

•        Color? All …except puke green or midnight blue. 
•        Food? Steak & Lobster or King Crab legs. I know… but BELIEVE me… I don’t get it often!!! On the cheaper side of the food spectrum…I LOVE pizza. The veggie one with the white garlic sauce. 
•         Song/Singer? Right now…Justin Timberlake, Blue Ocean Floor. It’s haunting but I love it. 

 Tell me the first word that comes to mind when you think of the following;
•        Romance:  Hubby
•        Love: Family 
•        Swoon: Seeing my books in print. (Sorry!!! I know that’s more than one word!!!)
•        Reading:  Escape

Find the AWESOME Author

"Dear Readers,

 I LOVE YOU!!! Readers are total Rock Stars. They read our stories and bring them to life, and then breathe that life into a post, or a review, or by sharing it with a friend. Readers are VITAL to an author’s survival, and without them our stories would be dead. Lifeless. So…THANK YOU, readers!!! You are greatly appreciated!!!    
Love Cameo"

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Belinda Boring the Author who is sweeping the Nation with Swoon

Let me introduce the lovely Belinda Boring

 Who is this Amazing Author!!

A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.
With all that excitement, it wasn't long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn't be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.
Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. 

There is a taste of Quinn Micheals from Broken Promises RAWWWW

When recently talking when Belinda, I learned her dream was to become a doctor when she grew up. So I am all about making dreams come true. 
Everyone say hello to Dr. Belinda Boring

Listen to what Dr. Belinda told me during my interview with her!!

Derinda: How on earth do you get these awesome ideas for your masterpieces?
Dr. Belinda:
 At first, my story ideas came from dreams. The Mystic Wolves started from one where I woke up in total grief. All I could remember was I’d been in this big confrontation, someone was shot, and screaming because the person had killed a loved one. I spent the entire next day walking around with this lump in my throat because the emotions had been so real and gut wrenching. I was encouraged to write the scene and voila, The Mystic Wolves was born. It was the same for Broken Promises. The three-part series was born from remembering three images I’d dreamt:  ice blue eyes, blood, and violence. 

I also get it from random, everyday things. I was just riding a ferry in Seattle, looking at a brochure about interesting places to sight see, and a two book storyline surfaced. I don’t ever argue or second guess when inspiration comes. I just obediently write down everything and slide it into my writing schedule.

Derinda: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating any of your books?
Dr. Belinda: This might sound strange, but I always thought “I” was the characters. I mean, I’m the author, right? I create and decide what happens to them, so I naturally thought it was me in the drivers seat. The more I write, the more I realize, each have their own distinct voice. Even in Testing Fate, I knew what I wanted to happen and then Mason or Darcy would surprise me. They would through in a twist or a comment and blow me away. I learned very quickly not to stifle that part of writing and just let them take over.

Derinda: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Dr. Belinda: If I’m going to be truthful, it’s what happens when I write a kissing scene. I was given some really good advice when I started—if you’re not feeling it, neither will the reader. So when writing swoony kisses, I place myself right into the shoes of the heroine. I try to imagine how she’s feeling, what’s happening etc. It works really well for me, but without fail, each and every time I’m left panting! I didn’t realize I do this until my BFF pointed it out one day. She was looking at me and started laughing. “Did you know you were sitting there heavy breathing?” It’s kind of embarrassing but hey, it’s MASON! Hahaha
I also listen to certain songs on repeat that I’ve assigned for a particular scene in the book. Maybe that’s why I pant . . . I write my kissing scenes to Skin by Rihanna.

Public annoucement: Devlin is my man from Mystic Wolves. Darcy can have Mason.
 Signed, Christina Silcox

Derinda: What books have most influenced your life most?
Dr. Belinda:  I know the first paranormal romance books I read were the Dark Carpathian series by Christine Feehan. I would lie in bed at night and rewrite them in my head. I even started my own fan fiction piece. I fell in love with that “swoony” feeling and immediately started reading everything I could get my hands on. I fell in love with werewolves after reading Bitten by Kelley Armstrong. But a really influential book was The Trouble With Spells by Lacey Weatherford. I started messaging her and we instantly became BFFs. She encouraged me to write, to blog, and review. It changed my life!

Derinda: What was the hardest part of writing your books?
Dr. Belinda: It has to be writing something that makes me cry. There was a scene in Testing Fate that for about 3-4 weeks I REFUSED to write. Every time I sat down at my laptop, I would go blank. Mason and Darcy would whisper it was important to the story, but my heart hurt over it. Finally, my husband had to sit down beside me and walk me through it. As a writer, you fall so completely for your characters and you always want them happy.

Derinda: What are you working on now?
Dr. Belinda  I just released Testing Fate, book 3 in the Mystic Wolves series. People’s reactions to the story have been awesome—especially those who never see the end coming. I’ve gotten so many different messages, ranging from “OMGSH, I love it” to “WTH??”
I’ve also started my next project. It’ll be my first New Adult Contemporary Romance and I’m already in love with
Derinda: Would your next project have anything to do with this?
Dr. Belinda: Shrugs shoulders

Derinda: Is there a message in your Masterpieces, that you want readers to grasp?
Dr. Belinda:  I don’t know if I intentionally write a message into my stories, but pieces of me are in each book. Whether it’s grieving over the death of a loved one, finding the strength to face a difficult challenge, or never giving up even though everyone around you has, it’s woven in there as part of the characters journey.

A shout out to all Dr. Belinda's Fans from her!!!

  I love you. I have AHMAZING readers! They are so supportive of me and my books, willing to pimp them out to everyone. I love being able to talk with them on Facebook. They leave comments and messages that make me smile. So THANK YOU! Thank you for being so wonderful!

Now for a little surprise for Dr. Belinda herself!!!!!

All about the swoon!!!
Where to find the Best Selling Author

Author of the Mystic Wolves series - The Mystic Wolves, and Forget Me Not.
Author of the Enchanted series - Enchanted Hearts in the A Midsummer Night's Fling anthology.
Author of Brianna Lane series - Broken Promises.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let's talk Sarah Dosher

Haven from the Storm (Storms of Life #1) by Sarah Dosher

Bio of this beautiful Author

Sarah Dosher was born and raised in rural Oklahoma where she currently resides with her cowboy husband and twins (one cowboy and one cowgirl). 

She is addicted to books and The Golden Girls. Her love for reading inspired her to write her first novel, Haven from the Storm. She is currently working on the continuation of the Storms of Life Series. Sanctuary from the Darkness (Storms of Life #2) featuring Adley and Derek from Haven from the Storm is set to be published in September 2013.

Sweet biscuits STOP the interview, did she say COWBOYS, someone pick me up off the floor!!! Sarah, everyone knows is Facebook, that I LOVE me some cowboys!!!

BAM cowboy!!!


This is the AMAZING book that is rocking everyone's world

“If you’re going to make me cry, at least be there to wipe away the tears…”

Most were asleep in their beds the night Lily Grace’s entire world was ripped apart, leaving only darkness and torment in its place. The only remaining person she depended on abandoned her without a second thought…or so that’s what Lily has believed for the past four years.
Dean Haven has returned for one reason—to win Lily’s love again. He’s already broken her heart because of the demons that haunt him. Can his desire for Lily keep him from succumbing to those demons again?
Dean has no idea what awaits him when he tries to fight his way back into Lily’s life. Everything he remembers has changed, including Lily.
Is love enough when you’re forced to weather the storms life has blown your way?
Due to content and subject matter, suggested for readers 16 years of age and older.


Can any of you guess what Sarah wanted to be when she grew up? HA! Bet not

Sarah: A famous singer, which is sad since I can’t carry a tune to save my life.  But I love music, I just married a musician instead.
Derinda: WHAT!!! You mean to tell me you married a cowboy and he is a musician?! Tell me has a tattoo and it will be on like donkey kong!
Sarah: Yes he does but it's my name, so I dont think that would make you happy Derinda LOL
Derinda: Saved by the name!!!

Derinda: Where do you get your ideas for your book?
Sarah:  The inspiration for Haven from the Storm came from a song I heard on the radio, Blown Away by Carrie Underwood.  I listened to that song non stop for the next few weeks until I had so many ideas I didn’t know that I could ever get them down on paper.

Derinda: What books have most influenced your life most?
Sarah:  The authors that have influenced my writing the most are Jamie McGuire, Katja Millay, and Colleen Hoover.  Their writing styles and ability to completely capture the reader is what I strive to accomplish.  

Derinda: If you could pick one author (dead or alive) to have dinner with, who would it be?  What
would be the first thing you would say to them?

Sarah: Shakespeare!  I mean c’mon who wouldn’t want to have dinner with him!  I might not be able to understand a word he’s talking about but I’d totally enjoy it.  I don’t think I’d have any questions, I just listen to him tell me a story.

Derinda: How did you feel when you got your first 5 star review?

Sarah:  You’re assuming I’ve already gotten one, right?  Well you assumed correctly. Haha  I felt absolutely elated!  But beyond that, the first review where I could tell the reader had truly connected with my characters and completely grasped the story I was trying so hard to tell…that was worth every emotion and doubt I had while writing, and honestly it didn’t matter if that was a 5 star review or not.

Derinda: How do you handle when you get a “not so great” review? 
Sarah:  Well that’s a much less fun time for sure!  Probably the first thing I do is message my editor and my best author friend.  For some reason sharing the bad review with them makes it easier for me to process.  Usually once they’ve had time to read my message and the review I’ve already started to accept the criticism and started to move forward, which luckily doesn’t seem to take me very long. Haha  Then my editor and author friend will message me back with their thoughts about it and help me see the positive side and by then I’m ready to learn from it and move on to the next review…good or bad.

Derinda: What are you working on now?
Sarah:  I am working on the rest of the Storms of Life series.  Several of the characters that you meet in Haven from the Storm will be featured in their own book.  Adley and Derek will be featured in book 2 (Sanctuary from the Darkness) and Ian will be featured in book 3 (Freedom from the Past).

Derinda: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Sarah:  Thank you!  I know I say it all the time, but without readers I wouldn’t be a writer.  Writing the novel is only half of the reward…sharing my story with the readers completes the experience.

        Color?  Purple
        Food? Tacos, nachos, any type of Mexican food…is it time to eat?  Now I’m hungry!
         Song/Singer? Imagine Dragons is what plays non stop for me these days. 
 Tell me the first word that comes to mind when you think of the following;
        Romance: My favorite
        Love: hearts and flowers
        Swoon: David Gandy. LOL  
        Reading:  Heaven

Where you can find this Wonderful Author!!!